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super quick but sweaty 3.5 mile bike ride home.

afternoon snack: 2 leftover prosciutto wrapped asparagus spears from breakfast. because they were there.

meal #3: grass fed beef burger, cherry tomato, mayo, bubbies pickle. garlicy sauteed spinach. gingeraide kombucha.

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Testing was done a few days before the "official" start of my W30--so this reflects my previous gluten free/dairy free but legume and brown rice consuming lifestyle. I've been on 30mg of Armour Thyroid daily for a couple years, so Thyroid numbers should reflect that. Ditto Vitamin D supplementation--I take 2000 IU daily or that number would be much lower, I'm sure.


Estradiol 70

Progesterone 6.5

Lutropin (LH) 6.9

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) 5.3

Percent Testosterone Free 2.1

Testosterone Total 16

Testosterone Free 0.3

Cortisol (serum, am) 11.7



Free T4 1.06

Free T3 2.7

TSH 2.4

Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody <10

Iodine 36


Cholesterol (total) 199

HDL 62

LDL 127


Cholesterol/HDL Ratio 3

Triglycerides 52

Insulin <2

CRP Inflammation 9.4

Vitamin D 44

Hemoglobin 12.8

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meal #1: 2 hard boiled eggs, steamed asparagus, cherry tomatoes. iced cold press coffee (black).

meal #2: leftovers of meal#3 from DAY #5 (turkey, onion, chard, beet greens, sweet potato).

super sleepy and slow this afternoon, so:

meal #3: unsweetened iced green tea, banana.

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3.6 mile easy ride home (I swear it was the same route, but endomondo thinks I rode .1 miles further today than the last time. satelites).

meal #4: grass-fed beef burger with fried egg and kimchi. asparagus. sliced red onion, cherry tomato, bubbies pickle, spoonful of mayo.

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DAY 9. needed to be at the office early, which foiled my workout plans. also raining (and predicted to rain this afternoon) so no bike commute today. sigh. eating sweet potato at breakfast anyway. NOT ENOUGH VEG IN THE FRIDGE!

meal #1: 2 hard boiled eggs, smoked turkey breast (W30 compliant), roasted sweet potato, iced espresso (black)

meal #2: tuna salad (wild planet tuna, black and green olives, red onion, scallion, cilantro, mayo). cucumber and red bell pepper slices.

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sparkling water with lime during happy hour


some cherries while driving home from the grocery store


meal #3: saute of mushrooms, onions, cauliflower, pancetta mixed into tomato sauce (Rao's) with capers and seared sea scallops (not my best work...). half a Kombucha.

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emotional night last night. stayed up sort of late watching a movie and ended up crying hysterically for no real reason (sobbing so loudly I scared the cat). Woke up this morning stuffed up, itchy eyes and a headache. I feel kind of hung over, actually, although I didn't drink anything but lime-water and kombucha last night.

oh and i was having bad calf cramps in the middle of the night too.

not loving this feeling, but I guess I am detoxing, or my hormones are adjusting or something. I'll stick it out.

DAY 10

meal#1: some cherries and a cashew cookie lara bar (I know, not great, but I'll get my act together)

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meal #2: decided on an early lunch/late second breakfast of eggs, scrambled with pancetta and mushrooms, topped with herloom cherry tomatoes and my house-made W30 sriracha*

*red serrano pepper, pureed with garlic, sea salt and a little brine from kimchi, red boat fish sauce (no sugar). fermented for a week then strained.

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pre-workout snack: none, but meal#2 was not long before this. espresso over ice.

workout: DENSITY SUPERSET, 3 sets of each pair before moving on to the next exercise, 1 minute (or more!) of rest between supersets. Unless noted, I did the same number of reps/same weight for all three sets.

A1=DB Chest Press 8 reps w/30 lbs dumbells. 8 reps per set

A2=DB Triceps Extension w/15lbs. 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps

B1=BB Deadlift 8 reps w/95lb

B2=Single Leg DB Deadlift. 4 each side w/25lb DBs for the first set (having a really hard time with balance on these). 8 each side w/20lb DBs for the second set, 6 each side w/20lb DBs for the third set (still struggling)

C1=Assisted Pullup 1st set: 8 w/115lbs assistance; 2nd set: 8 w/120lbs assistance; 3rd set: 6 w/120lb assistance

C2=DB Curl w/12.5 lbs. 12 reps.

The goal here was to choose a weight geared around 8 reps with good form for the first exercise, and to fail at doing 12 reps for the second, similar exercise. Really weak and occasionally dizzy for this one (maybe I'm dehydrated?). Got through it.

post-workout snack: roasted sweet potato cubes and cherry tomatoes, eaten with fingers, straight from the baggie while huddled in front of my gym locker catching my breath. (I always run down the four flights of stairs from the gym to the locker room rather than wait for the elevator--I'm impatient like that). classy.

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meal #3: a bit more poor planning on my part, no time to prep/eat more food before my volunteer shift. Luckily my duties (at the local crisis nursery) include bringing ingredients and preparing a healthy snack for the kids. I made little rollups of turkey (no sugar, etc.), served with cherry tomatoes, cubes of cucumber and pineapple. I ate a bunch of this to "model healthy eating behaviors" and also to make sure I didn't die of hunger by the time I was done at 6pm. a few hours playing with kids in the 90 degree heat and I am exhausted and ready for meal #4.

meal #4: lamb kabob meat rubbed with lebanese 7-spice mix, seared. served over cauliflower puree with sauteed spinach and mushrooms. citrus kombucha. some cherries (torn between eating these before they go bad and limiting fruit. must remember next time I am tempted to buy a big bag and/or start freezing them).

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workout: 10 minutes of practice with the speed rope. I am REALLY BAD AT JUMPING ROPE! yikes!


TRX SUPERSET, 3 sets of 12 reps (completed all three sets before moving on to the next pair).

A1=hamstring curl




C1=curtsy lunge

C2=tricep extension



E1=single leg lunge


Normally I never do strength two days in a row, but I was determined to get this one in on a weekend day, so I went for it. This felt much better than yesterday, although I could totally use a nap right now.

post-workout snack: roasted sweet potato cubes/cherry tomatoes. you know the drill.

meal #3: slow-cooker pulled pork. slaw (cabbage, red bell pepper, carrot, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil). avocado. plain kombucha.

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DAY 12.

no workout today, but headed to the gym before work for some serious foam rolling.

meal #1. 2 hard boiled eggs, a little bit of leftover lamb, broccoli, cherry tomatoes. iced cold press coffee (black).

meal #2. slow-cooker pulled pork. slaw (cabbage, red bell pepper, carrot, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil). avocado.

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sigh. sometimes my behavior reminds me of a 12-year old. normally on gym mornings I bring my bike on the bus (they have racks for this purpose) so I can ride it home. today, I dilly dallied a little too long and arrived at my stop to find the bus pulling out. SO, I jumped on my bike and proceeded to chase the bus for about a mile. I never caught up, and once they got onto the highway, I gave up and rode the rest of the way.

4 miles surprise bike ride.

20 minutes foam rolling.

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Hah! Mary, your surprise bike ride is _awesome_. Honestly.

I was just poking through your food log. Are you definitely eating enough? Your meals look a little on the light side. The last-minute/on-the-go nature of some of your meals may be throwing me off, so if you aren't really hungry, ignore me...but I just wanted to check in and make sure you're okay with it!

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Are you definitely eating enough? Your meals look a little on the light side.

Really? I think I'm eating a lot, actually. Maybe my portions are bigger than they look? I know I need to do better about planning so I don't get hungry, but I have been eating enough so I'm never ever hungry AFTER my meals, you know? I'll keep an eye on it.


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bus chasing? :D

hah! no, I don't bother trying to make the bus in the afternoon. One of the biggest perks of the ride is that I don't have to stress about catching one of the only 2 busses going to my neck of the woods (one is a bit too early for comfort, one is much later than I usually want to leave).

DAY 13

early morning meeting/late afternoon doctor's appointment, so likely no workout and definitly no bike commute today.

meal #1. omlette with spinach, broccoli and turkey. cherries. iced espresso (black)

meal #2. (same as yesterday) slow-cooker pulled pork. slaw (cabbage, red bell pepper, carrot, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil). avocado. lunch-time fail. I left this in the fridge at home. Having lobster salad on mixed greens, cucumber, tomato, fennel eating around some fresh corn and I'm sure the mayo in the lobster salad is canola oil based, but...very very close.

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I'm starting to feel like a science experiment of one over here, but maybe this means we'll start to make progress?

meeting with my Dr. went pretty well. She is on-board and supportive of the diet and exercise piece. --agrees that my lipids look good (she thought great, actually). --happy with blood pressure, --happy with insulin. --DHEA levels are concerning, as is C-Reactive protein. Thyroid should be better considering meds. D levels are ok, but she is also fine if I want to push that higher.

Basically she thinks there is some kind of inflamatory process going on with my endocrine system, but that there isn't a real way to figure out what other than trial and error and more testing...prescribed a DHEA/Vitamin B/Vitamin D cocktail and wants a follow-up to possibly increase Armour in three months as well. In the meantime she referred me to an integrative nutritionist for more thorough review of possible vitamin deficiencies and saliva testing for cortisol, etc. etc. just writing this is making me tired, but maybe just maybe this will bring me a bit closer to the illusive "figure out what is wrong so I can just treat it already?"

In positive news: I have grown 1.5" since my last appointment. I'm pretty sure this was a result of footwear choices vs. lifestyle choices or health improvements. but I'll take it. :P

meal #3. roasted salmon fillet, mashed cauliflower w/ghee, salad of mixed greens, avocado, cherry tomato with olive oil/lemon juice. half of a gingeraide kombucha. also an entire package of sea snax (strangely addictive!).

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DAY 14

pre-workout snack: hard boiled egg

workout: SUPERSET CIRCUIT, 3 times through.

A1=stepup and curl @ 12.5lbs e x 10 reps e

A2=pushup x 12 reps

B1=squat and press @ 17.5lbs e x 12 reps

B2=cable row @ 44.5 x 12 reps

C1=cable chop @ 27.5 x 12 reps each side

C2=Turkish getup @ 5lbs x 4 reps each side.

meal #1: Cold roasted chicken thigh*, roasted sweet potato cubes*, steamed broccoli, cherry tomatoes, iced cold press coffee (black)

meal #2: (success!) slow cooker pulled pork. slaw (cabbage, red bell pepper, carrot, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil), avocado.

meal #3: some cherries consumed during co-worker's birthday pie time :)

*ate a little of this post-workout at the gym, trying to eat the rest of it at my desk at the office but it really doesn't appeal to me at all...cold roasted chicken thigh for breakfast=blech. I think I'll go back to eggs tomorrow.

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