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Whole30 JUNE GROUP (:


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Have to remind everyone (and myself!) the importance of being prepared and having the right things ready to go in your fridge. I had to go to the DMV today and the online site said it was only an 11 minute wait. Of course I get there and the sign there says 28 minutes. Ok I have time for that. Well I was waiting for more than and hour and had a hair appt at noon. After I finally got out of the DMV I had to run home on the way to the salon and I was thinking the whole time of what could I run in and grab from the fridge to eat since I wouldn't be home for another couple of hours. I grabbed 2 hard boiled (and luckily already peeled) eggs and a handful of cucumber slices and some pepper slices. I ate it in the car and was so glad I had that stuff ready to grab or I would have been in trouble! As it was I didn't get home till dinner time so it was extra important that I had a half way decent lunch!

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So the question is, did I just need a bunch of calories? (I have been staying between 1000-1200 for my 5'1 frame.) Did a weeks worth of intense workouts cause me to truly need all the carbs I just ate?


My best guess is yes. 1000 - 1200 calories is so very little, especially if you are adding intense workouts on top of that. I hope whether it's Whole 30 or otherwise you can find a way to eat that feels plentiful and doable!

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Day eight down here :-) had a weekend sleep in and was busy all morning, haircut, butchers, fruit shop :D got some 100% pork free farmed sausages, one of which I had for breakfast. SO yum! I had it with some fried kumara, sliced avocado half, sliced Italian cherry tomatoes and two eggs cooked in ghee. Some 'diet' huh :D had a big brekkie since I'll be out and about for the rest of the day and might not see lunch. Will bring some compliant snacks along. I feel GREAT today!

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Day 7 down for me and I feel great. I have managed to cook regular meals for my family and Whole30 compliant meals for myself. My husband is eating Oreos and I am just watching. The key really is planning. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Good luck everyone!

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Just popping in to share my 2¢. First..stop counting calories. It totally goes against the spirit of the W30 program. Second...you are not eating enough if you are feeling so poorly. Not eating enough will definitely cause the fail of this program.

I am on my 6th successful W whatever. I recently finished a W100. This after losing lots of weight on a horrible calorie and macro counting diet. W30 has brought me peace of mind and brought the joy of food back.

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Day 7

M1 - 3 eggs with coconut oil, spinach, salt, pepper

M2 - romaine, prawns, yam, mango, Balsamic vinegar and olive oil

M3 - Thai curry chicken and veggies, fruit salad

No workout. Will do so starting tomorrow. Rested all week because I was tired and also it is monthly cycle time (:

Sleeping pretty well, though very hot. Hopefully that translates to fat burning mode. I DO need to cut back on my fruit consumption....but thus far no cravings for anything.

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Pam and Mrs Frosty, I've also experienced the leg cramps at night. The kids have eaten all of the bananas. Good thing tomorrow is grocery day.

This has been a wonderful lifestyle change. Dieting has always been hard for me. I struggled through WW several times. But this seems easier for me. I still get headaches and I'm tired but that is absolutely worth it knowing my body is healing.

My eczema is the same. So I'm looking forward to that clearing up. But I've gained willpower knowing that I am choosing to eat this way. I had a business lunch today. Some of the others commented about how I couldn't have certain things. But the truth is that I can have it all. Nobody is forcing me to do this. I am choosing to eat this way. And somehow knowing that makes it easier.

I enjoy reading everyone's posts. And I wish you all the best of luck as we continue our journey to this elusive "magic". :)

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Hi all. Day 7!! Congrats! Feeling so good today, lots of energy, no headache. Breakfast was 2 hard boiled eggs with a salad of spinach, watermelon, crumbled crispy pork belly (my "bacon"), olive oil, balsamic, and some sliced tomato. Yum. Lunch leftover sockeye salmon (cold), with crudite and a little mayo mixed with lemon and dill. Also yum. Dinner- baked chicken thighs with a sauce I made from mushrooms, garlic, shallots, chicken stock, dijon, and coconut milk. My 18 month old (suddenly picky) daughter was drinking it up! Had it with some cauliflower and mashed squash. She and I split a hard boiled egg as a snack.


Like other posters have said, what an amazing feeling to eat well and not be counting or tracking or weighing all of the time. I lost weight with WW but as an advocate for high quality, real food I was always discouraged by their promotion of processed and fake food. My group leader baked with Splenda and was addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper. Something just didn't add up. And even though I was successful in the beginning and actually enjoyed going to meetings the thought of having to record and count points all of my life was so, well, depressing. Now I'm also savoring my food, taking my time, listening to my body signals, in a way that just didn't happen before. Hard to explain, but I'm sure some of you know what I mean.


On to week 2!! Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

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Sniff... I ran out of Balsamic so went to get more.... for my surprise all of the bottles that they have at target contain Sulfites!!!  I have had salad with balsamic and olive  oil probably 2 or 3 times this week! does it mean I gotta start again???? The balsamic I had I bought in Italy but I threw away the bottle to put it on my cruet.... so I cannot see if it had or not sulfites....  I'm just going to assume it was just made of grapes I don't want to start all over again after I've been so good!  

I ordered the "It starts with food" book today, I feel like I'm missing some things and want to make sure I'm doing the w30 the right way.... plus need to start translating as some of my Spanish speaking friends want to do it too :P


Congratulations to all of you!!! here we go for the second week!!!

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Sniff... I ran out of Balsamic so went to get more.... for my surprise all of the bottles that they have at target contain Sulfites!!!  I have had salad with balsamic and olive  oil probably 2 or 3 times this week! does it mean I gotta start again???? The balsamic I had I bought in Italy but I threw away the bottle to put it on my cruet.... so I cannot see if it had or not sulfites....  I'm just going to assume it was just made of grapes I don't want to start all over again after I've been so good!  

I ordered the "It starts with food" book today, I feel like I'm missing some things and want to make sure I'm doing the w30 the right way.... plus need to start translating as some of my Spanish speaking friends want to do it too :P


Congratulations to all of you!!! here we go for the second week!!!

So here is what I have learned from anther Whole30er, a friend who just finished his second whole30.  He said all balsamic has sulfites whether it is stated or not.  It naturally occurs in the creation of balsamic and there is no way around it.  It is not an additive, it is part of the balsamic itself.  I bought a bottle that did not say sulfites on it just to be safe.  if anyone knows this not to be true.  Let us know.

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I haven't checked in for a few days, been really busy.  I can't believe we made it through 7 days already.  I know we aren't suppose to be worried about weight loss, but I feel like I am losing.  My face is thinning out and I don't feel so bloated.  I had hit my heaviest weight ever except when pregnant, and I am feeling like I am getting my body back.  It's very exciting.  I have felt great, although still not sleeping well.  The last 2 days I have woken up at 7am which is annoying because the kids are still sleeping. I  lay in bed telling myself to sleep, but am finally overcome with hunger and must get up.  I have always lived with sugar ruling my life, and can happily report that I haven't had much cravings this week at all.  For over 10 years I lived off mochas, and for the first time in my life, I have been drinking my coffee black and enjoying it.  Who would have thought that would ever happen?  The weird part, I have been craving chocolate milk the last 2 days.  I normally don't even like milk! I wonder if I need something that I'm not getting? 


Anyways, I AM doing this and feel great! My husband is just aiming at a paleo diet and he's loosing weight too - he actually had to put a belt on today :)   Cheers to being healthy!

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So here is what I have learned from anther Whole30er, a friend who just finished his second whole30.  He said all balsamic has sulfites whether it is stated or not.  It naturally occurs in the creation of balsamic and there is no way around it.  It is not an additive, it is part of the balsamic itself.  I bought a bottle that did not say sulfites on it just to be safe.  if anyone knows this not to be true.  Let us know.



What you want to be sure of is that you buy a balsamic with "naturally occuring sulfites."  It will either have that language on the label, or sulfites will be listed separately from the ingredient list (e.g. 'contains sulfites').

If sulfites are listed as part of the ingredient list and they are not naturally occuring, it's a no no (because the sulfites were added).  Here's another thread that talked about this issue: http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/5703-balsamic-vinegar-and-sulfites/?hl=%2Bnaturally+%2Boccurring+%2Bsulfites


I found two brands of balsamic in my local Whole Foods that met the acceptable criteria (both organic):

- bionaturae

- Newman's Own


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Jtota, I'm sorry you're having a hard time of it. I've crashed and burned a few Whole30 attempts myself. And I get you on feeling better after that meal. Honestly, when I eat candy or a coke, I usually feel awesome, lol! (unless it's a true binge which tends to leave me with a stomach ache). That's part of why it's so hard for me to kick it. I know long term it's not good for me but at the time I feel nothing but great with the lovely sugar rush ;)


I second (third, fourth, etc) everyone else's recommendation to eat more next time you try. Ditch the calorie counting. The Whole30 people say if you are hungry, then eat more. Preferably more fat/protein (not more fruit or salad!). I think pretty often when people start a Whole30 they eat way more than usual because their bodies are so unused to not having that quick source of energy from refined carbs. And eventually things even out and they become fat burners and their appetite goes down to a more normal level.


So are you rejoining us today? :D


Day 7 for me. My last Whole30 attempt lasted 6 days and then I crashed, so this is a milestone for me :) I think for me the Whole30 is partly hormones and partly weather. I am not using great stores of self control or any bull like that, I'm just finding it easy this time. And yet last time I found it hard. Who knows? The human body is a mystery :rolleyes:  Also - full disclosure, I intended to start June 1st but ended up eating a boatload of candy bars so I started June 2nd, worried that I wouldn't be able to do it and yet, here I am with no big cravings or problems this week.


Seriously, I wish I could figure out exactly *why* some times it's easy to eat healthy and some times I binge like crazy. So confusing.


Beef broth for breakfast :D  I've had some acceptance of family issues and am ignoring the people trying to stress me out. Today I'm spending on a lake at a sailing class with my daughter :wub: We'll be bringing our paleo lunches :D


And yes, I like smileys in case no one noticed :P

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I have been waking up with leg cramps, has anyone else been experiencing this? Yes my foot cramped the other night... I ate a bunch of spinach the next day for potassium?


I had a really horrible leg cramp this week too. So bad my leg ached for a few days after. I used to get them a lot so for me I know it's not just Whole30 but I've never quite figured out exactly what causes them. I know most people say potassium but there was one memorable day (years ago) when I ate a banana at bedtime and then woke with a leg cramp. Some people say calcium or magnesium? (I think?) But if you find any new info please share!

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Thanks everyone for the support. The calorie thing is the hardest part for me. Ive been doing it for so long I can do it with out even needing a calculator.The numbers I gave were an estimate but im sure they were close since I haven't greatly increased my intake from before we started, just modified what I am eating.

Last night was the only bad meal and honestly it was not the worst I could have eaten, I did what I could given the situation. Back on track today. Just sucks that I have to "start over".

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Eats for day 7:

**leftover ground beef/lamb fried with Trader Joe's Organic Power Greens and an egg, raspberries

**macadamias, an apricot, grape Kombucha, two cold sausage with mustard

**Rogan Josh from Well Fed and a salad with romaine, carrots, avocado, red pepper and cucumber, oil and vinegar dressing

**Tehava tea, nectarine

This is more fruit than I ate on my first Whole 30, but it's summer, and I'm eating fruit!

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If I didn't have something ready last night when I came home I would have been right there with you jtota. (Which, by the way, corrects to "hotta". So if I ever call you that, please don't think I'm being inappropriate. ). For some reason I just can't muster up the burning desire this time. I made it, but barely. I'm having to take it a day at a time, because every day I feel like opting out of this w30. But TODAY I will stay compliant. I'll deal with tomorrow, tomorrow.

Are you prepped and ready to restart? Give yourself a fighting chance if you want to do this. And definately eat more!! I am 5'4" and 46 years old. I wore a bodybugg for 2 years and know I burn about 1700 calories in 24 hours at a desk job (12 hours a day sitting) with no exercise. You are not eating enough!!

Forgive yourself and move on, whatever that means for you. :)

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I need to crowdsource some advice! Tried in the troubleshooting section, but no takers. I'm just finishing up a very stressful day of work. Trying to figure out how I can relax once I get home without reaching for a beer or a snack. The former is more of a habit for me than the latter. Also trying to avoid mindless TV, though that is sounding really effing good right now.


Would love to hear from experienced Whole 30s (and anyone with good ideas!) about what kinds of activities you rely on to get that "unwind" feeling that might otherwise come from food or drink.

Is there a park or garden nearby? Take a short walk and just smell the nature. That usually helps me. So does diving into a good trashy book for a while.

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Crashed and burned tonight ;/ I mean major fail, right in the middle of my kill all the things phase.

I have been feeling worse and worse since Wednesday, to the point of exhaustion today, and feeling completely depressed. I literally had nothing left. Just wanted to sleep, despite not being able to sleep for the last 3 nights.

My husband happened to stop for dinner at 54th Street on our way to the store claiming everyone was sooo hungry.He timed this right at that moment that I had no will power left. I was using it all to stay awake and to keep from yelling at everyone. Well, the rest is history. Whole 30 #3 ruined.

This happens every time I try to challenge myself to meet this goal. I know I hit a grumpy, awful place. But every time the people around me help to sabotage my efforts. And I know, I'm just as much to blame.

Crazy thing is my husband knew I would feel better after that dinner. And I did. Its like those snickers commercials. I feel 1000% better.

So the question is, did I just need a bunch of calories? (I have been staying between 1000-1200 for my 5'1 frame.) Did a weeks worth of intense workouts cause me to truly need all the carbs I just ate? Or, was I truly detoxing and just fed my addiction? I dont know for sure at this point. I suppose I wont until I can get past the kill all the things part at least once.

Guess I'll reset tomorrow.

This sucks.

I thought the point of Whole30 is that you DON'T count calories, you eat as much of whatever you want within the meal template guidleines. My body is certainly telling me when to stop. I bet you're not getting enough food. My $0.02, for what it's worth.



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I didn't have time to post much here this week. I'm on day 9 today. My hardest challenge is eating breakfast. I am 59 and have never eaten breakfast since leaving the infant stage, and food just doesn't sound good to me in the morning. Especially not as much food as we are supposed to eat. Even the rest of the day, it's hit or miss if I get in enough protein and veggies, but definitely hard for breakfast, especially the veggies part.


My body hasn't adjusted yet to tell me when I am hungry. I have had trouble with that reflex all my life, so this is not unusual, but it doesn't help if you don't want to eat mentally and you're not even hungry physically!


Ah, well, that was my whine for the day.


Now for the good part: my ankles and knees were swollen for 6 months before Whole30, and now they're not (which started on Day 7). That's a miracle in and of itself, because it used to hurt to walk, they were so puffy. And my abdominal area has been super puffy ever since I had my lap band removed 12/10/12. That area is down too. So something is working! I am not stepping on the scale I am not stepping on the scale...


Off to make prosciutto egg cups and a spinach salad for brekkie.



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Great start to week 2.  Went to the farmer's market and picked up some great looking meat and produce, brought it all home and whipped up a tasty fritatta with farm fresh eggs, fresh veggies, and a can of salmon.  No cravings, good energy, great mood.  I've already been on a nice 30 bike ride and if I'd had time would have gone longer(Hubby needed to get to his Martial arts class).


So here are a few questions for you all.  Since we're all on a journey to rid our bodies of chemicals and toxins from food, in what other ways have you changed your habits? An example being, do you go shampoo free, make your own laundry soap, ect?


just curious here :)

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This is Day 10 for me, and I think only the second time I have written on this community forum page.  Sometimes I just write on the Whole30 FB wall.  ANYWAY....so far, this has been a success story and have found that the emails I receive each day from Whole 30 are so applicable to that day.  It's pretty amazing.   The only thing that I have found frustrating is that I KNOW I am eating too much.  I am eating the "good" foods, but knoshing on the nuts/seeds too much, and sometimes fruit.  Also went out to dinner and ate a very large piece of filet mignon (organic, grass fed) along with a huge pile of grilled asparagus...then a large bowl of mixed berries for dessert.  ALL healthy, but really, waaay too much.  In hindsight, I could have eaten half the meat and asparagus (taken a doggie bag home).  This is one of my issues....eating too much.  I don't really  miss the "bad" food so much.  I do miss dairy products, as before this program ...I would have a cheese stick, bowl of yogurt and a glass of Almond/coconut milk a day.  Plus the half n half in my coffee (which surprisingly I do not miss!).  I fell in love with real canned coconut milk which I have been having every morning poured over my sliced banana w/ fresh blueberries and/or strawberries...sprinkled with a bit of cinnamon.   ANyway  I feel great...but at the same time do not notice much "loss"...(probably because like I said...my proportion sizes have been a bit mighty).  I don't have pain in my arthritic knee or stiffness after sitting.  I have MUCH more energy...and generally...overall...feel better than I have in AGES.  This alone is worth it!!!  Just so happy I found this program!!!! 

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