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Whole30 JUNE GROUP (:


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Welcome to those of you that just joined us. Glad you're here...the more, the merrier!


So, other than the soreness I mentioned in a prior post (non-food/Whole30 related), I am still a little tired, but not too bad. I have NOT had ANY cravings...unbelievable this early in the journey....been sleeping fine....no food dreams yet......doing OK with adjustment to 3 meals and no snacks (previsously snacked a lot....and ALWAYS after dinner)...now getting used to dinner being the STOP signal..I'm done with eating tor the night. We will be going out Saturday...Italian, but I'll order a salad with hard boiled egg and avocado only...and I'll add olive oil..will have to eat my protein at home before or after, as I don't know what they grill with.  Passed up on the cookies at work....tomorrow bbq at work,but I am going to fix myself a nice salad with shrimp and avocado.....and some fruit....


PS I hate the quote part missing!


Have a good one. Will report in with meals later.






Why not call the restaurant at which you're eating Saturday night, explain that you're on an elimination diet, and must avoid food cooked in certain oils. Tell them what you absolutely cannot have and see if they use an acceptable oil or can dry grill your food.  It will help if the restaurant has a website with menus. Look at the menu first, pick out a few candidate meals that you think look good as is or require minor tweaking, and ask about those specific entrees.

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Did you have a healthy fat at breakfast?  That would be the only thing I see missing here.

Hmmmm...that could be it. I did I cook it in coconut oil, but it wasn't much...maybe 1/2 Tbls

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What kind of veggies is everyone eating with their breakfasts?  I am having a hard time getting veggies with that meal...I am not a veggie lover at all so getting a large quantity of veggies at each meal is challenging for me, but I have found options to add to lunch and dinner, but breakfast kind of has me stumped.




My scrambled eggs always have spinach or baby kale in them, so that's a good start. Basically, Things In Eggs. Plain veggies in the morning wouldn't do much for me either. Things That Go In Eggs could include:


- peppers

- onions

- asparagus

- green beans

- broccoli

- spinach

- baby kale

- tomatoes (or sliced tomatoes with your fried/poached eggs!)

- ...really anything can be chopped up and scrambled into eggs


:) Also this morning I diced jicama into a berry salad and that was a nice side dish to the spinach-and-egg combo. Jicama is considered a starchy veggie, and I find it almost as filling and satisfying as sweet potato.

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Made it through today (day 12)! Resisted some really powerful cravings for ice cream...so grateful. Details here:




I had some food dreams last week! I dreamed I ate a piece of cake with really sweet icing. Like everyone else, I was so disappointed during the dream - the first bite might've been good, after that not so much, and then I was horrified, and relieved when I realized it was a dream! 

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Today was a dismal W30 fail. I'm starting again tomorrow. It was my mom's last day with us and she made a huge non-compliant breakfast, and I felt too guilty to turn it down. Then I just bought a bar of dark chocolate. I'm staring at the half-eaten wrapper thinking, "what the hell was THAT??" Moral of the story - don't start a Wh30 when you have relatives in town and are deep in the throes of your monthly week of "boo life".


I can pick it up tomorrow. My fridge is finally stocked, I'll do a little prep with dinner tonight, and I don't have any major social events on the calendar until my bachelorette weekend on the 23rd. I'll be the DD! :) Plus, no one needs booze to dance their socks off!


Hope everyone else has fared better than I today! Anyone starting 6/6? ... Bueller?

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Re: bone broth - I make chicken stock all the time. Here's what we do:

  • At least once a week the hubby and I roast a whole chicken, usually for Sunday dinner.
  • Then we stick the bones, drippings, and giblets in a pot with just enough water to cover it.
  • I throw in whatever veggies or seasonings we have available - carrot, onion, celery, bay leaf, rosemary, whatever, it always changes.
  • Then we bring it to a boil, drop it on low (optional: sing "Drop it Low" while reducing heat), and let it sit for a day or two.
  • Then we argue with each other that we left the stock to sit for too long and that it wasn't our turn to take care of it.
  • After one of us gives in, I filter the stock through a colander and pour the liquid into empty almond butter jars and stick it in the fridge.

I usually like to heat up a cup while I'm cooking breakfast in the morning. It took some experimenting to figure out the best method and equipment, so don't be afraid to play around and improve the process!

My two sense - Add Fennel Root - it adds such an amazing flavor.

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Great breakfast, too too busy for lunch, got home from work and fixed eggs, mushrooms and zucchini (sauteed in ghee). It was so tasty, but I was also hungry!! I also threw frozen bananas in my nutribullet with almond milk, and 1/2 avocado. I shared it with my husband. Last thing I had was a cup Crio Bru. Tomorrow I am off and I can't wait!!

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Why not call the restaurant at which you're eating Saturday night, explain that you're on an elimination diet, and must avoid food cooked in certain oils. Tell them what you absolutely cannot have and see if they use an acceptable oil or can dry grill your food. It will help if the restaurant has a website with menus. Look at the menu first, pick out a few candidate meals that you think look good as is or require minor tweaking, and ask about those specific entrees.


Excellent suggestion...will do that

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Hope everyone else has fared better than I today! Anyone starting 6/6? ... Bueller?


I am, I am!!

Hi all. I started my whole30 on June 3, the day after getting back in town from my little brother's out of state wedding. Hindsight tells me I should have given myself a little more prep time. I've been up at all hours (to bed after 1am the last two nights) trying to catch up from being gone on my trip. I was weak today. Ate well, but ended up having some wine. So tomorrow, I start again. The good news is I did a lot of cleaning out the last few nights, so I'm in better shape for my new Day 1.

More about me...I'm a 35 year old located in Missouri who started gaining weight once I got a desk job. I've got a bad back & neck, so working on lowering my inflammation is important to me. I also come from a family of Type 2 diabetics. I'm starting to worry I'll be next, so I want to clean up my diet.

File me under "Better late than never". Looking forward to keeping up with you all!!! You're all doing so WELL!

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Todays meals:

M1-3 eggs scrambled in coconut oil, black pepper, bell peppers, zucchini, coffee w/coconut milk, mango

M2-romaine lettuce, baby spinach, balsamic vinegar, bay shrimp, mango, avocado

M3-Brussels sprouts, ghee, mango, Paleo jerk chicken, green tea

On to day 6...woo hoo!

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hiker - thanks for the suggestion on the fennel in the chicken stock - will have to add that to my next batch! think I'll take some stock out of the freezer to sip on in the morning - that sounds great - or I just might bring it to work with me and sip on it while I'm working.

Well, I made beef hearts for the dogs tonight - will chop it up and give it to them with their kibble - it smelled SO good I'm going to have to pick some up for me and the hubby this weekend!!!

I finally get my ghee tomorrow - cant wait to try it!

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Day 6 –

Brekkie today was a lamb loin chop, baby spinach, and fried zucchini in ghee.

Lunch was pumpkin/beef chili from the freezer + a red capsicum/bell pepper + small handful of almonds

Dinner is thus far undecided, but I have a fridge full of veg and a freezer full of meat, so should be ok :)


It's my second to last day at my current job, eep. There are going to be going away drinks and snacks for me in half an hour…neither of which I'll be having, kind of weird! Wish me strength, guys. I'm afraid of being peer-pressured into hummus.

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Eats for Day 5:


**cold chicken and strawberries

**leftover salmon, broccoli, sweet potato fries and mayonnaise; grapes and a little Perrier

**pistachios, Roastaroma tea


Today I ran errands after school but DID NOT SNACK.  This is epic!


Had a intense riding lesson and was exhausted.  Ate pistachios on the way home.... upon arrival NOTHING sounded good and I was too tired to cook anyway.  Had some tea and went to bed.

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Day 6 has begun! I went to Crossfit at 6am and had a pretty good workout.  I ate an apple before the workout and had bacon, eggs, veggies (green/yellow/red peppers, mushrooms, onions & zuchinni) and half an avocado.  First time I had an avocado and I really liked it - I'll definitely be adding that in the regular rotation.  I ordered a lot of meat from one of the local farmers and will be picking it up this afternoon. It should be enough to hold me over for the next week. I hope everyone has a great day!!

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My breakfast every day this week has been 2 eggs scrambled with spinach, mushrooms and green onions sautéed in coco oil and with some ground beef "sausage" thrown in. Oh and then some spaghetti squash too. Topped off with some clean salsa. Never thought it was possible to make it to lunch without at least 2 more snacks, but these breakfasts are doing the trick!

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Good morning everyone!

here's how yesterday shaped up:

m1: chicken apple sausage, avocado deviled eggs, leftover roasted broccoli, raspberries

m2: applegate hot dogs, cucumber tomato salad with guac, sauteed cabbage in ghee (amazing), a small banana with smear of sunbutter

m3: made the Everyday Paleo garden meatballs (delicious and easy - all her recipes, in this book at least, are very simple), served with avocado, sauteed collards, 1/2 plantain. and half a small mango.


a little heavier on the fruit than i wanted but still on track. Was able to get through a tougher yoga workout than i usually can, sleeping well, feeling good!


re: breakfast veggies - anything leftover. this morning i had grape tomatoes and cucumbers just because i didn't feel like cooking any veggies. zucchini seems to go quite well with breakfast.

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Woke up and had a good '7 minute workout' which is down to 9 minutes 15 seconds from 11 minutes when I first did it and down from 10 minutes the other day :) My muscles feel a little tired after the side planks from the workout but I had some protein after for recovery so I should be ok.

Remember that slice of beef heart I cooked up for the dogs? Well, I had to try it after my workout this morning for some quick protein - ummmm that bowl of diced beef heart is going in my eggs for the next few days!!! So delicious and I only seasoned it with salt and pepper!

mpunch - how did the going away party go?

del - what is sunbutter? I'm guessing its butter made from sunflower seeds?

Busy day ahead -brining chicken stock to work to sip on through the day. Feel like I'm picking up some of my hubbys cold from last weekend so the stock will help with that. Have a great day!

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Hello, Day 6. How are you? Me? I'm fine. 1200 meters in the pool. My arms are toast. And, I survived a stop at the grocery store. I don't like to eat before I work out and my schedule was off today as I had to do school drop-off - so I had some "cut and ready to eat" watermelon on the drive home as I was fading fast. Not a "sugar thing," just easy to grab from the deli. Then, at home, scrambled eggs with a kale/Swiss chard/spinach mix, tomato, 1/2 and avocado, and compliant salsa. Salsa saves the day.


I'm not sure what I'll do for lunch right yet. Tuna on greens? For dinner I'm doing a round steak simmered w/ veggies. We'll see how that goes. And, sometime today I'll plan next week's menu and make the lengthy shopping list for Saturday. But, about that grocery store. Yeah, I'll want to avoid that as much as I can. It's not that I'm truly tempted, it's just not fun. The stuff that I've been eating is calling for me - gluten free bread, butter, orange juice, sweet potato chips... not the really horrible stuff. No Twinkies for me. I have no cravings for the candy bars, ice cream, or the like. But, there's a Pita Pit right next door and I was envisioning a Chicken Caesar wrap. Not hideous, but not W30. I guess I should be glad that I'm not dreaming about food and as long as it's not right in front of me not even thinking about non-compliant food much at all. Or, maybe I'm just not remembering my dreams; I rarely do.


I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening when I can say I have a week under my belt! Oh, I did try on a pair of shorts this morning and I could actually wear them without thinking I'm going to die from lack of breathing. That's pretty awesome. Now, to the bike!


Hope everyone has an awesome day!

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Hello Day 6! Feeling really clear and balanced. I'll take it!


Yesterday I was home in bed all day battling a potent combo of staving off cold, PMS, and Day 5.


Today I feel, energized but relaxed and pretty awesome. Fighting off the edge of a headache due to lady stuff but otherwise completely awesome. Hungry and excited about making and eating awesome foods again after a few days of secretly thinking you've got to be kidding me.


Also, made this last night:



And then cooked my morning eggs in the leftover fat. YES! This healthy fat thing is really growing on me. I eat really well generally, but when I was lifting weights and tracking macros (for just a bit, can't deal with tracking, too crazy making) I was consistently short on fat. I'm excited to shift more to that source of energy and see what happens...

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well yesterday was a great day, all my meals were well rounded and veg heavy and I managed to only have 1 snack of a celery stick, a couple baby carrots and some roated garlic(Everyday Paleo's and it is awesom all on it's own!) and a small "dessert" of strawberries and sunbutter.  Didn't exercise yesterday but it is my only "rest day" of the week so it was nice.  Managed to take the baby to the store before lunch(to avoid the rush that is alway there) and didn't get tempted once!


This morning, however, has been a trail.  All last night my little girl was waking every hour because of teething and unfortunately she's also started biting at the end of nursing sessions because of this.  Needless to say 5 am came early and brought a cranky mommy.  I did manage to drag myself to an hour of hot pilates after a hardboiled egg, spoonful of coconut butter and a handful of cashews.  Had a few jicama sticks and diluted coconut water(drinking it straight now is Way too sweet) and made a tastey breakfast of canned salmon, saurkraute, tomato, greenbeans and mushrooms.  Lunch will be a leftover baked chicken thighand squash from dinner last night and probably a spinach salad.  For dinner i'm planning on attempting a Mexican "casserole" using some beautiful yellow squash i got from our farmer's market as "noodles" (so kinda a mexican spice lasagna as far as looks go lol) if it turns out maybe i'll post pics(not sure how to do that yet though!)


here we go day 6!

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Good morning day 6 wooo! Made is through day 5 - YES!

I'm feeling prettttty good this morning! No headaches, skin seems to be clearing up a little, no cravings...had another good night sleep with no food dreams this time so that is definitely helping me feel perky!


I attempted a 30 minute run last night but still just kinda blahhh when it comes to exercise...it was tough and I walked some (most) of the way. However at least I'm getting out there and the fresh air felt great :)


Mentally I'm feeling calm, patient, clear headed and content this morning! Physically pretty good too - I'm less bloated than I have felt in a while, not having any weird stomach aches that were plaguing me last week (grains and HFCS related...eeek) and figuring that I can once again go lonnnng periods of not eating between meals without wanting to punch anything! I'm trying to keep my meals on a regular schedule of around 7am, 1pm and 6pm, but instead of lunch coming around and being like 'arrrgghhhh I'm ravenous!!!' now it's more like 'Oh yay lunchtime!' haha


I have a pork meat salad with lots of goodies for lunch - olives, sauerkraut, egg, tomatoes, cucumbers, olive oil, mixed greens...yum yum can't wait! I'm really enjoying picking up different kinds of meat at the store and thinking of yummy ways to have them.


Happy Day 6! (Or whatever Day you are on :) )


UPDATE - Hungry mid morning! Had some dried apricots for a snack, hoping those and lots of herbal tea will tide me over til lunch

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Thanks everyone for the camping tips.......!  Day 7 for me.  I finally had a hard sleep last night, but unfortunatey still tired today.  Like I slept too hard? 

Sorry to ask such a basic question but I think I"m confused a bit on the fats.  So, one thumbnail of what I think of as cooking fat (ghee, cocunut oil).  Then is it one or two of the following:  olives, avocado, nuts/seeds, coconut/coconut milk.  Each meal right? 

And are others experiencing extremely loose stools?  This has been happening since yesterday, my Day 6. 



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Everyone sounds like they're doing GREAT! I have something "weird" to share...weird for me, anyway:


I have always been a food-focused person..then on diets, scales, weight loss mode for 12 years. Came into Whole 30...all new concept to me. Jumped in.


Here we are at Day 6. So far, feeling good (headaches day 2 and 3), tired, but overall, no cravings at all and am actually, surprisingly, doing OK with transitioning from constant meals/snacks to just 3 meals a day, approx 6:15 a.m., 12:15 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and that's it (was previsously a huge after dinner snacker/dessert freak).


Have not worked out this week.  Will resume my workouts Saturday (beginning of week 2 on Whole30).


Well, I have been following Whole 30 meals for 5 full days...hungry, eating according to the template. Granted, 3 meals a day, but larger meals to keep me going til the next...but this morning, something happened. I have been a lifetime member of the clean plate club...at home and in restaurants. I could literally count the number of times I actually brought food home from a restaurant, as I usually finish everything.


This a.m. I had my breakfast (Whole 30) in front of me....yam, chicken breast, brussells sprouts and ghee......somewhat hungry but not super hungy.....ate it.....and as I ate, I noticed I started playing with my food...pushing it around the plate like a kid would do. Then I actually had the thought "I'm kind of TIRED OF EATING"...isn't that weird? Tired of eating???? Really??? So I put part of the yam back in a container for another time and ate the brussells sprouts/ghee but left a little chicken...and threw that out.


I know in some earlier posts I saw that some folks weren't very hungry.....but today I was actually feeling "tired of eating"....WEIRD!  May not be that way at lunch...or dinner...or tomorrow...but this morning's experience was so bizarre and foreign to me!


Any thoughts?



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Thanks everyone for the camping tips.......!  Day 7 for me.  I finally had a hard sleep last night, but unfortunatey still tired today.  Like I slept too hard? 

Sorry to ask such a basic question but I think I"m confused a bit on the fats.  So, one thumbnail of what I think of as cooking fat (ghee, cocunut oil).  Then is it one or two of the following:  olives, avocado, nuts/seeds, coconut/coconut milk.  Each meal right? 

And are others experiencing extremely loose stools?  This has been happening since yesterday, my Day 6. 




Don't be afraid to ask questions, that's how we all learn.  :) 

The amount of fats per meal on the oils or butters is 1-2 THUMB-size (not thumbnail size) portions: basically 1-2 tablespoons.  If you have 1 thumb-size portion of ghee, then you'd have one serving of olives (1-2 open heaping handfuls), for example.  If you have 2 thumb-sized portions of ghee, my guess is that's your fat for that meal.

That's how I interpret the fat allowance.  Interested in other perspectives.

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