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Whole30 JUNE GROUP (:


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bnlauren: hope you feel better soon..sorry you're sick. congrats on the good news re acne, though.


gfchris: sorry about the sore throat and sleep....hope both are better today/tonight


riversong...yup, I had that happen during time of month also ):


kevin: great job not giving into the temptations! happy bday to your mom (:


My update for day 16...we made it half way ...yay. Energy ok...not super high, but pretty even....not low, not high.  Not much hunger betweeb meails, though I did snack a few days of the 15 thus far...probably 5 of the 15 I had snacks...the other 10 days were strictly 3 meals a day.  I think I am eating pretty large meals...so I am going to pay more attention to that.


I had a nother dream last ngiht that I went off my Whole 30....not sure what I had..probably chocolate...but not sure..I don't "see" my dreams, I "sense" them (I'm more kinesthetic than visual).


Have a client in about an hour (I'm a clinical hypnotherapist on the weekends...part time business....my mon thru fri job is in human resources/personnel)...then going to trader joes and whole foods to get groceries...and then home to make the chocolate chile everyone has been posting about...and cook some chicken breasts and other stuff for the upcoming week.


Will check in later.  Have an excellent day everyone!

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Anyone else have a significant decrease in appetite the last couple of days? It's freaking me out! In a good way! I guess it's the same as being able to go a long time between meals...



I am!  Really caught me off guard too, because the first two weeks I was ravenous!  But now I find myself not always being able to finish my meals!  It is a great feeling!

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Woot! Just finished my 1/2 marathon! Although I caved and had some gels at mile 10 and a post-race scone. Whatever, I pr'ed and will pick it back up tomorrow!

Happy Father's Day to all of you celebrating, and have a great weekend! I'm off to ice my legs and die now ... :)

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Day 17: I am still having trouble getting enough food in. For three days this week I only ate two meals (mostly work-related business, but yesterday I slept most of the afternoon). My husband says that is probably more true to Paleo than 3 meals, but I worry about the Whole30 effect working on less food. I don't snack or anything, I just forget to eat. I can't eat all that much when I do eat, either. But at least I do get feelings that I can identify as hunger in the mornings (about 2 hours after I wake up) - that's a big step for me. I went years without feeling hunger (during the lap band period, the reflex was completely shut off).


Well, swelling's definitely down, so we'll just see how the next 13 days goes.

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oye, what a weekend!  these past two days have been the roughest mostly because i'm running on too little sleep(teething baby) and had to work, which i'm not as used to since i had my little girl(used to grooming cats and dogs proffessionally, now it's just a few select customers on weekends when hubby can babysit!).  Almost caved earlier to the thinking that I "deserved" something because I made it half way, but thankfully didn't fall into that trap.


One thing I have noticed is that I can't have bananas at this time because they induce a HUGE urge to binge on fruit.  that makes me sad since I love green bananas, but until I can controle that urge I'd rather not tempt myself.  it's interesting that I never noticed that connection before.

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Day 23! Never been here before...it will be interesting to see where the next few days go. I definitely am extending this to a Whole40. Probably will have a small break on the 4th of July, but not too much. Will try to stay Paleo since we'll be on a challenge. Getting ready to increase my cardio since we get extra points for each mile we run or 2k we row!

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I think I kicked the cold! 3 swiggs of multi-symptom cold syrup and 4 immune boosters later.....it's in remission now so TRYING to take it easy. My bf is fighting it more so than me so I think he got it worse, I considered telling him if he ate paleo he prob wouldn't have it as bad but I declined, haha.


Yesterday I made paleo soup and today I'm prepping for meat sauce and spaghetti squash! I also made mashed sweet potatoes in ghee with cinnamon....while glaring at the evil sugar! May sometime later this week I'll make some marinara from the Pomi Tomatoes I purchased....mmm....can't wait! But for now it's more soup....here's the link for the recipe I got it from. It's supper tasty!

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Day 16 and feeling like crap! Heh. Not sure what gives... Whole30-related? Not enough sleep? Not enough downtime this weekend? Ate something that doesn't agree with me? Further carb flu stuff? I don't know. Last night I slept through the night (almost 8 hours), but when I woke up this morning, discovered I'd taken out my Invisalign trays sometime in the night???? Took them out and placed them neatly on a kleenex on my nightstand, all in my sleep. What. The. Heck! I am NEVER normally a sleep-walker/functioner.

Hubby is "making" me go get a pedicure for a little relaxation this afternoon. I love him. :wub:

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Followed directions for the chocolate chili...it's doing its 2 hours of simmering now. Looks like more liquid than the picture...hopefully it will thicken over the simmering period??? Happy Father's Day to all celebrating. Will ck in later


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I also have a pot of chocolate chili on the stove! I made it last weekend and was not impressed, but I only simmered it for 2 hours and I forgot to add the salt in until the end! This time I spooned out the excess liquid once the beef was cooked, used homemade beef stock, and I plan on letting it simmer for 3 hours.

About to walk on the treadmill while the chili is cooking to get in my 12,000 steps for the day. I thought I was more active on the weekends, but my pedometer says I am basically a sloth.

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Oh, my. It's Well Fed's Chocolate Chili and it's amazing. http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2009/02/22/my-favorite-chili-recipe/


And, yes, simmering is the key. I think I'm going to be getting demands to make more this week.


As for not being hungry, yes, me, too. The other day I didn't get "lunch" until about 3:00 as I was busy, but I wasn't really hungry either. It was more what I call prophylactic eating. Eat before I'm suddenly starving and want to grab anything in sight.


Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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hi guys, I bought @ whole food market the applegate sunday bacon that some of you mentioned but it says less than 2% cane sugar... is that alright? I don't want to mess up now that we are getting close to the end :o   

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Well, didn't have the chocolate chili for dinner tongiht....husband wanted to go out for steak...but I had him "try" the chili and he said "WOW"...he's a very picky eater....and he liked it a lot. Wants to use it as a meat sauce over pasta tomorrow night for dinner...I'll have mine over veggies of course, or with avocado.


Too tired to list my food for the day, so just reporting in that I had 3 meals, no snacks...and all were Whole 30 compliant.  At the restaurant tongiht, though, we had that one waitress (ugh)..the one that served me a steak last week with sauce, when I specifically asked for it plain and dry grilled...and she said sorry and walked away...and the veggies were soaked in butter? Well, we had her again today. This time, she remembered and the food came out fine...steak, salad (plain as requested...but I found some type of nut in it...maybe pine nuts...dind't eat them)....and steamed veggies...BUT she messed up on the drink. I asked for plain soda water with lime/lemon...she brought my drink..I took a tiny sip...it tasted weird, sweet...so I asked hubby to try it...then I went to the bartender and asked....told him I requested soda water and this tasted different...he iniformed me that the waitress had ordered tonic water for me, not soda water! I immediately got a new soda water (the right one) and discarded the tonic water....so did not drink it. Got home and looked tonic water up on the internet...yup, I was right...it has sugar in it! I'm glad I didn't drink it!

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ohhh I would be so mad at the waitress :(  

I have been lucky, my bf is out of town, so I have been able to cook & eat all my meals at home.  

Only 14 days to go!!!!   

I'm planning to continue after the 30th until my face clears up completely but at least won't have to be so worry about starting again if the bacon has less than 2% sugar cane :P

Good nite all, hope all dads had a happy father's day!

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This is the end of day 20, 10 to go. I will extend it though because I feel better knowing I am not eating processed foods, etc...
The second week in July I am going on a trip with my sisters and I plan on sticking to the plan as much as I can while traveling. I ordered Primal pacs online and they are really good, so that will be one of my go to's while on the road.

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Eats for day 16:

**scrambled eggs, blueberries, coffee

**coconut water

**two hotdogs with mustard, avocado, cucumbers, red pepper, baby carrots

**two small apricots, a few pistachios, some grapes

**can of tuna mixed with mayo

**large soda water

Came home late and exhausted from the two day show. Stopped at Foster Freeze, a show day ritual.... Dh and dd had ice cream, soda, corndog and onion rings. I asked if they had soda water on tap - success! It was so refreshing after two long days in the sun, dust and wind. Too late to cook so a quick tuna snack hit the spot.

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I had a scary food dream last night.  I dreamed that I gave in and ate one of those iced cookies from the grocery store.  You know those soft sugar cookies with thick icing.  Ya those ones.  Anyway, I knew I had to start over because this is only day 17, so I figured I'd try and eat the next one slower... but I didn't.  I kept trying to enjoy the next cookie slower, but each time I'd gobble it up.  I felt horribly guilty in my dream and after about 10 cookies I was sinking into a depression.


I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK THERE!!!  I know I've never eaten 10 of those kinds of cookies in a row before, but I have lived the life of bingeing and then thinking "I'll just start again on Monday".  I can't go back to that, and I think this dream was just my own insecurities coming out.  


We are different now.  We are making healthier choices.  We DO NOT have to go back to what put us into bondage in the first place.  We can succeed and we can make a difference in our lives.  We are fighters!!!  Don't give up, don't back down, and don't live in the past.  We are building an amazing future for ourselves and setting examples for those around us.  We GOT this!


Have a great Day 17!

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Day 20.  Woke up with a sore throat again. Not as intense as yesterday (and yesterday's was gone by midday). Went to bed relatively early last night: ~9:30 pm.

Dreamt about drinking wine. 

Continuing to notice my clothes feeling more loose.

Dinner out with the family yesterday. Went well. Salad with olive oil and a lemon wedge. Filet mignon without butter (cooked perfectly), and steamed broccoli/carrots. Soda water and lime. Black decaf coffee while everyone else was eating their desserts: what they were eating didn't bother me one iota. I was full and content.

Came home and made a roasted vegetable frittata (made with sweet potato and zucchini) which I'm enjoying for breakfast this morning, along with my decaf coffee with coconut oil and ghee.


Happy Monday, everyone!

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Good morning! I can't believe we are past the halfway hump. Is anyone else a little nervous about reintroduction? I'll be traveling abroad when the 30th comes which adds another hurdle, but I want to try to do the reintro right.

Two things I'm noting or wishing:

I am not seeing the energy magic, so we have cut out the sweet potatoes and plantains entirely. It's been two days, and I have a constant headache so maybe carb flu 2.0? I'm still probably not sleeping enough so trying to get up to 7-8 hours, and need to get back to regular exercise routine!

Two: I am on a business trip and after an hour on the Internet trying to find a good breakfast option (that's nearby, and where I won't have to ask for a ton of substitutions/edits), Its proving impossible. Will have an apple and almond butter packet that i brought for breakfast and just hold out til a big grassfed burger early lunch. Kicking myself for not having ordered the compliant jerky so if anyone has travel coming up - i would suggest it, just so you know how have options.

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Two: I am on a business trip and after an hour on the Internet trying to find a good breakfast option (that's nearby, and where I won't have to ask for a ton of substitutions/edits), Its proving impossible. Will have an apple and almond butter packet that i brought for breakfast and just hold out til a big grassfed burger early lunch. Kicking myself for not having ordered the compliant jerky so if anyone has travel coming up - i would suggest it, just so you know how have options.


I know it's not the most exciting breakfast option, but you can't find a place to cook you a couple hard boiled eggs and saute some veggies in olive oil? 

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