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I've seen a lot of people say that they have had big improvements in thier skin while doing whole30. I'm on day 24 and my face looks TERRIBLE. My chin has several huge nodule like pimples. They are hard, painful, and RED, but have no white head/ black head on them. I'm so embarrased. I haven't had any sugar, or dairy (the usual culprits) so what is making my face do this?


Any ideas to start making it go away!?

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If the acne is predominantly along the jawline or hairline, that tends to indicate hormone related.  You look young, so you still have raging hormones!  


I developed cystic acne like that when I hit 40.  It WAS embarrassing and they last forever.  In desperation, I took low dose birth control pills and the acne disappeared.  I only took it for 4 months and then got sick of the constant 1st trimester nausea feeling.  After I stopped the BC pills the acne came back in much less severe forms around the time of my period.  Now I am 48 and closing in on menopause so those acne flare-ups really don't happen anymore.


BUT, Whole30 has made my skin so clear and bright it is wonderful.  I think you must be detoxing to some degree.  Your skin is an organ, remember.  Stay hydrated during this time and realize this could take a few months.  Even the drugs or topical drugs they want to give you from the MD will say it usually gets worse before it gets better...


hang in there!

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Hey AuntB. I am sorry to hear about your acne woes. I have been suffering with some kind of acne since I was bout 15. I get the big red cysts, as well. Usually I will get one around my period and I definitely get them when I am not eating very clean. Sometimes, they come about due to stress, so I wanted to ask how your stress levels are. Do you find that you are stressed out? If you don't think you are, could it be something underlying that you are not acknowledging? I know that doing a W30 can be kind of stressful in and of itself. Do you think you are worrying about eating something unintentionally that is off-plan?


As mentioned above, it very likely could be to something you have increased in your diet, maybe eggs or nuts. Are you eating a lot of almond butter?

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I've seen a lot of people say that they have had big improvements in thier skin while doing whole30. I'm on day 24 and my face looks TERRIBLE. My chin has several huge nodule like pimples. They are hard, painful, and RED, but have no white head/ black head on them. I'm so embarrased. I haven't had any sugar, or dairy (the usual culprits) so what is making my face do this?

Any ideas to start making it go away!?

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girly, im in the same boat as you are. im also noticing my hair is falling out more than usual. Have you considered getting checked for polycysticovarian syndrome? ill be getting checked for that soon. in the meantime, i just started the autoimmune protocol which is avoiding any nuts, seeds, night shades, eggs and any spices with peppers to see if this helps! ive been paleo for over two months now and my skin is still going crazy!

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Thanks everyone! I don't eat that many nuts! I only have some maybe once every7-10 days. They are certainly not something I am eating all the time. I don't eat a lot of nut butter either! I do eat about 2-3 eggs a day, but I've never had a problem with eggs before.


As far as stress goes, yes. I'm planning a wedding, and WAS working two jobs. I just quit my part time job last week because it was just too much. I wasn't getting enough sleep, and I was stressed out constantly. I do think it must be hormonal in some way, but my chin has been like this for at least a month. They just pop up, get nasty, go away, and then come back. It's horrible.


Someone mentioned PCOS. No, i've never been tested, but do think that I've got something going on with my ladie organs. My gyno thinks maybe Endo, but I haven't had a Lap to see. I was hoping doing a whole30 would help the symptoms.


I guess i'll keep chugging along and see if it gets any better!!

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  • 4 months later...

I have had terrible cystic acne for a long time, and I know that I have MANY trigger foods. It could be a food that you're eating now that you never really gave much thought to. It could also be the detox like another member mentioned. This is my 2nd stab at doing a whole30, and what I learned last time is that Avocados are a HUGE trigger for my acne. Even through the topical RX stregnth stuff I use daily to keep it under control.


My other acne triggers: Wheat Germ (working on getting rid of all wheat), Dairy (esp yogurt and milk), Soy, Nuts/seeds and their oils, Avocados, and possibly olive oil (i dont want to give it up!)


This is why I like the whole30, I will hopefully get rid of all my triggers as i find them.


My mother gets acne from berries (especially cranberries) and tomatoes. You never know what will give you a problem! Keep strong and maybe start keeping a journal to see what you're eating a lot of and maybe back off on the one item for a while and see if it helps!

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This may seem out of left field, but I got massive horrible cystic acne as a reaction to a cortisone shot.  It went away when the shot wore off.  You may want to look at any meds or whatnot to see if there is something going in that is making your skin worse.  My other big advice is to not mess with them!  Tempting, yes, but don't do it! 

Good luck with the wedding planning!

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  • 2 months later...


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