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Cooking Fats/Oils

Guest Ty Fyter

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Guest Ty Fyter

Hope I'm doing this right, but here goes:

I actually found some coconut oil in the supermarket (can't find it anywhere!) but it's a cooking spray. Ingredients read: coconut oil (65%), butane, propane. I'm assuming the butane/propane are some form of propellant for the spray. Are they benign in this sense for cooking? Or should I stay away?

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Eesh. Butane and propane sound like terrible food ingredients... but then again, that's just the propellant, and not representative of what comes out. The thing with coconut oil spray is that you're not going to get much fat in the pan, unless you spray the crap out of it. So either use the spray because that's what you have, but bump up the rest of your fat to accommodate for the lack of fat in your cooking oil... or look for a coconut oil in a jar (without ingredients that belong in jet fuel) and use that as your added fat source.

You can usually find coconut oil in your local health food store - or order on line.


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There is a huge difference in the quality of coconut oils. The first few varieties I bought were oily with no meaningful coconut flavor. They made me wonder why some people liked coconut oil so much. Then I bought some better quality coconut oil and loved it. I currently use the Nutiva brand stocked by a health food store near my house. You can get Nutiva from Amazon.com too.

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There is a huge difference in the quality of coconut oils. The first few varieties I bought were oily with no meaningful coconut flavor. They made me wonder why some people liked coconut oil so much. Then I bought some better quality coconut oil and loved it. I currently use the Nutiva brand stocked by a health food store near my house. You can get Nutiva from Amazon.com too.

Amazon has 54oz nutiva coconut oil with a buy one get one offer. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003QDRJXY/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1/175-1250097-6007669?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_r=16320F6RDQA2W4F2S968&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_i=B000GAT6NG

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Hey thanks for such speedy replies, lovin' this forum!

@Melissa, that's exactly what I'm worried about seeming I'm not actually a jet plane! ;P but to put this in context I am being a little bit sneaky here and I have an alterior motive: crispy roast vegies.

So as far as total dietary fat and usual cooking: I do have higher quality fats which I cook with 2-4 times a day, 500-700g of pastured beef/veal/pork (so I should be getting enough caloric fat/day) as well as non-starchy vegies mixed in and a side of fermented vegies (sauerkraut atm). But I also really love crispy roast vegies (rotate sweet potato/pumpkin varieties/carrots). So I'm not looking to get much fat from the spray, just something to have an even coat over the roast vegies as I find it really hard without a spray and all other dietary "ducks" are "in a row" as far as I can tell.....

So I'll repose my question here: if I use this cooking spray just for roast vegies, is it:

a.) going to be toxic and kill me from the butane/propane or;

b.) relatively benign (not necessarily make me "healthier", but won't have detrimental health effects either)

@Johnny Malangone: also thanks for linking that, that's an awesome deal. i'll definitely hit that up for my regular cooking =DD do they ave that deal regulary or is it limited time only??

Thanks in advance everyone ;)

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Is coconut oil mentioned so much here as an alternative to ... vegetable oil? for cooking at a high temperature?

I use olive oil for most of my sauteing and drizzlin' but I wasn't sure why so many people are mentioning coconut oil throughout the site and forum.

Curious to try it for sure, just curious where the motivation came from... (thanks!)

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So I'll repose my question here: if I use this cooking spray just for roast vegies, is it:

a.) going to be toxic and kill me from the butane/propane or;

b.) relatively benign (not necessarily make me "healthier", but won't have detrimental health effects either)

In the doses that you'll be getting from the cooking spray, it will likely have a negligible effect on your health, unless of course you're using the aerosol to get high. The EU seems to think it's not a big deal: http://ec.europa.eu/food/fs/sc/scf/out26_en.pdf

However, just because a certain chemical is deemed "safe" certainly doesn't mean that your exposure to it will have no long term effects; those studies aren't conducted and usually aren't required. Personally, I'd stay away from the stuff; propane and butane have no place in your body unless they are in metabolite form.

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Is coconut oil mentioned so much here as an alternative to ... vegetable oil? for cooking at a high temperature?

I use olive oil for most of my sauteing and drizzlin' but I wasn't sure why so many people are mentioning coconut oil throughout the site and forum.

Curious to try it for sure, just curious where the motivation came from... (thanks!)

Coconut oil is a healthy saturated fat this is very heat stable for cooking. You can read all about the good and bad fats here: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/healthy-oils/#axzz1rykpDoVH

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, coconut oil is quite abundant here in this side of the world. But I was wondering if the source I found is as good as intended. Its called lauric (premium coconut) oil. But upon closer look at the ingredients list it says: refined, bleached and deodorized coconut oil and vitamin A. My spider sense tells me shady. Or am I just paranoid?

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Is coconut oil mentioned so much here as an alternative to ... vegetable oil? for cooking at a high temperature?

I use olive oil for most of my sauteing and drizzlin' but I wasn't sure why so many people are mentioning coconut oil throughout the site and forum.

Curious to try it for sure, just curious where the motivation came from... (thanks!)

It's an awesome source of fuel for the body as it is a medium-chain triglyceride! http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-915-MEDIUM%20CHAIN%20TRIGLYCERIDES%20%28MCTs%29.aspx?activeIngredientId=915&activeIngredientName=MEDIUM%20CHAIN%20TRIGLYCERIDES%20%28MCTs%29

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What do you all think of the Spectrum brand of coconut oil? It's all my military commissary carries. I will continue to look in the future for others, but since someone above mentioned the variations of coconut oils from great to sub par, I'm wondering where Spectrum fits in. It'll be my first, so I won't know it it's great or not! hehe

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The Red Palm Oil also gets mentioned on (Paleo) sites as a healthy cooking fat,yet I never see them being used on Paleo cooking sites.

Never had it myself,but yesterday I saw at a Nigerian Cooking site that they use it a lot and according to them you can easily make chili dipping sauce by heating some&tossing some garlic in (they used it in their recipe to dip plantains in).

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