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Whole30 September 1 2013


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Morning... Starting my first whole 30 today. I am very nervous about this since I will still be In a house with the rest of my family (husband & 3 smallish kids) who won't be doing it. We alreAdy eat pretty low processed foods at dinner. I dont know what we are going to do without our meals with cbeans ... We usually had one or two meals per week which were vegetarian & beans.

So first question... Salt. My salt has something in it as a preservative I think. I have sea salt, but it needs to be ground each time you need it which makes measuring hard. Can I just use my regular salt?

I will be here a lot looking for support.



Hi Anewknitter - I have two teenage boys who won't be participating with me either. I've been eat Primally since May (except for August) and I try to keep meal simple. For instance, I will bake a chicken and make mashed potatoes and veggies but I'll omit the potatoes for myself. Or if I make spaghetti and sauce, the kids will get the pasta and sauce and I will put the sauce on a piece of cod or sausage. If I keep meals simple, then compliant+non-compliant meals don't become extra work. The mashed potatoes, however, can be very tempting. ;)


I think I would stay clear of using salt with an additive. Chemical additives are used to keep the product from sticking together. I use Celtic sea salt, additive free, and already ground, which has other beneficial minerals in it. I gave up on my pink Himalayan salt block quickly lol.


We can do this. :)

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Hey all.  Well today is not the day one I planned but it is the day one I got... and I will make the most of it.  Yesterday, I had a sore throat and cough.  Today I have a full blown cold. 


Food has been:

1) poached eggs and 1/2 apple

2) Compliant Saussage and grilled peppers

3) unplanned snack (see below)

4) Dinner (TBD but ground beef (pasture fed)) in fridge - Maybe chili, or maybe a Well Fed scramble.


No exercise planned for today but I do for tomorrow (if the body and congestion is willing).


I was laying down this afternoon and my daughter (8.5 years) got a can of tuna, mixed with green onions and red onions from our garden, homemade paleo mayo, salt and pepper. She made me tuna salad while I was resting all on her own.  Pretty nice gesture for a great daughter (little heavy handed on the salt but made with lots of love)!  Here is to feeling better tomorrow!!!




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Any advice appreciated


F x


I too have to work with lots of temptations and nothing close to my work that I can grab when hungry.  I pack my lunch (small soft-walled cooler) every day.  Keep nuts and cut veggies handy which always work in a pinch.  I am a fan of a salad with lots of veggies and some leftover meat.  Plan you lunches and pack the night before (never seem to have time if I leave it until the morning of leaving for work).


Plan it to win it!




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I agree... if the salt says it has additives, I would steer clear.  I don't often follow recipies to a T anyways so my sea salt grinder works well for me.  I season to taste and generally prefer less salt than recipies call for anyways.  Your general spices are pretty key and you don't want a "Oh poop" moment (adding something to a recipie then noticing MSG or Sugar).  Check all your spices and bag/box up any you cannot verify are compliant until after your W30.  Then you can reach and season with confidence if you put in the time on day one.


I had an "Oh Poop" moment on my first Whole 30 when I made ISWF 10 minute chilli, added my chilli seasoning only to find out that it had sugar and MSG.  What a fantastic way to ruin a planned meal.  Buy some good salt, pepper and mustard (my go to) and you are good to go.  I use mustard on chicken and pork just like BBQ sauce.  It is a great way to add compliant flavour (if you have compliant mustard).




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@Fionnuala, if you are being tempted by non Whole30 foods, a strategy I found useful in my first Whole30 was 'crowding out the bad' ... filling up on good quality, approved foods. When you aren't hungry it is much easier to pass on temptation :)

It is tough when you don't have time to eat in the morning ... could you make something that is easily portable to eat on the go, such as some egg muffins, trail mix with nuts and beef jerky or even a good old banana?

Good luck!

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I'm on day 2 (we are a bit ahead of the rest of the world, time wise, down here in Australia) and loving it!

Yesterday was a big cook-up day - beef jerky, slow braised beef, roasted beetroot (to make dip) and sweet potato, veggie prep (steamed veg + sweet potato mash), veggie component for baked eggs and sausages cooked off for quick protein ...  whew!

Back to work today ... have a great day everyone :)

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Huzzah! Happy to have found this group! I'm starting my Whole 30 tomorrow (Sept. 2nd) because MONDAYS are my best day to start anything new.


I'm a little nervous about doing this in Hawaii, we live out in "the country" quite a ways from any good grocery shopping and farmer's markets, so planning is key for me, and I'm not much of a planner. BUT, I have done the 6-week Eat to Live program (with incredible results), and I feel confident at being able to do this--and excited too! 


I'm dreading the sugar withdrawls, but I am very excited to start feeling that even-keeled energy and pep that I know will follow once the sugar dragon is slain!


I'm also reading the book, as well as subscribing to the email newsletters. My spouse is onboard, though not educating himself to the program as much as I am summarizing it for him...



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This is my second Whole30 (well I did a half of one in March too so third time starting) and I have to admit that I am struggling right now.  My problem is this time of the day.  I'm tired after a long day at the swimming pool with  my 5 and 6 year old and cooking and cleaning and prepping and what I typically do is graze (which is why I gained so much weight this summer).  The girls asked to bake sugar cookies today (that was hard to resist) and now they are watching a movie and eating popcorn and asking for ice pops and the sugar cookies.  Argh.  I wish I could just go to bed !!   Instead of am writing it all out for you all. 


I ate 3 good meals today but maybe not enough at the last meal.  I tend to skimp on fat (years and years of brainwashing against fat).


Maybe I'll wash the dog.  That will get me out of the food service role for a while...

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I feel your pain, Helen. The sun is setting on my Day 1 and though I did phenomenal with my 3 meals it's the after dark alter ego (sugar addict) that I worry about. Currently I have nothing in my fridge or pantry that could tempt me. Literally, when my son checked the fridge earlier he asked if I was washing it out today or something because of the nothing-ness :) I'm really trying though. My son is on board with me for this one, it's my 1st real honest shot at getting it right. I haven't made it more than 3 full days yet, but I'm determined this go around. I've gained 13 lbs since April and it's all because of food. I'm looking forward to the support of this group, plus the emails, and hopefully my son. He starts tomorrow since he had a bbq to go to tonight. Good luck everyone!

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Well, its day one. I received my email this morning at 4am and this morning I had scrambled eggs with salt and pepper and a little garlic powder. They taste great with the garlic powder. I usually would have them with some cheese. I am now making ghee and yesterday, I went grocery shopping and prepared some chicken, shrimp and steamed some vegetables for the week. Tomorrow I'm having my family over for a cookout. I know I can have a hamburger, going to make a salad and roast some vegetables. Its all a work in progress. I weighed myself this morning and then hid the scale so that I won't be tempted. I hope all of you are doing well on this first day of the rest of our lives!!!..........Caroline



Sounds like a great plan for your family gathering :) you can make plenty of delicious compliant foods, and no one will have any idea that you're eating, perhaps, "differently" to normal!


make sure you stick to the template though - you didn't include any vegies or fat with your breakfast! I love omelettes with lots of vegies, or having eggs with mushrooms and roasted vegies on the side. avo or mayo on top, or coconut milk in the scrambled egg mix and you're good to go!

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I'm on day 2 (we are a bit ahead of the rest of the world, time wise, down here in Australia) and loving it!

Yesterday was a big cook-up day - beef jerky, slow braised beef, roasted beetroot (to make dip) and sweet potato, veggie prep (steamed veg + sweet potato mash), veggie component for baked eggs and sausages cooked off for quick protein ...  whew!

Back to work today ... have a great day everyone :)


you're in Melbourne, so nowhere near me...just wondered if the sausages were a brand that might be available nationally, or from a special/good butcher? I haven't found any compliant ones, even the gourmet ones usually have sugar!

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Morning... Starting my first whole 30 today. I am very nervous about this since I will still be In a house with the rest of my family (husband & 3 smallish kids) who won't be doing it. We alreAdy eat pretty low processed foods at dinner. I dont know what we are going to do without our meals with cbeans ... We usually had one or two meals per week which were vegetarian & beans.

So first question... Salt. My salt has something in it as a preservative I think. I have sea salt, but it needs to be ground each time you need it which makes measuring hard. Can I just use my regular salt?

I will be here a lot looking for support.




if you only have one or two meals with beans, you just don't have them? just have something you'd have any other night. if you wanted a vegetarian meal, have something egg based like a crustless quiche, frittata, shakshuka eggs etc.


i'd also use the sea salt instead of the salt with stuff in it. not sure why you need to measure it, but could you grind a lot at once and store it in a container? or buy a good quality salt that's already ground?

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:) Hi all. I start my Whole30 today, and I'm happy to find this group. This will be my 2nd Whole30. I had a good experience with the first; my daughter was living with me then, and we did it together. I started a second in January on my own (my daughter has since moved), but only stayed with it for a week. This time, I think joining this forum will be what I'm needing to stay with it through the challenging bits.


Like now, when I'm in a sugar withdrawal (yawn ). I've poured myself a glass of sparkling water, and I'm logging into this conversation. It will pass. 


My intention with this Whole30 is to be in a clean place, body and mind. 


I went to the farmer's market this morning and bought a couple grass-fed beef steaks. I bought a cast iron grill pan last week in preparation for this Whole30. I plan to grill a steak for dinner, with kale and sweet potatoes. 


Thanks for being here!

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Sounds like a great plan for your family gathering :) you can make plenty of delicious compliant foods, and no one will have any idea that you're eating, perhaps, "differently" to normal!


make sure you stick to the template though - you didn't include any vegies or fat with your breakfast! I love omelettes with lots of vegies, or having eggs with mushrooms and roasted vegies on the side. avo or mayo on top, or coconut milk in the scrambled egg mix and you're good to go!

Thanks for the tips and will remember to have vegies with all meals. Today for the cookout, I did buy hamburgers and hotdogs and the rolls and the cheese, but I have some grassfed beef hamburgers for myself, making a big salad and am also roasting some vegetables on the grill. I didn't buy any chips etc and also bought a big watermelon. I am going to keep myself busy with my grandchildren and not think about any desserts. Soda is not a problem since I haven't drank any since 2003!! It's going to be a good day!!!...........Caroline

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And, day two begins... Scrambled eggs with spinach, avocado with lemon, compliant salsa, and a small piece of tenderloin that I saved from dinner. Yesterday I stocked up on most of what I'll need, but now I have to carve out some prep time. I'm hoping to make Chocolate Chili tonight so that I have that as a go-to for lunches. With the semester starting, things are always a bit crazy and it's really easy to just grab and go, which means bad choices. So, planning, planning, planning is the order of the day. Okay, I'm procrastinating. I should go start chopping! Have a great day, everyone!

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Good luck today, Caroline! This forum really makes me want to cook and I also wish I had a farmer's market near me. There used to be one on Saturday's so now you all have me motivated to check it out. I had a slight slip up last night, but nowhere near what it would've been if I weren't trying to stick to a plan. It gives me confidence that tonight will go better though I'm sure I'll be up all night fighting the carb cravings. 


I eat a lot of spinach, but have heard all about the benefits of Kale. How do you guys eat it? Is the taste that much different? I have the book on Kindle so I think I'm going to have to take a look at it. I actually bought it when I deployed to Afghanistan last Sept thinking it would help teach me to make good food choices when I didn't have a grocery store, but quickly figured out everything was pretty much processed foods. After coming back it's easy for me to stay away from pre-packaged things. I just haven't really ever cooked much. Marjan, your blog is pretty cool. I'll keep checking it out for food ideas. Thank you. 


I'm also doing this to find balance in my body and mind...plus drop the weight. I took up yoga back in April and feel like I'm cheating myself out of the full experience. I don't do it for a workout, I do it for the calmness I feel. I want to have a healthier relationship with food so that calmness can be part of my whole day not just when I'm on my mat. I'm really just continuing to type to procrastinate going for a run lol, but thank you for hearing me out. I think I'm going to have to post quite often to stay focused. Have a great day!

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Morning all!  I came back for Day 2.  Still uncertain, but hoping to make this happen.  Thank you for the tips on the salt.  I will try to find some without the de-caking agent.  I was thinking about making a trip to Whole Foods to try and find the Red Boat Fish Sauce (or whatever it is called) so I can make a pork slow cooker dish later this week when my middle child has her first tennis lesson right at dinner prep time.  

   So my second annoyance (sorry to be such a complainer) is the dishes.  Cooking eggs for breakfast is fine, but I HATE trying to get eggs off the pan.  Yesterday I did scrambled eggs with spinach and some spices, and the clean up is a drag.  So salt question answered... on to: HOW do you get scrambled eggs off a pan easily?  I am not willing to buy another pan (ex. non-stick).  I tried a trick suggested by a friend, which was to boil the pan with water after cooking the eggs.  But that was only so so.

   Breakfast today was sweet potato hash (prepped yesterday when my husband took the kids out and about for a couple of hours), an egg and an compliant sausage.  My husband thought it looked good, so he made himself just the eggs & sausage.  :)

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And, day two begins... Scrambled eggs with spinach, avocado with lemon, compliant salsa, and a small piece of tenderloin that I saved from dinner. Yesterday I stocked up on most of what I'll need, but now I have to carve out some prep time. I'm hoping to make Chocolate Chili tonight so that I have that as a go-to for lunches. With the semester starting, things are always a bit crazy and it's really easy to just grab and go, which means bad choices. So, planning, planning, planning is the order of the day. Okay, I'm procrastinating. I should go start chopping! Have a great day, everyone!

I made a double batch of chocolate chili and put most of it up in the freezer to have for busy weeks too.  I agree about the grab and go and also planning is everything!!  


On a side note I am doing this Whole30 with three other women locally and one said she found a compliant salad on the 'Hidden Menu' at Panera.  It uses lemon juice and olive oil.  I am going to investigate this as it will make my work meetings easier for sure!  I hate brining my lunch/dinner.

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Yeah I just looked and I bet the turkey is not compliant (has carageenan probably or no way to know).   Too bad.  Will be good for next month though.  I wish we had a local Paleo restaurant but I don't live in a very health concious town.

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Hi all,


Today is Day 1 for me and so far so good. My boyfriend has hopped on board and is going to attempt the Whole 30 as well. This morning we made the prosciutto-wrapped mini frittata muffins from Nom Nom Paleo (http://nomnompaleo.com/post/7486819479/prosciutto-wrapped-mini-frittata-muffins) which are delicious and very filling! We also had half an apple each with almond butter.


We're just heading out for a hike with our dog and I am feeling very energetic and optimistic!


Congrats to everyone else who survived Day 1!

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Day two and feeling very fatigued. In my daily email, the timeline says this is normal. I hope it passes soon although day 4 and 5 don't look great either. In those two days you become very irritable!! I know this is just a phase and the end result will be so fantastic!! So I'll just take it one day at a time and so thankful for this forum, knowing there are other people going thru the same thing and being supportive. Happy Day Two everyone!!!!!!!...........Caroline

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Day two and feeling very fatigued. In my daily email, the timeline says this is normal. I hope it passes soon although day 4 and 5 don't look great either. In those two days you become very irritable!! I know this is just a phase and the end result will be so fantastic!! So I'll just take it one day at a time and so thankful for this forum, knowing there are other people going thru the same thing and being supportive. Happy Day Two everyone!!!!!!!...........Caroline

I was tired last night.  Hoping my sugar dragon is tamer this time around!

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Thanks guys for the info :)  getting organised is not my strong point lol!! But organised I must be.


Today was actually ok at 5am I had a handful of spinach a tomato a small bit of sweet pot and a small bit of my steak from last night sliced really thinly with some homemade mayo, this really did see me through till my break at 10.30 when I had some scrambled eggs and minced pork I had already prepped in the freezer( the only grabable  think in there at the moment) 


I'm in my witching hour now.... old me would be raiding the biscuits and tea and keep on grazing till dinner time but Im typing little heart out here instead :D


Dinner is going to be spag bol but no spag for me, ill have some cauliflower rice instead even going to try and tempt DD with some- If  I can get her eating more veg over this it will be another big plus


Going to head out for a walk with DD in the buggy that will get the heart rate going!!

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