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Early Period, daily headaches and still feel crappy. Does this get better?


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Ok, I am on day 17, I'm not gonna quit because I have come this far...but I am not having a stellar expierence as of yet. 


My headaches are awful, I am sore and tired and generally not feeling well.  I REALLY want a pizza, not a slice, a whole pie!  Annnnnnd, I got my period a full 12 days early.




I have been compliant, talking to people who did the whole 30, but I am not feeling any better.  Where is this magic feeling that will make me want to jump for joy?  Why do people do this?


I can deal with the head, the tired, the unrelenting cravings....but not all at once...and now I get my period 2 weeks early?  Yeesh!


Help a sista out!


Is there a gift in all this awful that I am missing?  And for Chris't sakes, what is up with the early period?  I have read on here that it happens to a lot of folks, but comeon!


Again, I wont quit, so none of that insprational bull...I just need to know what I can do to make the other 15 days a little more bareable?


Anything would be better then nothing.


~Cranky Pants McGee




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If you just got your period, please eat lots more starchy carbs!  Your body NEEDS a lot more just before/at the start of your period.  Whenever someone mentions serious cravings all of a sudden (and it's coming from a female), I can almost guarantee that's what it is.  You're not crazy or weak.  That's instinct talking.  Eat lots of sweet potato, carrots, beets, etc. NOW!  Next month, when you get cravings like that, that should be the first thing you reach for, k?


I'd be willing to bet an overall increase in starchy carbs will help with the brain fog, too.  Some people go too low and it's not fun.  Trust me.  Posting a few days worth of food might help pinpoint if that's your issue.  


And, yes, getting your period early/late is totally normal with diet changes.  Give it a month or two.  


Did the headaches just start, or were they there since the beginning?  

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Hi all,

Thanks for the replys.  to Chickennoodle and Karen...


Breakfast- Banana or somthing I can shove down before the gym, sometimes some protein after (hard boiled egg) but not usually as I am not ready for food until lunch.  1or 2 cups of black coffee, and lots of water


Lunch- I try to make enough dinner from the night before to bring a serving of protein (chicken, beef thingie) for lunch, apple or fruit peice, raw carrots or cellery for veggies.


Snack- Sometimes nuts, a hard boiled egg, or apple slices w/ almond butter


Dinner- Steamed spinach w/ garlic or sweet potato.  Always protein (fish, beef, chicken) preped with lots of garlic, pepper, and either ghee or olive oil.  Sliced apple with almond butter. 

On a side note, I was never one for potatos or starches other then bread...which there is no sub for.  but I have been ok with sweet potato, just dont want to overdo it because then I will hate sweet potato and have little/no carb options.


As for Karens questions about the headaches, they have been going strong since the start of the program...stopped at days 5-7 and back again.  Every day.


I am doing a little better today, but still not "feeling it".


I will try to up the carbs, any yummy options other then sweet  potato?? 


Again, your help and ideas are greatly welcomed.  Thank you!



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Do you have a copy of the meal template? http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf

I would eat more in the morning:

- your pre-workout snack should be a protein and optionally a fat. No fruit.

- your post-workout snack should be a protein and carb vegetable.

Snacks should be a mini-meal, including at least a protein and fat. Nuts and almond butters are considered fats on a Whole30.

Make sure each of your meals has at least 1-2 cups of vegetables.

Other carb dense vegetables besides sweet potato include carrots, onions, acorn squash, butternut squash, beets, parsnips, rutabaga and jicama.

Also, are you staying sufficiently hydrated? Aim for drinking water in the amount of at least half your body weight in ounces, daily.


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