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Yam? Not sweet potato!


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Hey guys, on day 7 of whole 30 and breastfeeding my 9 month old son! After lots of apprehension about my milk supply I decided to go for it. Result after 7 days is INCREASED milk production and my son sleeping through the night! Yay!

Okay question, can I have yam on w30? Not sweet potatoes but the big long tubers with a bark like skin popular in Caribbean and African cooking. Thanks!

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  • 2 months later...

The yams she's talking about are NOT the yams you're thinking of! We use both names for essentially the same thing here, but the Caribbean yam is totally different! I don't know about its compliance or not, but it's NOT the same.


You are correct mr wisley, Caribbean yams are not the same as sweet potatoes or American "yams" but lucky us, all of these are allowed during a whole30.  :)

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