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January 6 - Day 1


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Strong work Team J6!  Wow, the Hangover has wreaked its usual share of havoc.  No worries, get through this weekend and we've got this.


A note on timing.


I decided to initiate this round of Whole 30 on a Monday.  One of my many reasons for a Monday start is that Day 6 and 7 (I Just Want To Nap) fall on Saturday and Sunday.


Last go around, the host of ailments had subsided by Day 3 or 4.  But when day 6 hit, I was fatigued, tired, wiped out, exhausted.


Solution: I banked a nap on Saturday and Sunday.  It was very helpful.


Weekend naps are impossible for some.  Unnecessary for others.


Just a suggestion.  If possible, consider penciling in a bit of extra shut eye this weekend.




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I'm happy to hear that I'm not the only one who felt a little pissed off at the world today.  I was resentful and headachy all day.  I'm lethargic and foggy and wanting to eat anything sweet..... aaaarrrggghhhh......


I'm not feeling hungry, I'm just feeling loopy, and I can't shake this headache no matter how much water I drink.  I feel like I'm eating well, getting lots of veggies and enjoying my meals, but ALL I think about is eating a box of Cheezit's and a bag of tootsie rolls washed down with a gallon of wine.


REALLY looking forward to finding the light at the end of this tunnel so I can feel better....


Thanks for your inspiration everyone!

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Oh my goodness! I finally got to my computer and found so many pages to read! I don't think I'm going to be able to catch-up!

So, I'll just report about today. Today I had lunch at a dear old friend's home with 2 other ladies. There was lentil/potato soup, Jewish rye bread, butter, Swiss cheese, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. I brought a huge salad to share with everyone and a hamburger patty to eat for myself. And some slices of a beautiful Bosc pear. I stayed on my plan!


I made it through Day 3 with no side-effects that I can speak of, except the hot flashes. I thought I was rid of them, but they've returned with a vengeance!


I hope everyone is doing well. I'm looking forward to Day Four.



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Today was better than yesterday. Still fatigued but I did not have any of the "Kill all things" creep in today like I did yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow (day 4) won't bring more mood swings! I have found that my hardest time is after dinner when I want to have my regular ice cream/cookies/cake/candy dessert...and can't. I am finding that one thing I do not like is the increase in dirty dishes. Not eating crap = more cooking = more dishes = crabby me. And making two sets of sides each night since DH is "not eating that crap" hasn't helped. Oh well. Love to cook - just not a fan of the cleaning up part! ;-) On the bright side, I made an avocado crema tonight that was awesome!!! 3 days down, 27 to go. I can do this!

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Ok guys...Total frustration here.  Made it through the family dinner last night.  But tonight we had another one.  I thought I mastered it BUT apparently the salads balsamic threw for a loop.  UGH!  I'm sad to report I too will be doing Whole 33 due to balsamic vinegar.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  But, I'm hoping that since the error wasn't intentional that the withdrawl won't be as bad as the last two days.  I don't think I want to restart this headache and fatigue all over again.  So, I'm re-counting down and not "restarting" but adding the extra few days due to the unintentional snafoo.  :(


I am learning to HATE eating anywhere I can't control for the Whole 30. 

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Thanks Physibeth!


WildCatMama I have been feeling super nauseated as well you are not alone.


Today someone brought brownies to class. I am so proud of my self control considering how bad my sugar cravings have been this afternoon. In the past I would have happily had 2!


Keep up the good work everyone!

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Loving that everyone seems to be going through what I am. This board makes me feel like I am not alone in m torment. The day usually starts off ok, but after lunch until I get home is torture. All I want is sugar, I keep yawning and it's hard to concentrate. 


But then I get home, got to crossfit, and I am much better. It didn't hurt that I found my one rep max for the power snatch and it's an insane amount of weight--95lbs. That put me in an awesome mood and I have had more energy tonight and have been doing chores around the house. 


It's weird. It's like I am on an emotional roller coaster.

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@Greek - you've got this! don't let a little dressing mess with you!


Today was better about staying on schedule with food, still ate dinner a little later than I should have. So I got a little weird, shaky and kind of moody and craving weird things that I don't eat ever like cheeto's? 


Breakfast: 3 Egg muffins, 1/4 avocado, banana

Lunch: 2 salmon cakes, 1 C brussels sprouts, apple, 2 tbsp sunflower butter

Dinner: 4 oz chicken, 8 oz mixed raw veggies (red & yellow peppers & tomatoes) & .5 ounce pistachios, 1/4 avocado, 3 spears of pineapple. 


Rest day

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I'm comforted, reading the posts, seeing lots of people experiencing the same things I am. Tonight my husband asked, "What time is it?" I freaked out, threw down the book I was reading and marched off to the bedroom. Thus begins the "kill all the things" phase.


Today, I packed my sons lunch and refused to step foot in any store. I didn't trust myself to come out whole30 clean afterwards. I may be able to handle food shopping on Friday. 


Also, I had a food dream last night. a bit early for that, perhaps. But a food dream nonetheless. 


Thanks for all the support and shared experiences,

Veggies Up,


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@sklane: You're a much nicer person than I am. I would not make separate sides for my husband...he'd eat what I was cooking or go hungry. Or make his own. And then do his own dishes. 


I had a food dream last night! I missed this last go-round, didn't have any crazy dreams. Well, this one wasn't so crazy, but it was the Fourth of July, and there was a big family picnic (family picnics in my family are always big because I have a big family), and I had the protein part down -- I had a burger. I wandered off to look for sides that were compliant, and all I found were TABLES AND TABLES of desserts. I thought: That sucks. I didn't wake up craving anything, though, so that's good.

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Well, the coconut milk from Trader Joe's that I bought has carrageenan in it. So I'm just going to have to do a whole 35, but I want to stay with y'all, AND I have still done the no sugar and no soda for three full days so I don't want to discount that. I still feel like it's progress because while I'm sure carrageenan and sulfites are bad, I am pretty sure I wasn't addicted to them. So three days of kicking the sugar and diet coke are still important.


I haven't had as many symptoms so far as I expected.... I'm tired, a little loopy, and pretty emotional. But no headaches or tummy aches. Best thing is that I truly am not hungry except at meal times. That started on day 1, and that is incredible. I usually wake up *in the middle of the night* and eat. (That's embarrassing to admit, but true. I've always wonder how on EARTH can one be hungry in the middle of the night??)


Anyone know of a coconut milk that *doesn't* contain any of the evil stuff?

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Good morning to all!  I am enjoying all of the posts and it sounds like everyone is fighting the good fight!  I am going to take our fearless leader's advice and kick up the veggie consumption today.  Just get through the first two weeks and you'll start feeling so much better that everything will get easier.  Imagine…the power to walk away from sweets and no more snack cravings…this can be YOURS if you stick with it!


Go team! :D


Dovely:  Aroy-D coconut milk has only coconut extract & water.  I hope you can find it!  They also make great chili pastes and curries, if you're interested.

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Well looks like I'll be a 33-dayer, too!! My husband has been on board with Whole 30 and even let me throw the Oreos out, but last night he was just going to die if he didn't get some pasta. I don't love pesto (the sauce he wanted), so I knew I'd be fine cook it...plus I haven't really craved bad carbs at all. I'm just minding my own business, cooking our compliant dinner plus his noodles, and then I, almost totally involuntarily, scoop out a noodle and pop it in my mouth to check for tenderness. Literally chewed and swallowed before I knew it happened! Total habit!! I was so embarrassed and upset! Looks like 33 it is! And no more pasta for him!


Happy Day 4!

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Well, the coconut milk from Trader Joe's that I bought has carrageenan in it. So I'm just going to have to do a whole 35, but I want to stay with y'all, AND I have still done the no sugar and no soda for three full days so I don't want to discount that. I still feel like it's progress because while I'm sure carrageenan and sulfites are bad, I am pretty sure I wasn't addicted to them. So three days of kicking the sugar and diet coke are still important.


I haven't had as many symptoms so far as I expected.... I'm tired, a little loopy, and pretty emotional. But no headaches or tummy aches. Best thing is that I truly am not hungry except at meal times. That started on day 1, and that is incredible. I usually wake up *in the middle of the night* and eat. (That's embarrassing to admit, but true. I've always wonder how on EARTH can one be hungry in the middle of the night??)


Anyone know of a coconut milk that *doesn't* contain any of the evil stuff?

Natural Value coconut milk is just coconut and water. I order it from Amazon. No guar gum, either. Nature's Forest brand has guar gum and no other additives, and it is available in some grocery stores.

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So I am on my 3rd day, because i had chocolate on the 6th. No big deal, since this way of eating is for the rest of my life. I have added some things back from my AIP, but I am waiting until this W30 is over to add more. Egg yolks seem ok. I plan to minimize eggs anyway, but good to know I can use a yolk for binding in stuff. Cashews seem ok, too. I just eat too many, so that's something to limit.

I am tired, but that's just jet-lag. I have basically been eating this way since Oct. 1, with 2 weeks of vacation where I was not cooking myself. Now I am back on track, and this way of eating has become my norm. 

I did alot of walking on vacation, and did yoga on sunday. I hope to fit in one more yoga this week, and more walking. I want to add weight lifting back in - I havent done it since the summer. Maybe next week. 

Keep on everyone, it gets easier the longer you do it. 

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Ok guys...Total frustration here.  Made it through the family dinner last night.  But tonight we had another one.  I thought I mastered it BUT apparently the salads balsamic threw for a loop.  UGH!  I'm sad to report I too will be doing Whole 33 due to balsamic vinegar.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  But, I'm hoping that since the error wasn't intentional that the withdrawl won't be as bad as the last two days.  I don't think I want to restart this headache and fatigue all over again.  So, I'm re-counting down and not "restarting" but adding the extra few days due to the unintentional snafoo.  :(


I am learning to HATE eating anywhere I can't control for the Whole 30. 

I hate eating anywhere I cant cook it myself, and have avoided invitations and going out to dinner. thanksgiving at my mom's was fine, since I explained what i can/t eat, and that was fine. but friends homes would be a different story, especially on AIP. And eating out, there are so many pitfalls, it is no longer a pleasure for me. Although I ate out everyday on my recent vacation, which is why i am "cleaning up" with a W30, before continuing with re-intro of non-AIP foods.

If it's any consolation, i did several W30's with extra days, since i didnt know there was sulfites, carrageen, or soy in some common items. It is frustrating to think that we have to look so hard to find "clean" food, with no crap in it! Not even easy to find things with no sugar. What a world.

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Haven't caught up on everyone's posts from the past 24 hours. So I hope everyone is doing well. Not as tired today... wooohooo!


Question: Can I treat bone broth as a beverage or should it be part of my meal? I brought some to work and it sounds really good in lieu of my herbal tea. But I don't want to trip up if this as an extra meal in between meals. I'm not hungry, but the savory flavor sounds really good right now!

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I survived pizza night, but I agree with everyone above that places where you can't control the food are just stressful!  I felt like I was interrogating the poor, semi-clueless waiter who has probably never known nor cared how the chicken you can add to a salad is prepared, or whether the balsamic has sulfites.  The dinner pre-game totally helped, boyfriend MAY have given me the 'you are so insane' face while I was eating my mediterannean tuna before we left to go to a restaurant, but he's actually been much better than I anticipated at not saying anything negative or trying to tempt me with off-plan foods.  The friend we met up with was similarly supportive (if mildly skeptical), which was lovely, since I was starting to feel a bit isolated and spending the Whole 30 eating meals at home by myself sounds like a recipe for disaster.


On that note, I think one of my bigger challenges in sticking with this for the long term will be finding ways to rebuild the structures that helped support my previous habits.  My social life revolves around food (I had not realized this until recently), brunches, happy hours, coffee dates, coworker lunches, nights at the bar.  So do my reward/celebration structures, as well as my coping mechanisms (something good happened- let's go OUT, something bad happened?  let's go OUT!).  In the long term, even if I do choose to reintroduce some things, this structure cannot be sustainable.  So one of my goals for this time is to find ways to fill my time: workouts, movies, hobbies I've been wanting to try (knitting, jewelery making, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, kayaking and tennis lead this list, but they have for YEARS...time to chanve that), volunteering, SOMETHING, ANYTHING that does not revolve around food. 


Anyone else looking to change not just your eating habits?  What are your other Whole 30 goals?

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Day 4 check in! I am feeling great. A little worried after reading a lot of the other posts. I havent had a head ache, stomach ache, felt sluggish. I am following the rules exactly. I didnt eat much  processed foods before either so this may be contributing to the lack of symptoms. The only type of bread I ate before was Ezekiel but not often. I did eat brown rice, old fashion oats, and quinoa pretty often. I was really worried my workouts would suffer due to the lack of grains but I have had no issue and feel just as energetic if not more. I do know that I am eating a lot more protein then I was used to. Also, I gave up sugar about 3 years ago so that hasnt been as issue at all. I guess I'm just worried that my reaction is delayed and it will hit me like a ton of bricks later!

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Loving that everyone seems to be going through what I am. This board makes me feel like I am not alone in m torment. The day usually starts off ok, but after lunch until I get home is torture. All I want is sugar, I keep yawning and it's hard to concentrate. 


But then I get home, got to crossfit, and I am much better. It didn't hurt that I found my one rep max for the power snatch and it's an insane amount of weight--95lbs. That put me in an awesome mood and I have had more energy tonight and have been doing chores around the house. 


It's weird. It's like I am on an emotional roller coaster.

Way to go- I know how great it feels when you hit a new PR. Count those little victories!!!

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Well, the coconut milk from Trader Joe's that I bought has carrageenan in it. So I'm just going to have to do a whole 35, but I want to stay with y'all, AND I have still done the no sugar and no soda for three full days so I don't want to discount that. I still feel like it's progress because while I'm sure carrageenan and sulfites are bad, I am pretty sure I wasn't addicted to them. So three days of kicking the sugar and diet coke are still important.


I haven't had as many symptoms so far as I expected.... I'm tired, a little loopy, and pretty emotional. But no headaches or tummy aches. Best thing is that I truly am not hungry except at meal times. That started on day 1, and that is incredible. I usually wake up *in the middle of the night* and eat. (That's embarrassing to admit, but true. I've always wonder how on EARTH can one be hungry in the middle of the night??)


Anyone know of a coconut milk that *doesn't* contain any of the evil stuff?

Thai Kitchen is on approved list. They carry it at my local grocery/non specialty store

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