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January 6 - Day 1


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I started on the 6th as well. Been paleo for 4 months and dairy free for 2 years because of intolerance. Refined sugar is not a major issue for me, but have noticed how much honey and maple syrup I use daily (my coconut coffee creamer, my paelo granola...) My dragon is wine. I am a glass of wine while cooking dinner and unwind kinda gal. Already batteling a headach and some fatique on day 3.
I started on the 6th because the 1st is my birthday and was a Wednesday. I was not done celebrating until this past weekend and Monday just seemed like a better day for me to start something.
Good luck everyone on Team 6 and to everyone doing the Whole30!

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How long can I expect the yuck feeling to go on? I've woken up this morning still with a headache and tired! Yesterday I spent about an hour sobbing, not because of food, just felt overwhelmingly sad! Feeling really emotional & tired! The food bit so far has been no big problem but I really wasn't expecting this sadness. Was expecting short tempered (been that too). I have my sister and her family coming today, unexpectedly, really don't want to be a basket case for their visit! Really hanging out for this feeling to subside!

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Hi Tracey,

YES! Bowel issues badly!  I haven't been able to stay out of the loo for two days now.  I'm hoping the rest of the day goes better.  I'm feeling like I have more energy today so  I'm going to try to go into work.  I'll hope for the best!  


How are you feeling?


yes MMEW. washed out. also, anyone have any....um...bowel issues? sorry to ask...

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For those who didn't get ISWF, or if your eyes glazed over during the science-y bits, a helpful sugar animation from Ted Talks:



@Tazschick2000 - hitting the water HARD and adding back some caffeine yesterday helped me.  So did going back and making triple sure all my meals met the template (needed more fat, still so weird!).  Hope it subsides for you quickly so you can enjoy your guests...

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Day 3!

Yesterday was brutal for me as I am sure I caught my co-worker's flu and had the sweats and was hacking up a lung all day. Had a hard time sleeping the first night which is unusual for me but last night was back to normal.

I am feeling less bloated at the end of the day which is great. Normally I start my day feeling good and end up really bloated around 4PM.

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How long can I expect the yuck feeling to go on? I've woken up this morning still with a headache and tired! Yesterday I spent about an hour sobbing, not because of food, just felt overwhelmingly sad! Feeling really emotional & tired! The food bit so far has been no big problem but I really wasn't expecting this sadness. Was expecting short tempered (been that too). I have my sister and her family coming today, unexpectedly, really don't want to be a basket case for their visit! Really hanging out for this feeling to subside!

Have you been eating at least 1 carb-dense vegetable daily?  That may help.  These would include sweet potatoes, winter squash, beets, carrots, jicama, parsnips, rutabaga and plantains.

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Crying because I just realized my balsamic vinegar has sulfites. Did I see that discussion in here? I don't know. I also don't remember what made me check my multivitamin, but I googled my vitamin and someone (a customer) said it has soy. I checked the vitamin label for soy. It's not listed, and it doesn't say on the bottle that it has soy. Don't they have to tell you that?

I'm a little afraid that I'm going to throw this iPad if people tell me I have to start over because of the vinegar.

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Crying because I just realized my balsamic vinegar has sulfites. Did I see that discussion in here? I don't know. I also don't remember what made me check my multivitamin, but I googled my vitamin and someone (a customer) said it has soy. I checked the vitamin label for soy. It's not listed, and it doesn't say on the bottle that it has soy. Don't they have to tell you that?

I'm a little afraid that I'm going to throw this iPad if people tell me I have to start over because of the vinegar.


On the sulphites in your balsamic vinegar, is it in the ingredients list or does it say something like "contains naturally occurring sulphites"?  If it's the latter, you're fine.

The soy in your vitamins sounds less clear to me. I believe if it's truly in there, it needs to be on the ingredients list of the packaging.

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Crying because I just realized my balsamic vinegar has sulfites. Did I see that discussion in here? I don't know. I also don't remember what made me check my multivitamin, but I googled my vitamin and someone (a customer) said it has soy. I checked the vitamin label for soy. It's not listed, and it doesn't say on the bottle that it has soy. Don't they have to tell you that?

I'm a little afraid that I'm going to throw this iPad if people tell me I have to start over because of the vinegar.

I think someone else did the same thing. You do not have to start over. Check your vinegar and see if the sulfites are naturally occurring or an added ingredient. If they are naturally occurring you can use it, if not put it away for after your whole30. I also believe soy must be listed on your vitamins, if you are in doubt and can't find the answer then put them away for the rest of the whole30. And for more good news it's hump day and tomorrow is Friday eve so all is good!

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The vinegar lists sulfites in the ingredients. :(

The vitamins say "See accompanying packaging for complete product information." This is from the website: http://labeling.bayercare.com/omr/online/oad-women-petites.pdf

Clearly I can report to being very emotional today. :/

Thank y'all for listening.


OK, so technically it does call for a restart when you ingest sulphites.  You can handle it in the following ways:

- Assuming you started on Jan 6th, you're now on day 3.  You could do a Whole33 instead.

- Delay reintroing sulphites for 30 days, so you have 30 consecutive days of no sulphites 

I see no soy in your vitamin ingredients listing, so you're fine there.

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Definitely felt like the grumpy baby in the Day 3 email...until I resisted the treat a student surprised me with for my half birthday today and then I felt relieved. I won't name it so I don't trigger anyone else's food grieving, but it's one of my favorite desserts and I could see that it's not food for me anymore. I also didn't madly crave it since two days already has me climbing out of the carbo blood chemistry abyss.


Looking forward to lamb meatballs, sauerkraut and roasted butternut squash tonight!



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Thanks for your suggestions, guys. Thinking back over my last few days, I didn't have any carby veg day 1, but had pumpkin in my lunch & sweet potato in dinner Tuesday, yesterday I had pumpkin both lunch & dinner (wanted to use it up!). Maybe I'll increase it some more, each time there were lots of other veggies also, so wouldn't say I had heaps of carby ones!

I'll also try increasing my fat a little, I've struggled with that, I'm so entrenched in the low fat cooking habit that I find it hard to go against it! I'll concentrate on water today too. I've been drinking lots but not consistently, I'll finish a bottle in half an hour then realise 2 hours later that I'm thirsty! Will concentrate on all of those things today and hopefully avoid the crying! So weird, I thought the struggle would be the food & trying to avoid it but that's been pretty cruisy but these emotions are killing me!

Love the robot chicken video @mkhammer :D funny!

My sympathies @dovely! No worries, though! An extra 3 days are nothing, you'll probably want to keep going by then anyway, feeling all fantastic :)

Have a great day everyone, thanks for your help!!

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Day 3 almost over - it's been a struggle....

I feel so tired with a constant headache :(

the hardest thing was attending my sugarcraft course this evening. Lots of cake decorating, chocolate buttercream....SO HARD but I was focused with my bottle of water!

I pray that tomorrow will be easier....,

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mk_hammer I find that when my sugar dragon isn't really asleep, he'll wake up at the first smell of sugar. It's hard living on the sugar roller coaster, but it really does get better. Next book club, take your own tasty meal of munchies (maybe some plantain chips, meatballs & guacamole?), you can eat with them and you can have something more fancy than plain water, get some sparkling water or make some fancy looking iced tea with slices of lime :) It's easier to feel deprived if you've just got water.

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For anyone having trouble eating more fat than their old SAD menu contained, try adding a fat you didn't eat before, I found it less weird. I didn't eat much mayo before, or animal fats, so when I introduced them it was more like finding a new ingredient to play with :)

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Major congratulations on your success. Major!!!

I get and have heard/felt your "anger"before.

It helpless me to shift gears and say "Im choosing...." I know, I know, 2 year old control issues. But hey if it works, why not!!! Good strength!

Awesome day three everyone. So glad to hear everyone's progress! Amazing. You guys are the best to partner with. Hears to the next step...ugh.

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I did really well on Day 1 and Day 2, but Day 2 and 7/8 (around midnight), I woke from my sound sleep with major stomach cramps. After an hour-long bout with diarrhea (sorry for TMI), I made it back to bed and slept well. This morning (Day 3), I'm feeling sort of quesy and tired, but the email for Day 3 made me feel very reassured. For lunch I'm having 3 hard-boiled eggs, squash, roasted cauliflower & brussel sprouts, water and a small apple. It's so wonderful not being super hungry between meals.

Great to keep up with you all -- keep on keeping on!

This was day 2 for me Toni....but my stomach hurt so bad I couldn't even face the thought of food....I ended up with a baked chicken breast for supper.....Totally non-protocol, but that was all I was able to do.  Today was much better - except for the headache that is creeping up on me!

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