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Almond and Coconut Milk

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carrageenan is not a sugar or a sweetener, but it is a serious gut disrupter and it isn't allowed during a whole30. sorry.


there are several brands of coconut milk sold in cans that are compliant. amond milk, you would most likely need to make your own. 

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Carrageenan is out. I'm not sure if it's a sweetener or not, but it's out because it causes problems in the gut. It's specifically listed on the Whole30 rules here: http://whole30.com/whole30-program-rules/


The coconut milk you can use will be in a can, and the ingredients will be coconut, water, and depending on the brand, possibly guar gum.  I think I read that some people found some frozen that was compliant, but I've never seen it. For almond milk, you have to make your own, there are instructions on the internet, but I've never tried it.

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Carrageenan is a thickener that irritates the gut. Think of it as poison and you will be on the right track. It is made from seaweed. Do you really want seaweed extract in your milk?


There are almond milks on the market now that do not contain carrageenan or sweeteners, but life is better without lightening your coffee. Really. 

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  • 1 year later...

I am just finishing week 2. I made home-made almond milk, however, last 2 days, I was running short of almond milk and did not have time (long hours at work) so temporarily I had store bought almond breeze 3 times in my coffee/tea. :( Now I know its not compliant with the CARRAGEENAN :( Do I need to restart? I hope not! I am vegetarian and it has been really tough. I hope I can continue and don't need to restart. Please advise. I've been good otherwise. 

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I am just finishing week 2. I made home-made almond milk, however, last 2 days, I was running short of almond milk and did not have time (long hours at work) so temporarily I had store bought almond breeze 3 times in my coffee/tea. :( Now I know its not compliant with the CARRAGEENAN :( Do I need to restart? I hope not! I am vegetarian and it has been really tough. I hope I can continue and don't need to restart. Please advise. I've been good otherwise. 


Carrageenan is one of the big no-nos on a Whole30 -- this thread has some explanation from Melissa Hartwig about why they decided it's one of the additives that's not allowed. 


In order to complete the Whole30 as an elimination diet, it's important that you leave out the potentially inflammatory ingredients for at least 30 days, so that your system is totally clean when you start doing reintroductions. Please read this article for more guidance on when a restart is necessary.

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I make my own coconut milk.  I soak large coconut flakes for 20 minutes, put in vitamix, blend on high, strain through a nutlike bag and store in the fridge.  The fat separates, so you have to shake, but there is nothing in it except coconut and water. I forgot the exact ratios, I just eyeball it.  You can google it for a recipe.

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