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Day 39 and not seeing results


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I am on day 39 since I didn't see any of the results that everyone raves about during the first 30 days and figured I needed more time. I have been totally compliant the whole time and anticipate sticking with it at least to day 45 and maybe day 60, but I don't know if I should. I think my expectations going in we're realistic: hopefully a few pounds weight loss and less bloating; reduction in my frequent migraines; reduction in joint pain; better quality sleep and less waking during the night and higher energy levels. I made it to day 31 before weighing myself even though I assumed I gained weight since I can barely get into my clothes and sure enough I had gained 3.5 pounds. Not only has the bloating not gone away, but I'm broader all over. I try to exercise most days a week, but am not doing anything high intensity because of the low energy, poor sleeping and headaches. Does it make sense to continue or am I going to blow up even more? I guess the question is if this is where I am after 39 days, will I ever see results; or am I just one of those people who won't experience the benefits of Whole 30? Any advice would be appreciated.

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A typical day of eating is as follows (and while I didn't measure in the beginning given how my clots were getting noticeably tighter I am trying to really be more conscious of portions):


Breakfast: I need something solid first thing so even though I have since read that your first meal shouldn't include sweet potato, I do have a sweet potato (small to medium) with 2 eggs & 1 egg white fried in 1 tsp. ghee and at leasts 2 cups of sautéed veggies (onions, mushrooms, spinach, red pepper, and maybe leftover broccoli) sautéed in 2 tsps. coconut oil. Glass of warm water with lemon slices and 1 tsp. Natural calm.


I am trying not to snack and have tried eating 3 eggs, rather than 2, but it doesn't make a difference so after the gym (and I am not doing killer workouts, but what I can), I'll have a hard boiled egg and maybe 7 cashews


Lunch: Bag of frozen veggies, Salad with either leftover steak or chicken, 1/2 avocado, 6 olives, mushrooms, tomatoes and 2 tbsps. of the everyday dressing (recipe from the book); either an apple, grapefruit or 1/2 cut up strawberries, blueberries,pineapple.


Afternoon: cut up cucumber with salsa or if I didn't have the egg and/or cashews in the morning, I'll have those.


Dinner: At least 2 cups if not more of vegetables and either steak, chicken, 93/7 chopped meat; 1/2 cup of cut up fruit.


I'm assuming that I must be eating too much if I've gained weight, but I still have a big appetite.  What am I doing wrong?

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Your meals look ok.  It's perfectly fine to have sweet potato at breakfast.

Your postWO should be a protein and carb. No fat.  Nuts are considered a fat source on a Whole30.

Snack in between meals should be protein and fat.

Have you introduced any foods that you didn't eat before your Whole30, or something you're having a lot more often?  I wonder if there's a certain food that might be bothering you?

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What would be the best small post-workout snack? If I've had sweet potato for breakfast, is it advisable to have another carb? What would be an ideal afternoon snack?


For post workout I see most recommended chicken and sweet potato. Any starchy carb will do. 


You shouldn't plan on needing an afternoon snack. But if you do leftovers from a meal work. A hard boiled egg with carrots. Things like that. The ideal is to get your meals such that you don't need the snack.

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I have a dear friend who has been on Paleo for almost two years, mostly W30 compliant ALL the time - year round.  She has a lot of health problems as well, and was hoping this lifestyle would help.  I remember when she first started she actually did gain as well!  I'm not sure why, but she did not start losing any weight for months, and when she did it was very little.  She still eats this way, but she has a condition that for some reason her body doesn't realize it's overweight and she cannot lose it.  Most of her other health problems have lessened in degree minorly, but there have been no substantial changes unfortunately.  

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