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My husband doesn't want to join the forum, but he's wondering how long he can expect headaches continue? It's basically been one long headache since he started (we're on Day 5). He says he's drinking plenty of water during the day while he's at work (he has a desk job). I'm thinking he's withdrawing from something. 



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Here are the past two days: 




2 hard boiled eggs

Sliced green pepper

small handfull of cashews

Earl Grey tea




Steamed Green Beans




Crock pot pork loin (recipe from clothes make the girl)

Brussel Spouts sauted with Bacon

Mixed Salad on the side dressed with olive oil & balsamic vinegar



2 eggs

Compliant Bacon (3 slices)

½ cucumber

oolong tea



Petite Sirloin

Steamed tri-colored Carrot slices

Handful of almonds




"Moroccan Curry": 1 chicken breast sautéed in olive oil with wilted spinach, 1/2 cup coconut milk and moroccan seasonings


And, frankly, our eating before Whole 30 was atrocious.

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Well cutting sugar and caffeine will both cause headaches.


I will note however that this doesn't look like enough food which can also cause headaches. A palm sized serving of eggs is the amount of whole eggs you can hold in your hand. I usually eat 3-4 and I'm a short female. The food template references palms and thumbs rather than ounces or numbers of because everyone has different needs. I would reckon your husbands palm is larger than yours so he should be having a larger portion of protein than you are at each meal.


How active are you both?

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I agree with Bethany.  Eat more.


Besides the point on protein, have more veggies. You each should have 1-3 cups per meal.


Also, are you staying sufficiently hydrated? Aim for drinking water, in the amount of half your body weight in ounces, daily.

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I have had a headache for four days as well.  I'm on day 9 now.  My husband thought it might be 'low carb flu'....not that I'm trying to go low carb, but I'm certainly eating less carbs than I did before (especially less sugar.)   I'm wondering if some people just go through withdrawal or detox?



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To put some more weight behind my "eat more" answer I personally waited too long to eat my third meal last night and probably didn't eat enough for my 2nd meal considering how active I was yesterday and I had a splitting headache that is certainly abnormal for me.

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