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Gratefully Surrendering & Leaning into my Whole30


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The official start of day 0 on the Whole30... I began this journey July 17 and have been about 99% compliant. I held onto cheese in the beginning, a few corn chip issues and then this really CRAZY evening with glutonfree bread & raw honey -- wow! A HUGE WAKE UP CALL!!!! my entire brain lit up like crazy when I tasted it -- I had one piece,,, and then another, and then spoonfuls of straight honey,,, all within 30 minutes...

I'm a recovering alcoholic of 9 years and it was so very reminiscent of my drinking! It also allowed me to take a good hard look at the last few months (and years) of my eating... the similarities of hitting bottom are astonishing... the health issues, the denial, the hiding, the trying to manage/bargain,,, ugh... ridiculously exhausting.

Anyway, for the past few days I've been 100% compliant, have signed up for the Daily30 and will be starting my count tomorrow. Not even feeling like having one last binge which is testament to how well this works! *most* of my cravings have disappeared and I gratefully report that there is this surprising willingness to do WHATEVER IT TAKES that has emerged.

Met with my Dr yesterday for check-up and ER follow-up visit. She'd sent me there a couple weeks ago due to whacked out atypical migraine symptoms... Last time I was there I was sure I was having a heart attack, turned out to be a combination of anxiety and esophageal spasms... the list goes on & on of health issues regarding my crappy eating. I've always justified it as, well, I'm sober and that's what's most important... I know now I was killing myself with my food. When I read the part in ISWF about what a bad day looks like and then what it looks like a few years later WOW. I could totally identify.

I am unbelievably GRATEFUL for the opportunity to have been given this window of willingness to take an ACTIVE part in some of the healing from the damage that I have done to my body over the years.

Gratefully Surrendering & Leaning into my Whole30,


(fwiw, here are the first two weeks of when I began the journey of Whole 9 / Paleo on July 17, 2012... http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/1330-well-here-we-go/)

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I'm totally digging the Whole30 Daily. I feel like it's getting me off to a great and balanced start! It feels good to write down reachable goals and to be prepared for the inevitiable but-I-don't-feel-like-going-thru-the-hastle-to-make-it meal.

I've been 99% compliant for the past 2 weeks (the 1% of non-compliance was mostly out of ignorance, though I admit, some out it, like the raw honey thing was out of sheer I'm tired of having to do this and I deserve a reward for doing so well feelings. And ugh, what a reward: a tummy ache, a headache the next day and that yucky feeling of defeat)...

In preparation for this 30 day challenge the pantry, fridge and spices are cleaned out (and the medicine cabinet!) YAY!!

I've also worked through the detailed goal worksheet and created this vision for the next 30 days:

Nutrition - I will eat breakfast within the first hour of waking up.

Sleep - I will try to be in bed by 10 and lights out no later 11 (no computer or TV during that time).

Stress Management, partnered with Exercise and Injury Rehab - I will try to get at least one of the three of these in each day (oh so tempted to write one OF each, but I'm gonna keep it S.M.A.R.T): SM: yoga, E: power walk with dog, R: shoulder & neck exercises.

Active Recovery - get to 3-4 AA meetings a week :)

Fun & Play - 9-holes of golf 2x during the next 30 days, (would love to say once a week, but again, wanna keep it S.M.A.R.T)

Personal Growth - continue to read & learn about nutrition, paleo, cooking etc. (specifically: finish Everyday Paleo podcast series)

Temperance - do the Whole30... that counts right? ;)

Have not taken a before picture, most likely will do that later today...

Here are the 3 goto recipes I collected as suggested in the Whole30 Daily, Day One Edition:

1) Morning Mix

2) Deconstructed burger or taco salad

3) Leftover omelette (3 eggs and add salad & meat leftovers)

Cheers to all of us brave and courageous Paleo Warriors! (I've taken on a bit of a Fight For My Life Persona... It worked when battling the NicoDemon 11 years ago, it worked when fighting the DrunkDemon 9 years ago, here's to slaying the SugarDragon! ...

and as a note of gratitude: I am so thankful for the gift of willingness (not sure where it came from, not sure how it got here, but definitely not going to question it's arrival) to do whatever it takes to save my life and to listen to the wise people who have gone before me and have successfully fought their own battles with these demons!

OK, off to fix breakfast!


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thanks Colleen & Derval, much appreciated.

Here's today's food:

5 pieces of bacon

1 coffees w coconut milk

1/2 espresso, 1/2 coconut milk

leftover chix/broccoli carrot slaw mix (new recipe) 

1/2 avacado 

1 apple 

19 oz water

8 thick slices cucumber raw

about 4oz steak

19 oz water

handful (ok, 2) dry roasted cashews

5 raspberries

more water

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OK, so here I am, up at 4 am! This used to be a mainstay of my sleep diet and at least I can say that for the past couple weeks leading up to Aug 1 Whole30 my sleep has gotten SO much better!!! Still though here I am wide awake...

Last night I had a peach & handful of blueberries way later than I should've and I'm wondering if that might have something to do with it? I think I ate my dinner too early (430) and this left me hungry (and "vulnerable" to bad food ideas!) before bedtime. I had had a small argument and I could tell I was reaching for something to relieve stress. Perhaps a walk next time! The food was compliant so I'm not beating myself up over it, but I also knew as I was doing it that I don't want to reinforce the idea of using food that way. And still I did it. But 2 good things: 1) I didn't make it into a coconut smoothie like I desperately wanted to, and 2) it wasn't the bowl of cereal it might have been in the past -- yay Paleo!

Also, and more likely, we have a pretty exciting thing happening on Saturday and I'm getting anxious about all the things that need to be done before then. We have a small summer lake cottage that we are setting up beginning on Saturday. It's not far from home at all, so it's not that I might forget something or anything like that, more that there are so many things to consider (like setting up another whole kitchen!) I woke up at 4am with lists of things I need to take care of between now & then running through my head.

So I'm posting here first and then going to fix breakfast and take the lists out of my head and put them on paper! I am going to reward myself later with a short afternoon nap and try to stay on a regular schedule otherwise.


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Today was a tough day. Starting with the obvious, I didn't get much sleep last night. I was able to get a lot of things done today and I was compliant with my food YAY!... there were some rough moments though. I did have a couple "smoothie" pick me ups, mostly because I was really afraid I was going to give in and have sugar. I didn't though so I am grateful for that.


3 egg omelette with bacon, broccoli, salad greens & 1/2 an avacado

2 fish oil, 1 vit D3

30 oz water

1.5 coffee with coconut milk...

listened to my body during the second cup of coffee and poured it out halfway through, it just didn't taste good to me. that felt like progress that instead of downing the coffee for the up effect, I chose not to ingest it.


brisket (that I began making at 430 am!, hey, why not right? I was up.)

raw brocolli


during lunch I felt very defiant... like I'm tired of doing this, why me and all that garbage. I think that this may be a 3rd week into this thing symptom because even though I'm counting days in August, I have been 99% compliant since July 18... also I had burned the sauce that the brisket was cooking in which was frustrating since I'd been working on it since 430 am...

Also I think I was feeling defeated since I yesterday I didn't do any of the other goals I had set for myself (especially the excercise/stretch,yoga thing).... though I did get to a meeting.... Still though I felt pretty overwhelmed today and like I had a ring around my rear for sitting on the pitty pot for too long... oh well, some days are like that.


coconut milk smoothie with fresh mango & berries

hadnful of cashews


brisket (and I made a new yummy sauce to go over it with diced tomatoes)

spaghetti squash cooked in microwave and then fried w coconut oil, 1/2 a leftover sweet potato, salt, cinnamon

dinner was delish! pretty cool to have all these new recipes since I'm normally not a much of a cook..

organized my new spices and they're awesome.


small coconut milk smoothie w blueberries & strawberries

after dinner I went on a nice brisk 30 minute walk with the dog and listening to the band "Dr Dog" and now I am very ready for bed!

here's hoping for a better attitude tomorrow... I do have to remind myself that ya know what? some days being sober and eating well have to be enough... I know that somewhere down the road a bit I will be glad again I'm doin this! lol.


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Hi! Maggie. Great intro and best of luck. Looks like you have a few smoothies and from what I understand on the Whole 30 they want you to obtain from liquid food. I'd say if it's for health reasons, like not being able to chew, then I'd do smoothies. You tend to over eat fruit, etc in smoothies. Better to eat the fruit on its own. :) Just a friendly suggestion. The moderators have also told me that w/snacks always include a protein. :) Best of luck to you!

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Hi Laura,

Good morning! Thank you so much for the suggestions. @&$#%& !!! I didn't know we were supposed to completely obtain from smoothies, though I suppose it makes sense. And thats good information to always do the protein thing with a snack too.

Funny how I never really knew I had such a whacked out relationship with food, I guess since I'm not an overeater, but I'm starting to see just how big a deal my crazy relationship with sugar is.

Thanks again for your input - much appreciated!

Her's to another Paleo day!!!


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Maggie- I hope you have an awesome day! You set a lot of great goals. Just do your best each day and then do it again the next day. Be kind to yourself. Forward progress is what its all about for me. Just keep working it!

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Good morning Maggie!

You are doing awesome so far! We all have "bad" days-and we had even worse days pre-whole30, right? So don't beat yourself up or over-analyze a bad meal or a bad day or a bad night of sleep. It is what it is. Accept it and plan to do better the next meal, day or night. It's all good.

I can't remember whose post I read it on-someone said something to the effect of "maybe it's just one of those flying poo kind of days" and we need to remember that. It's not a bad day because of what we are doing and the positive changes we are making-it's a bad day because it's just a bad day! Breathe in, breathe out. It's all good!

And, I am so jealous of your new lake cottage! Every time I'm out kayaking, I go "house shopping" along the shores of the lakes. Someday.....

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thanks for the support guys. today was much better. I was pretty busy with all the moving and such. we still have a little to do tomorrow as well, but most everything is moved.

did well on food today though I didn't get any fruit at all in (need to get to the grocery -- and will since tomorrow we move to lake for the last couple weeks of summer.)


3 egg omelette with bacon, broccoli, salad greens & 1/2 an avacado

(I made a double batch yesterday and put 1/2 in fridge... made this morning so easy! though not as tasty as a reheat it was very do-able)

2 fish oil, 1 vit D3

25 oz water

2 coffees with coconut milk



leftover spag sqaush stuff

broccoli (semi-raw)



pulled individual baggie of pulled pork from the freezer (made a ton of it a few days ago)

6 large chunky cucumber slices

coconut water

that's it. I was so busy and yet I forced myself to sit down and have lunch -- this is a positive side effect the whole30 is having on me -- causing me to slow down a bit and take care of myself.

off to zzz (1.5 t mag) big day again tomorrow.

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that's it. I was so busy and yet I forced myself to sit down and have lunch -- this is a positive side effect the whole30 is having on me -- causing me to slow down a bit and take care of myself.

off to zzz (1.5 t mag) big day again tomorrow.

Love this. The mental benefit of taking care of yourself can be even more rewarding than the physical benefit. Truly a life changing shift to put yourself and your health as a priority in your life every day. On another message board/forum we would refer to something like that as an NSV - Non Scale Victory. This one is a great NSV!

FYI - I have been taking photos of most of my meals with my phone and it makes me slow down just enough to plate up my meal nicely and actually sit at the table to eat. Big improvement for me.

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3 scrambled eggs, s&p

lightly steamed broccoli

2 c coffee w coconut milk


so last night when we were moving in, our next door neighbors were awesome! they came over and helped and then brought over an assortment of drinks (water, coke, juice) and COOKIES! yikes!!!

luckily for me I'm not a pop drinker, so the coke wasn't even slightly appealing, I just had water. also I had eaten a good dinner so I felt pretty full and satisfied. regardless, the cookies called out to me. ugh. I grumbled a bit and simply said to the cookies (luckily no one was in the room at the time), "Oh hush it, I'm not even listening to you. I have way to much work to get done right now to even give you another thought. We'll take this up later." and went on about my business. <whew>

it's got me thinking though: we're headed down there in a few hours to officially move in and my guess is that there'll be plenty of cookies, wine etc being dropped off. ... I'm going to keep reminding myself that this is only for 30 days etc (delayed gratification = the postponement of present pleasure ==> thank you Derval's Dad!) and to do this ONE DAY AT A TIME... it feels strange to be so acutely thinking like this again, so reminiscent of getting sober 9 years ago... it's good though because

The mental benefit of taking care of yourself can be even more rewarding than the physical benefit. Truly a life changing shift to put yourself and your health as a priority in your life every day.

wish me luck! I will be keeping the Whole30 community in my heart, soul & mind as I journey through my exciting day today. Thanks for being here! Internet & phone is sketchy right now down there, but hopefully I'll be able to check in soon!


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greetings from mirror lake! service is sketchy at best down here soI haven't been able to check in. Internet will be up and running later this week. meanwhile, my phone has 3G , but even that only every once in a while can be picked up,

I'm still going strong with my whole 30. and while I do battle from time to time w the sugar dragon, as I continue to win our battles, he does, at present, seem to be beaten into a stage of reasonableness and leaves me alone for the most part. it's now been 3 weeks of no sugar, which seems unbelievable to me. Go paleo!!! woo-hoo!! I feel certain that because of all the good things I'm having AND because I'm not recreating deserts, pancakes, etc, that I am indeed on the brink of a new relationship with food )especially sugar!)

more later, better hit "add reply" while I still have service.


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