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Never had an experience like this before...

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I've been going over the forums this week and couldn't find anything similar and wasn't sure where to post my issues(s), so I hope this is appropriate here.  I'm on day 30, but would like to go over what began day 28.  I'm baffled by this as I've not had an allergic reaction (if that's what this is) or condition like this in my life.  


Day 28 I woke up with tiny bumps all over my face that felt like snake skin, but oily.  It was not noticeable, but you could feel it.  Day 29 I woke up and it had spread to my neck, ears and into my scalp behind my ears with a bit of an itchy feeling-still unnnoticeable until you touched my skin.  Day 30 (today) I woke up and it's red, very itchy and noticeable on my face, ears, neck and some of my scalp.  Nothing in my diet changed, I haven't added anything new to my daily routine.  I'm applying Benadryl lotion to hopefully help.  Nothing like this has ever happened to me.  The worst I had was mosquito bites that swell-and it wouldn't be every time-quite large in the last 3 years.  I haven't been out much to test what happens yet since doing Whole30.  


I started to see an improvement in my skin tone day 23 and started feeling pretty good overall.  With this rash, allergic reaction, eczema, whatever it is, my eyelids and face seem puffy/bloated.  I first passed it off as part of my seasonal allergies (which I only started suffering from 3 years ago as well and was part of why I decided to try Whole30).  That is one area Whole30 has not seemed to help.  It's been the worst year for my allergies and over half the Whole30 30 days were negatively impacted by those symptoms.  


Anyone else experience this or have an idea what it could be?  I don't know if the Benadryl treatment is helping since I just started today.  I'm hopeful that it will aid and rid of whatever this is.  I would really like any suggestions what could be causing this so I can avoid it in the future.  Also, I get the impression I should stick with Whole30 100% a bit longer to perhaps see more results with my skin and allergies since the benefits have been a bit delayed or small.  Would you agree?  

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This has been my worse year for allergies and this is year 4 of Whole30-style eating for me. Good food cannot fix everything. :)


What you are describing doesn't sound food related to me, especially since you report no recent changes. I wonder if you have been exposed to something somewhere. I agree with seeing a doctor. 

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Just in case this helps, your story reminded me of a friend who broke out in hives all over her face and neck. She called in sick to work and stayed in bed much of the day. It got worse the next day. On day 3 she realized the culprit was the new pillows she had just bought.


Hope it's something that simple!

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Reminds me of the time (2 times really, because I didn't figure it out the first time) I had an allergic reaction to an over the counter medication. It was pepto bismal for me, but perhaps it's something else for you. I've also heard of someone reacting to the pesticides used on lettuce, though I don't know if it was a similar reaction. Have you sourced your food somewhere differently? There are lots of other good ideas above to consider.

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RE: seasonal allergies...removing 100% of sugar from my diet is what fixed mine. My W30 was in January of last year though, and my symptoms never start until March, so I'm not sure how long it had to be out of my body to clear them up. By March I was 'off-roading' once or twice a month, so I didn't see an improvement that year. In January of this year I gave up sugar completely, and sailed all the way to mid-April without a sneeze. I ate a bunch of Easter candy one day, and the next morning my allergies appeared full-force, and they have stuck around (so has the intermittent sugar...).

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