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Crazy Stomach pain

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Hey Team, 


I have been having issues with my stomach for the last 3 days.  I am currently on Day 22 and haven't had any issues to date with my stomach.  The only "out of the norm" things in my diet recently - 2 days ago, which started all of this, I had Salmon with some canola oil and cooked it in a pan.  I also added carrots - which sounds silly but i literally just haven't had carrots this whole time for whatever reason.  I cooked NomNom's meat ball recipe as "taco meat" last night and cooked it in a pan as well and also ate some carrots.  I've been completely compliant with everything and so i'm wondering where the issue lies.  I have been eating mostly cooked meat.  Has anyone had any issues with pan cooked meats or carrots?? That is literally the only difference.  Thanks!!!

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I have never heard of stomach distress from consuming canola oil, so that is probably not a likely source of your trouble. I have never heard of anyone having stomach pain in response to carrots either. 


I wonder if there was a problem with your salmon? I am grasping at straws here because nothing sounds very likely. 

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I have issues with canola oil (specifically if it's older and rancid) and corn oils.  Stabbing pains and enormous amount of bloating is usually what follows consumption.


Other than that what else have you been eating.  Are you able to list a couple days worth of meals so we might be able to help you troubleshoot further?


Canola oil I can understand.  Carrots - unless they are raw, (some people are not able to diggest raw veg) I have hard time thinking they might be the culprit.  But list a few meals out for us in more detail and we'll take a look.

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Hmmm ... About 20 or so days into my 2nd whole 30 I started experiencing some tremendous stomach pain - I think my gallbladder became a bit sluggish. It was as if after 20 days of eating lots of fat my gallbladder finally said, "hey, I need a little help here!". I took some fresh beet juice and a shot of apple cider vinegar and the pain went away in 20 minutes. I'd say the pain would come each day for the last week or so of my Whole30 (especially after eating nuts, coconut oil or avocado) and I would either take digestive enzymes or take ACV and the pain would subside almost immediately.


Just something to keep in mind if you keep experiencing pain after ruling out the salmon or canola oil.


Just an fyi - Whole30 didn't cause my stomach pain. I originally experienced this pain a long time ago after a stretch of eating a vegetarian diet. I was told that I messed up my bodies' ability to produce bile and digestive enzymes by eating a low-fat, low-animal protein diet. It was a long road to recovery. I'm sure I'm not at 100% but I think the Whole30 has done a lot to restore health to my digestive system.

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