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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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A woman's intuition. :P  I'll have what you're having. If it's good enough for you it's good enough for me.

They say that women live in an emotional dimension. That we're always locked into our emotions.:P

That these feelings are the guidance system we rule our lives by. :P

Fat is not a feeling.

I feel fat, I feel fat....Oooo shut the hail UP already.

Women are "just" emotionally prone and fly by the seat of their pants. Living on a dream and a prayer and emotional hunches about everything. :P

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Food Freedom Forever.

Don't be surprised if the side of effects of FFF can result in learning how to think for yourself.

I hold these truths to be self-evident.

All Felicias are created equal until they reach the front door of the office. There is a culture that's been in place for eons of time.

Schmoozing, flirting, babytalk and major suxing UP.

Who ya gonna call? Whatcha gonna do when you're not the same person you used to be.

Don't let anyone take control of your nutritional decisions. Ever.

That's Food Prison.

Don't let anyone take control of your life and tell you how you how you should think.  That's a master controller. Master controllers cannot control anything in their own life so they want to control yours. 

Run Forest Run.

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My spirit is Whole.

It is so worth it to keep breaking the cycles of food addiction so that you can heal.

My so worth it moments are all about breaking the cycles of food addiction.

If you're being suxed under a tidal wave of pressure with food cravings...."just" know that food addiction and binge eating doesn't solve the problems that are making you sad. It only adds to them.

Secret eating is a thing.

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Answers, answers, answers.

Prune the master controllers out of your life to the best of your ability. Let them eat your dust.

They're still sitting back there on the curb while you've tooled along and are much further down the road.

They're bewildered and amazed at your accomplishments. They will continue to take potshots from across the bow. Be ready at all times and prepared.

Don't be scared. Be prepared.


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Addiction = Master Controller

Extremes beget extremes.  The law of attraction.

Food addicts, any addict is attracted to extremes and master controllers.

As you start to heal, food and being controlled by others and the Pusher loses its allure and sparkle.

Extremers keep everything to a zero-mum and not a mini-mum.

Change your gut and you can change your life and your world.

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Food inflexibility is a self-imposed prison.

The Food Prison can seem like it's more comforting than Food Freedom Forever.

YOU are not trapped.  You have the keys to the Food Prison.

Don't let master controllers put you back in there.

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YOU are not trapped.  You will have to get what you need from a bunch of different sources.

There's safety with a multitude of counselors. An abundance of wise counsel for the WIN.

If you've been counseling yourself with food addiction only to rebound and relapse...year after year, there's your sign.

Where there is no wise counsel, it ends up in another round of disappointment. R100D3000.



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You are not trapped.

When you have a thought, let it goooooo. Or not.

Take full responsibility for everything. This includes the glass ceiling that women are always wanting to break through.

When women behave like men do, in the workplace, glass ceilings will no longer exist. It's not their fault for crying outloud. It's our responsibility.

Choices and Consequences.

When women choose to behave as men do in the workplace, and stop doing all of those things they feel they have to do to garner attention, that glass ceiling will be history.

Whatever men are doing, I want to do in the name of all things being equal. The sky is not the limit and it never was. The limitations are in our head. When the collective Whole starts moving in the same direction, that ceiling will shatter.  We choose, we decide.

What's it going to be. Another 100 years of being passed over or thrown under the bus without a promotion.  Birds of a feather fly together. Or not.

We choose to create imaginary barriers. It starts in childhood.  We don't have to shrink ourselves for someone else's comfort.

Don't worry and cower. Don't hide and apologize for everything. There's enough room for all of us in the world.

Always saying you're sorry doesn't mean anything if you don't change your actions.

How often you apologize for yourself = how seriously you're being taken everywhere you go.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.


Until we quit being sorry and no longer walk in those old worn out shoes that our ancestors have been walking in, we'll keep treading around the mill. Day after day and generation after generation. We choose to do it.

I'll walk a mile in your shoes. That way, I'll be a mile down the road and have your shoes, too.

FFF. It's rubbing off on me in other areas of my life. Don't apologize in the boardroom.


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No more self-induced Food Prisons or holding pens for free people. They don't work and they never did.

If we keep doing what we've always done we will get what we've always gotten.

How much potential goes unrealized.

The dignity and integrity of self-sufficiency and sustainability is not overrated.  It's okay to Shawshank it and value education. Don't resist it.

FFF. It's alright to travel the road by yourself. We're going to have to do it. No one can do it for you or take care of your personal relationship with food for the rest of your life.

Culture holds us back. Generations and generations of dependency won't fix it. It's not a sell-out to move beyond culture. Always traveling with the herd and staying with the pack creates malaise, melancholy and boredom.

That can lead to addiction. Recovery comes first.


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Every 40 years there's a new musical renaissance. A rebirth and seriously new musical groove that changes everything. We're long overdue and stuck.

I can remember the music of my great grandmaw, grandmaw and Maw's generation. New music opens doors. The 60's and 70's were powerful. People were living in the middle of it. I listen to the new stuff but I cannot remember where I was when I heard it for the first time. It doesn't really stick with me. It goes in one ear and out the other.

Music is a huge part of my recovery tools. You have to replace destructive habits with positive new ones. Great music is a gift to everyone. Maybe it's the calm before the musical storm but it feels like we've been in the flatliner phase for a long time. Music has become filled with scientific formulas that work, over and over. 

It only takes one person with a new sound to change everything. An anomaly that isn't supposed to happen. Unexpected.  A gift. Something we shouldn't take for granted.




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Success doesn't change people it only helps to show who they really are.

Make sure you're back in your boat rowing and not drilling holes. Much deeper holes.

Post Whole vs. Post Hole

Who are you when no one else is looking?

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First of all you’re hurt as a child, and then you have to compensate for it. So you compensate in two ways. One is by becoming a ‘success….’ When despite all of your best efforts in your successes, and your ability to impress people, the gnawing pain still shows up, now you use something to soothe the pain. And what do you say about somebody who drinks too much? There’s an old expression. When someone has drunk too much, there used to be an old saying. ‘They’re feeling no pain. ~Gabor Maté


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A spirit of pain. 

The reason we're interested in seeking oblivion with food and alcohol  or other substances. 

Addiction  =

"The contortions we go through just not to be ourselves for a few hours." - Keith Richards

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