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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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Tom Denham said,

"You can't lose weight looking at the scale every day.

It scares the fat when you check frequently and it holds on tighter."

"And increasing your workouts from 3 hours to 5 hours per week means you have seriously disturbed your system. It is not going to release fat until it knows you will feed it enough to support the extra work. You did start eating more when you upped the number of workouts, didn't you? And you increased the amount of time you devote to active recovery?

All this matters." 


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Tom Denham is correct.

You cannot get on the scale at the beginning of your Whole 30, all through the Whole 30 or even at the end of your Whole 30 without scaring the hail out of your fat.

It will hold on tighter.  It will hold on for all its worth.

But when you stop getting on the scale and let your body and mind no longer rule you with the mind warp - something funny happens on the way to the forum.

Everything starts clickin' and clackin' back into place. Ooooo, it is not going to happen overnight and not really in 30 days.

But at some particular point in time, when you stop overthinking everything and relax like a normal person, the body and brain no longer run roughshod over you.

Your spirit begins to rise to the surface. It becomes the best part of you.  You can trust your spirit, I promise, it won't let you down and disappoint you.

Noooo, Felicias. 

You begin to see the forest for the trees and your way out of the self-imposed food prison walls. 

Shawshank it.

Everything you've ever done that didn't work, throw it out with the bathwater. Let it wash down the drain.

Get in the shower every day and blow the stink off. Stinkin' Thinkin'.

Take it back outside whenever you can. Remove the blinders from your eyes and take a good hard look at where you've come from.

Go in search of yourself.  Fat is not a feeling and it never was.

I feel fat. Ooooo, shut the hail UP already.

You don't want to scare the fat, that scaredy-cat. You are going to have to sneak UP on it and pounce like a tiger.  Like a predator with prey.

You are much more than a scale with counterweights and your measurements cannot contain how much you really mean in this Universe. 

Your spirit is timeless, limitless and without bounds and limitations.  Ain't no mountain high enough and ain't no valley low enough to contain your spirit.

Answers, answers, answers.  They're all in there and they always were.  You are going to have to use your head besides something to part your ears with, pull all of the dross out of your head and start listening and watching for the signs coming across the horizon.

A watchman on the wall.  Prepared for whatever may come your way.

I can't promise that normal will be yours. I want it  but it's still an elusive butterfly.




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Answers, answers, answers.

We all know exactly where we're at with our clothes. They tell us everything, so I don't need measurements or scale readings. Those are just data points. Your spirit cannot be measured in inches and pounds.

Your spirit is free. It's always known what authentic freedom is. It contains your original factory settings.

Your spirit doesn't need GPS coordinates or IQ scores. It doesn't need to brag about SAT's.

Your spirit knows that humility is the beginning of wisdom. Humility is a sign of understanding. It is the opposite of pride.

Pride comes before a fall.


Don't fall. Pull the ripcord.



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Answers, answers, answers. Is there an app that removes pesky tourists from your photos. ;)

They're here. In droves and herds and swarms. Like locusts. The chewing, biting and gnawing kinds. Glamping. If you need to bring your entire house with you, why not stay home.  They take all of the booch from the grocery store and eat all of the fresh produce. Pesky.



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Taking someone's bison baby with you for the rest of your  vacay without asking. Pesky.

The half has not been told of the things we've seen. I love summer but it comes with a price. Pesky everything. I pray for patience every day.

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Where words fail, music speaks. Some things are too beautiful to speak of. I want to keep them a secret but it's already out.

I was born here and my ancestors go waaaay back through the eons of time. These things make me hang my head like Ole Tom Dooley. This place belongs to me and to you, too... only if you'll actually respect and honor it. 

If you're going to take the kids and run roughshod through my house, you're not invited back to this hospitality and I am not taking you anywhere.  


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I started this post Whole 30 thread on an extra special day. I just saw it for the first time. How did I miss it. My eyes were opened to see it, today.

Post Whole vs. Post Hole Digger - digging much deeper holes for myself.

Remember when I took everyone on a field trip and we never left the farm. The funny farm.

Oooo, those were the NutHut Days. ROFL

Yes, there were a lorra lorra silly days but it was so much fun.

When Maw texts Bear, she always writes LOL at the very end. He finally asked why she was always laughing outloud and she said, I thought it meant Lots Of Love.

Birds of a feather fly together.

Much Love. Tanto Amore. Peace Out.  LOL




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Don't be a gluten for punishment.


It's alright to just say NO and you don't have to explain why.

Whatever you do, don't make up imaginary illnesses or medical conditions to justify your nutritional decisions.

The truth will find you out. Just say NO and move on.

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If my husband put himself through the paces, going through all kinds of gyrations, doing a softshoe song and dance number, shuffling off to Buffalo - making up all kinds of excuses why he didn't want something...

His BFF's would think he was acting nuttier than a fruitcake. If your husband or male friends aren't making a big deal out of turning something down, you don't have to do it either.

And I don't care who makes it or bakes it. No one has to live in my body. I'm not going to eat something to make someone else happy.

Food rewards don't make me happy and being forced to eat them to make someone else happy really gives me a big pinch. 


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 I've been told by more than one man and woman that I think like a man. I'll take it.

Some didn't mean that as a compliment but I'll still take it. Thanks, Paw. I will use my head besides something to part my ears with.

I'm not fond of coy baby talk or flirting with the boss. Yuck, I need a bucket. 

Now, I know, I know it works. Office politics. You'll find yourself right at the top of the heap. But for the life of me, I couldn't do it.

Paw said...When those noses dislodge it will be the pop heard 'round the world.

Some would say, are you reading my mind, it scares me. Nope. I'm not.  But if it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me, too.

Those who are confident in their own skin, man or woman, will not be afraid of others who are, too. Water seeks its own level.

You don't want to work for someone who is hailbent on keeping you in your place. That's not a team, it's a dog pack.

Stand your ground and look 'em directly in the eye. Hold your hand out there and give them your best grip. Some will run but some won't. Those are the ones you want on your side. True friends will stand beside you through thick and thin.

They won't throw you under the bus because you don't fit the mold. They'll embrace you. I'm loyal and faithful.

I will stand beside you, too.  

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At the office, many won't or don't want to share their knowledge or tricks of the trade. It's job security and insurance that they will keep you around. It's dog-eat-dog out there. Ruthless.

I haven't been there in awhile and I really should go back. Oooo fiddle dee dee. I've eaten my share of dirt sandwiches and I really don't want to fall back into pan bread, cornbread, other people's bread and stale bread that I ate anyway because it reminded me of croutons.

Falling into much bread is life but climbing back out is transcendent.  Eating all the bread makes for a rough recovery.

No excuses or massive rationalization. Take responsibility for everything. I did eat my way through stressful working environments.  That temporary comfort was imaginary and it only lasted for about 5 minutes before it added to the misery.

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At lunchtime, I had 30 minutes. It was just enough time to make a clean getaway for a candy store run. I would come screaming back into the parking lot on two wheels. My boss used to watch me. :D

There I would find homemade choco covered orange jelly sticks and cherries. Yuck, I need another bucket just thinking about it.

I did this every day for a long time. The binge eater's Shock and Awe approach can be brutal. Binge eating sets up the most vicious cycles. Wild Swings UP and down with your weight and insulin excursions galore.

Food Addiction Recovery comes first.

You are going to have to turn around and take a good hard look at where you've come from.  Find someone. Sit down Face-to-Face.

If you're exactly where you were 2 or 3 years ago, do not let another day or year pass you by.  Food Addiction progresses with time.  From mild to severe to profound.

Starting over and over and over again won't fix it either. Consistency is key. 

Flying by the seat of your pants is the trademark of a binge eater and food addict.

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If you have questions about food addiction recovery...what you should do and where you should go for help, ask your doctor. I have a really good one but I will not advise you in any way where you should go, not in messages either. Nuh huh.


Sugar = Approval and Cheering and Love

Binge eating and food addiction is risky business.



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If you habitually push past your satiety boundary, you lose touch with your internal cues and the body's stop signs.

It puts you on the road to a lifetime of binge eating and dieting and overrestricting.

The narrower the way of eating, skipping meals every day can cause more emotional symptoms within hours.

Withholding food and dialing food down into 2 or 3 items leads to more disordered behavior and repeated binges.

Binge eating is eating large quantities of food. Quickly. Feeling completely out of control while doing it.

1 in 4 binge.

Binge eaters eat until they feel sick. Eating an entire pizza in one sitting. Slice after slice in the unconscious mode.

That cycle of binge eating is followed by another cycle and you can't think about anything else.

Dieting causes you to obsess about food - altering the serotonin levels in the brain. Diets of even 1400 cal or less aday can cause depression, anger, pouncing on others and social withdrawal.

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Never let anybody take control of your nutritional decisions.


The "Pusher" can be your maw, grandmaw, aunt, coworkers, clients, friends, fair weather friends or strangers.

You have to stand your ground and be firm. Don't lie or tell fibs. It will all come back to bite you in the rearend. Don't concoct or devise imaginary medical conditions or make excuses for yourself. You will lose trust from others and it will make you feel like a fraud.

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Just stand UP for yourself and call it like it is. You don't have to go into big lengthy excuses or rationalization. Shorter is better.

Tell them you're not touching that food or alcohol for 30 days or you're not touching it anymore. Period.

Be nice but super firm with the "Pusher". 

Let them eat cake.  Let them bawl their eyes out over it because you're not. If you can't get the "Pusher" to stop, you will have to avoid them in the future.  Alcoholics and anyone in any kind of a recovery program, including food addiction, like me...we learn this as part of making our recovery stick.

We remain strong for ourselves. No one can do this for you. 



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Don't be a gluten for punishment.

If you can remind yourself that there's always another streetcar coming around the corner or alcoholic drink or food reward...and you can manage it, you don't have an addiction.

Full-blown addiction is nothing more and nothing less.

The thought processes are identical for addiction. The substances may be different, the consequences may be different but addiction = addiction.

Food addiction causes physical consequences. Diabetes, heart attacks, obesity, depression and others.

The law of addiction. You won't be able to return to all of the food rewards.  Alcoholics in recovery don't tell themselves, I remember what blue agave tequila tastes like and I can have one again in the near future.

The alcoholic and food addict who returns to the scene of their last drink or food reward will find themselves in a total relapse.

Food addicts will not be able to linger long on old thoughts of what you used to eat.  If you do, thoughts always precede old behaviors.  You manage a food addiction but you cannot return to your old way of eating without falling back into a relapse.

If you can manage a bite or two of your old trigger foods, you don't have a food addiction.

A true addict has to avoid the substance at all times.

I don't know of an addict of any substance that's healed themselves without help. You can't fix a broken brain with a broken brain.

I didn't heal myself.  I had help and there's no such thing as a perfect recovery or the Finish Line.

If your so worth it moments include food rewards, you do not have a food addiction and I am so happy that you do don't.

Relapses can be the rule and not the exception when you have a food addiction. It may take many attempts before you're managing it more than relapsing.  This is why you need help.  I don't know of anyone that's been able to recover on their own.

Releasing 100 lbs in a year's time and rebounding back with all of the 100 lbs within the next year is a sign that you need to ask for help.

Food addiction does not resolve itself on its own. Addiction progresses. Do something about it NOW or it can end up making a mess out of everything in your life.

I didn't heal myself.

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Can't live without fortified gummy bears? Those are cray cray shizz. Gummy vitamins - read the fine print. Here's what's in there along with the 'vitamins'.

Corn Syrup, Sugar, Grape Juice Concentrate, Modified Corn Starch, Gelatin, Citric Acid, Lactic Acid, Natural Flavors, Black Carrot Juice Color Concentrate, Purple Berry Color Concentrate (Maqui Berry Juice Concentrate, Sugar), Annatto Color, Coconut Oil Triglycerides, Beeswax.

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