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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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Answers, Answers, Answers.

You think I'm going down for the count, ole Rope-A-Dope? 

To say I refuse to go down with the ship and throw the towel in is to understate my personality by several thousand degrees.

Delicate health is so very hard, it shortens lifespans.  It is patently unfair. I could complain about that forever but I'm always on the search for answers.  

Relapse and Rebound Weight Gain....Eat my dust.  


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Food Freedom Forever.

Don't be surprised if the side of effects of FFF can result in learning how to think for yourself.

I hold these truths to be self-evident.

Those who conduct W30's in giant month hunks of time without a Reintro Phase and contemplating how you are actually going to live for the rest of your life can fall back into old eating patterns before I can say mini-meal and mini-mum vs. zero-mum.


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I've been around, you know. And I have seen. 

Think Scent of a Woman here.

Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception. I knew. But I never took it.

You know why?

Because it was too hard.

It's a path made out of principle that leads to character. I will continue on this journey.


You hold your future in your hands. It's a valuable future. Believe me. Don't destroy it.

Protect it.

Embrace it.

It's gonna make you proud one day, I promise you.



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I've watched others work so hard for a year or more to relapse and rebound, eating it all back.

The body and mind of a food addict will keep fighting against your for 3 long years before it settles in.  Even then, it will not cease and desist all of it's maneuvers against you. 

Food addiction is ruthless.

If you think you can "just" lay back in the weeds and rest on all of your laurels, think again. 

You are in for the fight of your life.  You will have to learn how to fight like a barracuda.



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I don't want to eat it all back in a fraction of the time it took to get here. Diogenes and how to avoid food addiction relapse and rebound weight gain. Epidemiology and genomics.

Change your gut and you can change your life. Autoimmune disorders have increased by 25% in the last few years. 

MSU is studying the digestive tract, colitis, Crohn's. They're working with polyphenols and Israel is working with flavonoids.

France is working with healthy oils to reduce chronic tissue inflammation and autoimmune illnesses. Sweden, Denmark, everyone is on the case.

Throwing the towel and falling back into old eating patterns won't fix it. Feeling sorry and self-pity won't fix it. 

It Starts With Food and it ends with food.

I'm using EVOO and macadamia nut oil with flavonoids. Anthocyanins from fresh berries.  EGCG - epigallocatechin gallate, found naturally in green tea, calming immune cells and attacks against joint tissues. 

Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides, too.


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By combining genomic and metabolic approaches, they then identified two molecules driving the impact of the microbiome on regaining weight. These molecules – belonging to the class of organic chemicals called flavonoids ...

The researchers found that under normal circumstances, these two flavonoids promote energy expenditure during fat metabolism. Low levels of these flavonoids in weight cycling prevented this fat-derived energy release, causing them post-dieting  - to accumulate extra fat when they were returned to their former way of eating.

Oooo, Felicias.  

Relapse and Rebound Weight Gain.  You end up in a much deeper hole because not only did you lose muscle mass, the rebound weight gain comes back all in the form of fat.  Not muscle mass. 

When you start over and over and over, every time you start over, you are working with fat that's in a form of metabolic sickness.   All of this sux and you don't want to keep starting over, releasing 100 lbs in one year and rebounding back with every pound. Trying to get your mojo back after you've been through this once or twice in your lifetime causes many to throw the towel in for real. 

Go slow.  It is a very delicate balancing act to release weight and maintain your muscle mass. 

Hailbent on losing 8-10 lbs a month...that's mostly muscle mass.  Rebounding and eating it all back within the next month comes back as fat. 

Weight cycling, with wild swings UP and down, that's food addiction.  Mild to profound, it progresses with time.

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Food Freedom Forever

Can we talk amongst ourselves, because this feels like actual freedom.

I am going to eat fruit with protein. I've been doing that for over 3 years now.  It's become part of my positive food management plan.

I've never had a problem with fruit or nuts.  I had a problem with sugar and foods that are really artificial, highly engineered to be craved.

Fruit has enzymes, fiber and anthocyanins. Things I need. I've never been on a fruit bender in my life. Ever.

I will continue to eat fruit and starchy carbs. Many people eat them cold because they have more resistant starch. Potato salad, yay you!


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If you absolutely love that way of eating zero carbs so much - Why O Why do you need a Cheat Meal or a Cheat Weekend to endure it.

If it is such a good way of eating, why would you need to STOP and take a detour to endure it.

Over-restriction and Dieting = The need for many, many detours and Cheat Meals

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Diogenes and creating a plan that you can live with for the rest of your live.

Doing things in the name of dieting and exercise that you never wanted to do in the first place. That's a temporary fix. It won't last.

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I am consistent.

I consistently enjoy whole foods in whole forms as much as I can.  This works for me.

Bouncing in and out of playfoods, 5 days on and 2 days off would result in a full blown food addiction relapse.

I eat fruit with a protein.

Cake, donuts, cookies - meh.  I've never liked cake.

I refuse to be scared to death of a piece of fruit or potato salad with homemade mayo but eat playfoods and then keep starting over and over and over again.

I won't do it.

The dog days are over and I am no longer compensating for flying by the seat of my pants. 

Who would dream that I would still be standing here after all of this time.  I did.

I believed I could. So I did.

Milling around and shooting the breeze with the Universe, blathering and foaming at the mouth without editing myself.

That's what this is and it sure feels like freedom. It's all fun. Really.

I've had whopping boatloads of fun. Singing, dancing. A little soft-shoe and shuffling off to Buffalo.

Every now and again, I get the hook

and pull myself off the stage.





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That's all for today, folks. 

I must go and make a fruit salad to go with supper. Maw's coming over.

There will be other tiddlywinks and things.

The gas man came by a few minutes ago. He wanted to come in and change out the meter. I said, Noooo. I'm too busy right now. You'll have to come back next week.

Much Love. Felicias. Tanto Amore. LOL


We're having some EQ swarms again. I'm not worried.

The Universe laughs when you make plans but I'm hoping I'll be here in the future.



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We've got to use our heads besides something to part our ears with. Always.

Wherever you choose to live, be aware of your surroundings. That's just good common horse sense. If horse sense was really that common, everyone would have it and use it. It is acquired via your folkaronies.

We've had all kinds of pesky tourists through the years. Most are lost but some are hiding out from all kinds of things.

When anyone pulls up to the house without an appointment and I have no idea who they are, I don't let them in.  It's just a check  in your spirit. Don't ignore it.

Today, there's a nationwide manhunt for another one that's on the loose. The car was found in the 'neighborhood'.  Thanks, Paw.  I will use my head besides something to part my ears with.

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A few years ago, Bear met up with someone on the loose out in the trees. Bear is a mountain of a man and the woods. He knew immediately that the situation was all wrong. The wrong place, the wrong time. He made it out of there. 

Change your gut and you can change your life. Trust your gut and you can save your life.

Being overconfident of your survival skills is not wise. Pride comes before a fall.

Be a watchman on the wall and keep your eyes wide open.

Paw always said when you start showing off, that will get you or someone else hurt. Showing off on your horse, snowmobile, 4 wheeler, bike, jetski...performing for an audience. Don't do it unless that's your job in Vegas.

Keep your eyes on the ball and don't take your hands off the wheel, Look Maw, watch me do thissss.

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Discernment in your spirit is a gift. Don't take it for granted.

Body. Mind. Spirit.

The spirit is not the mind. The ego and super-ego resides in the mind along with the appetite control center.

The appetite control center guides the gut. Hunger and satiety and hormones regulate appetite which affects the body.

The spirit is the inner GPS guidance system. It's more than intuition and gut feelings. Feelings are fickle and you can't always trust your feelings.

Your spirit. The whole universe. We haven't created anything new, we're just discovering it. There's really nothing new under the sun.

My ancestors may not have had modern conveniences in the past but they had a peace that eludes today. Maybe they did have them at one time but lost them. ;)

Lifes problems can't be solved by ourselves. We work better as a team. Not a dog pack.

There can be no peace if there is not peace within.

Ultimate master controllers, social stratification,social engineering and more more more won't fix it.

Changing our hearts, one at a time.. will.  Change your heart and change your gut, you can change your life.



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Not always. You can't always be kind to everyone you meet. Hugs and kisses all around. Nuh huh.  I hear helicopters and that makes me happy.  I didn't take it back up on the ridge this morning. Then I listened to the news...on the loose for a month now. 

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Everyone we meet is fighting a battle.  Should we fight it for them. No.

The unwise battles we fight for others have collateral damage on those around us.

In the workplace, there's another school of thought. Never fight your own battles when someone else will do it for you. That is the yellow-bellied lily livered sapsucker way but we learn these lessons the hard way.

When we fight the battles for others, Paw always said, you can't stand in a bucket of 'battles' without getting some blowback on yourself.  That blowback can deplete all of your resources. 

You have to know when to stay out of the fray so you don't become whack-a-mole. 

Image result for photos lucy pulling the football

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Diogenes believed in self-control, the importance of personal excellence in one's behavior (in Greek, arete, usually translated as `virtue'), and the rejection of all which was considered unnecessary in life such as personal possessions and social status. He was so ardent in his beliefs that he lived them very publicly in the market place of Athens. He took up residence in a large wine cask.

(c. 404-323 BCE) was a Greek Cynic philosopher best known for holding a lantern (or candle) to the faces of the citizens of Athens claiming he was searching for an honest man.

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Diogenes is a pan-European Program targeting the obesity problem from a dietary perspective: seeking new insights and new routes to prevention.

An Integrated Project of the EU Sixth Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (2005-2009).

The name Diogenes is the acronym and stands for "Diet, Obesity and Genes".

The Diogenes project

Targeting the obesity problem: seeking new insights and routes to prevention
The Diogenes project

Targeting the obesity problem: seeking new insights and routes to prevention

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Diogenes is very proud to announce that the results of RTD1 have now been published in the distinguished New England Journal of Medicine.

You can find the paper (preview) and the accompanying editorial here:


- Larsen et al Diogenes NEJM online 2010 (preview)

- Ludwig & Ebbeling NEJM (Editorial)


Following press-release was submitted to media distribution outlet:


- Diogenes press-release English


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Pan-European Weight Loss Study

There is a huge amount of advice available on how to lose weight. A vast array of calorie-counted, calorie-controlled foods, but in spite of all this help large numbers of people across Europe are continuing to gain weight.

When they try to lose weight, if they are successful, they subsequently find it very difficult to keep the weight off.

Diogenes aims to identify what will be most effective in preventing weight gain and weight regain. Diogenes is identifying the factors that influence long-term success, the appetite and satiety.



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