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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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We spent the day in our backyard. We visited with pesky, pesky, pesky. It's all fun. Really.

We did sit on a wooden bench and pesky enjoyed our company. A novelty act, I suppose. :D We are alive and not wooden, after all. ;):lol:

How long will you be staying? Ooooo, for the rest of our lives.

How long have you been here? Ooooo, for eons of generations.

I would like to show you a few pix but my attachment quota is loaded to the gills. When that's fixed, I'll show you what pesky was UP to. We had to cover our eyes, for real.

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I enjoy watching the peoples. I did catch the eye of a grandmaw from India, smiling at us. I smiled back with a big wide grin. We can take a trip and never leave the farm whenever we want to. I don't want to tell you how wonderful it really is because more pesky will come by the whopping busloads and some order out of that chaos on the roads would be very nice.

It was one of the most beautiful days that I will always remember. We had a picnic in the trees. Now, I did look for Bigfoot sign and listen for tree knocks. Didn't see or hear a thing. :lol:

They say they're here but as Bear says...we've yet to see a single sign of scat. Until that time, we surmise they must all be using the porta-potty on the other side. Scaring the wits out of folks on this side and going to the other side for the olde thunder mug. 

Interdimensional portals...for the porta-potty.:P

The lines for the actual potties are long.

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Bruce Lee -

Truth comes when your heart and mind are no longer trying to become somebody. Truth comes when the mind is listening timelessly to everything.


Your body desperately wants you to get healthy for the rest of your life. 

Food addiction is not a weight loss problem.

Addiction is the inability to understand the nature of the risk.

Addiction begets Addiction. It's not only substances but behaviors.

Cross-addiction doesn't have to substitute another substance, it can sub in another behavior just like the first one.

They always say it will never happen again and then it does. Be a watchman on the wall. Keep your eyes wide open for what's coming across the horizon. For you.


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Yesterday, the same thing was on everyone's mind. Synchronicity. Copasinki coinkydinks.

Aren't you afraid of the EQ swarms. Ahh-nope. Never have been, never will be.

There ain't one cotton pickin' thing any of us can do about it. We have faith and we're ready for what comes our way.

I'm been milling around and just shooting the breeze with the Universe. I find these truths to be self-evident. There's every indication that collectively, we're going to be around for some time according to the laws of nature.  Humanly, I make no guarantees. No one knows. No one.

Let your mind be free today so that your body can create a new way of moving.

Movement is free and it doesn't carry that burden of running on the dreadmill or doing things you don't want to do all in the name of weight loss.

Movement is freeing for the mind. When your mind is free and your body is free and your spirit is free, you are running on all cylinders.

When you're really, really free...taking it back outside, you want to run and jump and play. There's a huge difference between being childish and having the heart of a child. Children trust with pure, uncorrupted hearts. 

Today, take it back outside and return back to your original factory settings.  Isn't that the way to turn your life back around?



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Movement vs. Exercise

Movement is free. It doesn't cost you a dime.

All or Nothing

Black or White

Eating all the things or Nothing, Overrestricting

Movement or sitting on the couch at the speed of zero

When your mind is free the body follows.

Body. Mind. Spirit.

You're so darned happy that you want to take that extra flight of stairs to see what's at the top of the general store. You want to walk out there to the lake view or see all of the sights. You're not overthinking anything.  Your body and mind and spirit want to experience everything. 

I cannot run on the dreadmill like a gerbil. You have to find movement that you enjoy and do all of it on your own terms.

Find foods you enjoy and eat them on your own terms. Let your mind be free so it can create your positive food management plan that your body, mind, and spirit can more than just endure.  You don't need to eat the same dog's breakfast every day for the rest of your life.  Mix it all up.

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We are bent on survival. It is the strongest driving force in our life.

After all of the dieting and exercise is done, you're  left with thinking that everything will be perfect.

I've come to the crossroads in my life. Just hearing the sound of those two words, dieting and exercise, exercise, exercise, makes me feel ill. When I listen to someone's stringent way of dieting and exercise, I have to tune it out or leave. 

There are weight loss competition shows that I will no longer watch. Competitive eating, gross.

Food Addiction Recovery = there are conversations you can no longer have with others. Dieting and trying to outexercise a food addiction.


The temporary weight loss success of the biggest losers did not last. Almost all regained all of their weight loss. 

It did not work because rapid weight loss does not neutralize relapse and rebound weight gain. They may have won - the weight loss battle, one battle - but they did not win the war.

Extremes beget extremes. I'm done with extremes.

Have they changed everything for you then?

Never. Not in a million.

Diogenes. You can eliminate all carbs for a year or more, some did. It requires alot of extreme discipline and self-sacrifice.  You can dial your food down into 3 items.

But as soon as you step off that rapid weight loss fast track train, when you start eating carbs again, all of the weight will be found on your doorstep. Rebound.

If you've never had a food addiction or weight problem, be happy.  Our mileage will vary. Your freedom will look differently than mine.

The food addict's body regulation mechanisms are complicated. Scientific studies all over the world have proven that the food addict cannot maintain or sustain zero carb eating over giant month hunks of time without gaining all of it back. 

Think far ahead into your future. Can you sustain giving up all carbs in every form for real, for the rest of your life?

Cheating on the weekends with carbs won't fix it for the food addict. Cheaters don't change their spots.

Weekends turn into weeks and months and you don't even know when you've returned back to eating all the things in the unconscious mode on automatic pilot.

Rebound weight gain. 

Have you experienced it? Do you remember that not one time during the process of eating it all back did your mind even stop you.  Noooo, it was driving you back to your highest weight and not one single time did it allow you to stop and think about sliding back off the goose.

Not. One. Time.

Extremes beget extremes.

You have to create a positive food management plan that you can actually live with for the rest of your life.  It will have freedom and leeway.  Movement instead of trying to outexercise binge and thrill eating.

Fast for 2 days, Cheat for 2 days, Eat good fats for 2 days, Eat nothing but baked potatoes for 1 day.

There are lots of harsh and brutally strict plans out there. Eat nothing but potatoes for 30 days or eat good fats before and after every meal.

Saying permanently goodbye to some whole foods and not others, shunning every carb and binge eating nothing but good fats.

They promise permanent weight loss. But if that was actually true, there would never be a need for another diet in your life.

One diet, that extra special one that promised you everything would be the answer to all of your problems.

One diet. One time.

The sky is not the limit and it never was. You can't put square pegs into round holes.

I don't fit the mold and being forced in there really gives a great big pinch.

Dieting and Exercise. Dieting and Exercise.  Hearing those two words gives me a big pinch.

Food Freedom Forever.  Don't be surprised if food freedom rubs off into every area of your life. Being free to think for yourself about food and how you choose to move freely throughout your day.





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Free your mind so you can free your body.

Are you in Food Prison and must rigidly keep eating from the Food Prison Menu?

First, you must realize that you are locked up and have been locked up for a very long, long time.

The truth will find you out. 

Your brain weight will be in conflict with your dream weight if you are locked up in Food Prison.


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Your brain will keep fighting against you. It fights against you for 3 long years or more when you put yourself through the paces with a brutal diet and exercise regimen.

Doing everything in the name of weight loss? Your dream weight will be at odds with your brain weight.

When you tell yourself you are not dieting but you really are and your entire focus is on weight loss success - your weight 'loss' stats, measurements and data points....

That. Is. A. Total. Disconnect. For. The. Brain.

Brain weight vs. Dream Weight

Food Prison vs. Food Freedom Forever

Black and White Thinking is a thing. Research it.

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Willpower won't get you there either.  Gutting it out and dialing it down, rigid, rigid, rigid. Counting calories and points, macros and micros and mackerels.

After 5 years, more than 50% of dieters have rebounded back with more weight than they'd lost.

Your brain will take charge that's just the hard, cold truth.

We are bent on survival. Your brain is doing what it has evolved to do.

It's going to fight like hail against the peril of starvation.

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Everyone's brain has a set body weight range. Your brain is going to fiercely defend that.

No matter what the number on the scales your brain is stuck on a range.  It is determined by your genetics and how many times you've dieted and hacked your weight.

Keep dieting. Starting over and over and over.

Losing 8-10 lbs one month, rebound back within the next few months, starting over again and your dream weight becomes much further out of reach.

Everytime you go on a diet you are digging a much deeper hole for yourself.  Every start over has consequences.

The brain and body will stop accommodating you.  Like a stubborn mule, it's going to lay down in the trail and leave you stranded.  A duck out of water, a ship without a rudder, up a creek without a paddle.

Keep doing what you've always done and you will not only get what you've always gotten, it can get worse and harder and more brutal.

The grass is not greener, it gets meaner. 

Every dieting cycle you take, every move you make...your brain is watching you.

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Your brain will fight like hail to see to it that you eat it all back.

Got eating in the unconscious mode on automatic pilot?

That's just the brain doing its job. The brain is so efficient at seeing to it that you do not starve, it won't even let you even know what's happening....oh yeah.

You wake up one day and you have eaten it all back.

How in the hail did that happen? You were asleep at the wheel and the brain wanted it that way.  It pulled the rug out from underneath you and the wool over your eyes...again and again and again.

Starting over and over and over again.  That won't get you get there.

Constant restarts will result in more wild swings UP and down with your weight.

Your brain weight vs. your dream weight becomes a nightmare that never ends.  You're riding the merry-go-round and all the horses' saddles are worn smooth from your nonstop efforts.

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There are lots of harsh and brutally strict plans out there to help you get the weight of the world off your shoulders.

Release them.

Release yourself from constant restarts and doing everything you never wanted to do in the first place - all in the name of weight loss.

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Want a Rapid Weight Loss High? I can't look, I'm covering my eyes and I can't even be happy about it.

I've watched many fall by the wayside, never to return again after an "I'm not dieting but I really am dieting as fast as I can go" disconnect for the brain - weight loss cycle.

Come back a year or two down the road and tell me that the brain weight did not take over vs. the dream weight. Then, I can be happy.

Read Tom Denham in your spare time. Travel the backroad of this forum and read about the consequences of Rapid Weight Loss.  Take it to heart.

Absorb it. Listen closely and don't keep starting over and over again.

Every inveterate dieter knows that working for a thigh gap and aiming for your double aught zero jeans will be fiendishly difficult to grasp and maintain.

Your ribs will have to show.  Not abs, rib bones. The side rib cage shot.

Starvation Alert! You've got bones and they are poking through your skin.

If you drop below your Brain Weight and your thigh gap appears - you will meet UP with the most powerful resistance you've ever encountered.

Your brain will give you the battle of your life. You can put your body through the paces with nonstop exercise, all night and day....

But the brain is going to pull the rug out from underneath you by becoming a driver.

A driving force that will tempt you and steer you towards every quick-fix you've ever eaten. 

It will bring back to your remembrance - every multi-crap food you've ever binged on or went on a thrill riding trip with.  A food high. One hit right after another until you've eaten it all back.

Aaaahhhhh, says the brain.  Boooooo, says the body.



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