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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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A broken picker.


If you're the one always leaving a trail of tears behind you, it's time to take a good hard look at yourself.

That's stink on stink.

Looking good is not the best revenge.

Growing UP and not taking potshots from across the bow is integrity.  Integrity will take you alot further than potshots taken from across the bow or sea.

Always targeting in on others' flaws = super thin skinned and will fall apart in a real emergency.


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Teach your children well.


Can you lean in too heavily on your children?


Codependents will rely too heavily on their children and it can result in role reversals.  The child becomes the parent. That's not fair to a child. They are not equipped to carry adult burdens and be the answer to all of a parent's problems.

Let the child be the child until it's time for them to spread their wings.

There are massive consequences when a parent leans in too heavily on a child. You can mess up their relationships with people.  Children worry about their parents and will become scared to leave you for fear that you can't cope.

Food Freedom Forever

Give your children freedom to be a kid just as long as they need to. Don't lean in too heavily on them.



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Food Addiction Recovery is not a weight loss problem.

Do not take it lightly. Full blown food addicts can seldom make good decisions about recovery without sitting down with someone.


Food Addiction, any addiction is more than the substance.  These things start in childhood.  They are passed down to the 2nd and 3rd generations until you ask for help.

Healing is everything.   

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A broken picker.

I take full responsibility for all of the yellow-bellied lily livered sapsuckers in my life. 

The ones who left me stranded by the side of the road. The ones who traded me in for a golf ball or a fishing fly. The ones who worked out in the evenings and then really worked out after the gym closed. Running all over town.

The ones who liked my friends and relatives better than me.

The ones who did all kinds of things.

They were all a reflection of me.  I picked them but I didn't know I had a broken picker.  I was too busy distracting myself with food rewards to understand.

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A broken picker.

Felicias. If you meet someone who picks apart everyone in their past into smithereens, they will do the same thing to you. I'm talking about when they take great pleasure in telling out about the lovers in their past and why they didn't last, lasering in on this flaw and that flaw.  Houston, their stink does stink but they just don't know it.

Run Forest Run from those who spend more time picking everyone apart while pretending it was not their responsibility.

They will leave a trail of stink and tears behind them wherever they go. 


CT scans and MRI scans cannot detect the condition of the heart.  The differences between normal and abby normal. 

Your spirit can.



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Tiger Blood. A Charlie Sheen-ism

Charlie, is his love of two movies, Apocalypse Now, starring his father, and Jaws, starring a great big shark. He's seen both of them well over 150 times. He's obsessed with them. He knows them by heart – "line for line, word for word, and he's still watching them constantly, to this day," says Olson.

And it's from great moments in those films that many of his seemingly out-of-nowhere Sheen-isms are derived: from Apocalypse, for example, the "tiger blood" and "warlock" riffs; and from Jaws, the "torpedo of truth" business.




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Delmar O'Donnell: Care for some gopher?
Ulysses Everett McGill: No thank you, Delmar. One third of a gopher would only arouse my appetite without bedding it down.
Delmar O'Donnell: Oh, you can have the whole thing. Me and Pete already had one apiece. We ran across a whole... gopher village.


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They say that cheaters don't change their stripes. They may be bored or unhappy or both. Throw a love addiction in there and there's your recipe for always trading someone in for another. Trading UP or trading in. Always after the Gold Rush...chasing after money or youth. Old dogs chasing after a new car.

They say that those who claim to have the highest moral standards are the worst cheats. Do as I say and not as I do.

Pride comes before the fall.  The grass is not greener, it can get meaner.

Choices and Consequences. The trail of stink and tears you leave behind you in the dust comes at a cost.

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We cling to destructive habits out of defiance.


Creatures of habit don't live for the long term. They are not  thinking about the limited future. They live for the moment and fly by the seat of their pants.

They're not thinking about the risks of addiction or binge eating or drinking or shopping or gambling....


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Addiction = The inability to understand the nature of the risk.

Addiction = Gives you the ability to make excuses and massive rationalization

There is a genetic predisposition to addiction but you've got to take full responsibility for it if you want to recover.

People justify, justify, justify their destructive habits. Always.

Oooo, don't be so hard on yourself. It happens to all of us.

Ooooo, don't worry about it. If you're falling down every day it gives me permission to fall down, too.  Eat or drink or smoke myself to death.

It hasn't hurt me yet. 

I can juggle all of the balls in the air at one time.

My grandpaw smoked all of the days of his life and he lived to be 90.

My grandmaw drank a fifth of whiskey every day and she lived to be 102.

Addiction = justification, compensation and citing statistics that the odds are always in your favor.


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Did you suffer the slings and arrows of bullies as a child? 

Addiction starts in childhood. A genetic predisposition or environment. Addictive behaviors. Mild to profound. They progress with age.

It carries into the workplace. Coworkers and bosses bullying each other. 

Discernment is a gift. You can spot them coming for you but you take it back home.  Order a pizza, eat the entire thing, pass out on the bed and cry yourself to sleep.

Get back UP in the morning and feed the addiction. It's a powerful thing that thing called love addiction and food addiction. Any addiction.  Addiction only sees the world it sees.  The substance or person in your sights, the true weapons of mass destruction.

Are your ready for the thing called love? 



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Common horse sense. If it was really that common why aren't we all using it. 

Discernment. Get yourself some. Keep doing what you've always done and you will get what you've always gotten.

It's in there. When you stop shoving everything down with food you will be amazed at what you will find way down deep in there.   Your heart. Your words. Your spirit.

My spirit is the best part of me. I can't rely on the other two. They really don't care about the nature of the risk.  If they did, would you be here today?


You would've been much further down the road to normal. The abby normal road ain't all it's cracked up to be.  It's been one hailuva rodeo getting here while eating a lot of dirt sandwiches.

But don't rest on your laurels.  There's no such thing as the Finish Line.



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