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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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Will that change everything for you then?

I wouldn't associate underfat with skinny fat, or anything else.

Hi. My name is MeadowLily.

I have a food addiction and I was overfat from eating too many frickity frick frick highly engineered to be craved foods.

You could call me overfat or obese...so call me.


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Sticks and stones will break your bones and names will hurt you.

I have no problem calling myself all kinds of names...but when someone else does, it hurts.

There are two kinds of pain.  The kind that hurts and the kind that changes you.


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Suffering the slings and arrows of bullying yourself.

That's a coping mechanism of overfat, obesity and more Black and White Thinking.  Research it.

Good or Bad

Naughty or Nice

Pretty or Ugly

Tiny Hiney or Lard@$$

I'm overfat and obese, I deserve more pain. Calling ourselves names is a direct reflection of that pain.

Pinning negative labels on ourselves is the cruelest trick of them all.

It is a destructive, painful coping mechanism.

It is self-defeating. When you are at your lowest point and that includes depression from being overfat and obese or underfat....irrational negative self-labeling becomes the norm.

It is a negative feedback loop. Mind warp. 

You are going to have to get off the negative looper merry-go-round. 

Every day you let it go on the ground gets colder. Snap out of it.  But that will require sitting down with someone. Face-to-Face.

Food Addicts don't cure themselves.  Dieting won't fix it.

Like flinging hurtful words your own way?

Biggest loser. Failure. Flop. Lard@ss. You know the drill.

You're going to have to fight back and turn the tide.

Swing the mountain of momentum in the opposite direction.

It takes one to know one.  Ima one.

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do.


This is where my spirit comes in.  I can't rely on my body and brain. They were way too entrenched in destructive negative habits and broken satiety cues caused by way too much dieting and food hacks.




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I can't rely on my body and brain. They are a couple of nitwits. I still enjoy calling them nitwits. It actually makes me happy.

But if you call me a nitwit, I'm never talking to you again. That's just the way food addiction or any addiction works. We have tender feelings that really don't enjoy conflict and suffering more slings and arrows of bullies.

Meh.  You may say.

Go ahead and say meh. Make my day. NOT. I'm leaving you in the dust and your invitation to my house will not be forthcoming.

We have to set healthy boundaries for ourselves. That is the first part of the journey. Learning how to say NO and not making more excuses for ourselves and our reasons why.  No.  End of Story.


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 Self-induced food prison vs. Food Freedom


You have to know that you are actually locked UP and have been for a very long time.

Eating consistently from the Prison Food Menu won't fix a broken heart, a broken metabolism, a broken picker, a broken sense of well-being.

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Addiction is a direct result of anxiety and depression and chronic stress.

Depression is the brain's runaway stress response.

For the ancient Greeks = Act Right Think Right were the keys for overall well-being. Plato and Pythagoras had an ancient Greek Rx for health and happiness.

But they're not hanging around here anymore. Plato and Pythagoras have left the building.

I guess we'll have to call Elvis and get him on the phone.

Oooo, love me tender. Don't be cruel.

Callin' Elvis, I'm here all alone.



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"I think it's useful as a therapeutic intervention and useless as a sustainable lifestyle."

You've got to create a positive food management plan that you can manage and live with for the rest of your life. I will eat everything on the W30 Shopping List, not all in one day.

Paleo is very confusing and Whole 30 is clear.


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"Your baseline self seems to fade into the background. Your usual characteristics are still there, they are just hidden down deep and over-ridden....

You should start by remembering your positive qualities, strengths, skills, interests, preferences, likes, and dislikes relating to everything around you. Try to recall what makes you you. Start to paint an internal picture of yourself when you are well and at your baseline self. Then, using these qualities, construct a statement for yourself (only) that describes who you are, what you are about. Keep that in the back of your mind and use it to boost yourself at times when you are down or overwhelmed by your circumstances."  Susan Noonan




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Bon appetite

Hutlifr, I'm thinking about something you said awhile back. It was about the woman going to the doctor's office and what he said to her about multi-crap vs. fresh fruit and vege. If you're out there, you know the one I'm talking about.


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Finding the greater purpose for Food Addiction Recovery  is everything.

I don't get UP every morning and say three years have past. It's unbelievable.

You have to keep your perspective.

Basking in the afterglow? Nuh huh. Pride comes before the fall.

Is this not the path that was chosen to set the captive free.

Food Prison or Food Freedom Forever

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Connection in the spirit is my greater purpose. It's the extra special place of refuge from distractions.

Distractions won't fix a food addiction.

The spiritual connection is where we can wean ourselves away from chronic food rewards and every divisive device that divides us.

It's the place where our spirit ignites with life like TNT.


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Spirit to spirit. You recognize it in others without saying a single word. It's a knowing.

The hearts of many long for freedom in the spirit. It's in the true spiritual connection where life flows.

There's a spiritual hunger that cannot be bedded back down with food or even one gopher.


The spiritual hunger drives hearts to the secret place. To hide under the wings of protection and safety or to run for a refreshing of joy and laughter.

When you get a taste of this realm, nothing else will do.

Cookies, cakes, pies, donuts, gummy bears and cheetos can't compare.

That prompting in your spirit that leads you with direction wherever we may go cannot be found with a GPS. It's in your heart.

We all have one.


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The wisdom of ancient humans that have gone before us said that as we rise every morning, take out the trash, literally - and removing the dross from our heads we begin to shine more like getting closer to the noonday sun.

The barometer of our spiritual life is not measured by knowledge or SAT scores or IQ points or the amount of money in our bank account.

It's measured by the amount of noonday sun we're carrying with us wherever we may go. Out of the abundance of your heart your mouth does all of the blathering and foaming at the mouth.

There will be days when it's a virtual fountain of useless information but there will be times when you're connected to your spirit that your light bulb moments will be ignited, sparked, fueled, powered UP by the noonday sunlight.

Let the river flow. That's where your spirit and the Dude Abides.



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I have a burning question for the Universe.

How much fat are you really using?

I've eyeballed the W30 pix and I have the recipes. I don't see whopping boatloads of fat being used to extremes.

I know in the past I have used fat to extremes. Fat is where it's at, fat, fat, fat.  I said that.

But going forward, how much fat do you really use?

I've been reading all kinds of articles, pro and con for coconut oil. But we all have to use our head besides something to part our ears with.

How much fat are you using when no one else is looking? I gotta know. I'm under pressure with this question.



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Maw and I watched Dr. Oz, yesterday.  patpat-dance-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif?1

It was about the different types of belly fat that correspond with adrenals, estrogen overload, and so on. Anyhoo, at the end of the program was a test with the coconut oil vs. other oils and gasp, the coconut oil eaters developed muffin tops. Crap O Dear. I haven't been able to get that out of my head.

There are times that I have eaten whopping boatloads of fat and put it into everything. You can't get too much fat, fat is where it's at.  I said that. Fat, fat, fat.

So going forward, I would like to know if inveterate W30'rs have continued to eat fat without a care in the world.  

Oooo, do you believe in miracles. 

Don't break the momentum. Fat, you make everything fun.  Yoooou, you make living fun.  All I can hear is this....sweet, wonderful you.  Fat you make me happy with the things that you do.  Can it be so.

This feeling follows me wherever I go...



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When I'm under pressure, I just tune myself into the music and lyrics to get out of the chains and bonds of food addiction. It's part of my positive food management plan.

I don't listen to the music, I listen through the music for my answers, answers, answers.

New cognitive behaviors, making order out of old chaos had to be imposed.

Back to the fat is where it's at. I gotta know.

Building muscle mass and releasing weight at the same time is a very delicate balancing act. Not to be taken lightly.

WWTD say and do? WWHD? What would the Hawaiians do? 

WWHN do?



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Thyroid and Oils

There has been a sharp rise in the number of patients with thyroid problems over the last two decades. This silent epidemic mirrors the big changes in our diets and the rise of mass production of food. For these, we have industrialization and Big Farm to blame.

While iodine supplements can help boost our thyroid, the underlying cause is usually linked to our diet. For example, some foods are known goitrogens.

Goitrogens block iodine and soon lead to the appearance of goiters. Examples of goitrogens include peanut butter and soybean oil.

Most of the new food sources of unsaturated fatty acids are implicated in the thyroid crisis. These unsaturated fatty acids, which were once thought to be healthier than saturated ones such as coconut oil, are known to be the sleeper cause of a long list of diseases.

Saturated fatty acids such as soybean oil place a lot of oxidative stress on the body. Since these oils turn rancid easily, manufacturers need to refine them thoroughly for them to last longer. The processes involved in refinement turn most of the saturated fats into trans fatty acids.

Trans fatty acids have been shown to damage different tissues in the body including the thyroid gland. They cause hypothyroidism by inhibiting the interconversion of thyroid hormones.

The overall effects of unsaturated oils on the thyroid gland include blocking the secretion of its hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine), reducing their distribution in the body and lowering the response of different tissues to these hormones.

Saturated oils, on the other hand, are stable and do not impair thyroid functions.

Virgin, unrefined coconut oil, which is the best example of such oils, contains medium-chain triglycerides which are handled differently in the body. It is the healthiest of oils.




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Coconut Oil for Cooking

If you want to lose weight naturally and trim your waistline, you should change your cooking oil to coconut oil. Make sure to use virgin coconut oil because RBD (refined, bleached and deodorized) coconut oil, which is commonly sold, has been processed so much that some of the constituents of the oil are altered considerably.

Virgin coconut oil is superior to vegetable oils which are commonly used as cooking oil. Unlike these popular cooking oils, it is stable to high heat and is not damaged when frying.

It is also stable to oxidation which is the reason why coconut oil rarely becomes rancid. It can be kept for as long as two years. This protection is attributed to its high levels of saturated fats.

Another benefit of coconut oil is for nursing mothers. The oil contains lauric acid, a 12-carbon chain derivative of medium-chain fatty acid. Lauric acid is converted to monolaurin in the body. This compound then enters the breast milk. It is also included in some instant formulas.
Monolaurin can help strengthen the immunities of breastfed babies. It also has some antiviral, antibacterial and antiprotozoa
l properties.


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Coconut Oil for a Slimmer You

Unlike long-chain triglycerides, the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil are shorter (6 – 10 carbons in their chain length). This makes them significantly different from other fatty acids.

Medium-chain triglycerides contribute to weight loss in the following ways:

  • They are minimally stored as fat deposits. Therefore, they do not contribute to the visceral fat deposited around internal organs and visible in people with wide waistlines and central obesity.
  • They promote thermogenesis or fat burning. Medium-chain triglycerides behave more like carbohydrate than fat when it comes to metabolism. They are instantly metabolized to provide energy.
  • They have lower caloric contents than long-chain triglycerides and other fats.
  • They suppress appetite.

There is a growing interest in medium-chain triglycerides especially now as new studies provide proofs of their wide-ranging medical benefits.

However, these saturated fatty acids are being sold as ingredients of nutritional supplements. Instead of officially acknowledging that coconut oil was unjustly demonized, commercial interests would rather sell us small doses of medium-chain fatty acids than let the soybean industry suffer from the importation of this superior tropical oil.


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You have not because you ask not.

We asked.

Sang a few songs, watched some diddies and the answers came. Carry on.


Populations That Eat a Lot of Coconut Oil Are Healthy

Coconut is an exotic food in the Western world, primarily consumed by health conscious people.

However, in some parts of the world, coconut is a dietary staple that people have thrived on for many generations.

The best example of such a population is the Tokelauans, which live in the South Pacific.

They eat over 60% of their calories from coconuts and are the biggest consumers of saturated fat in the world.

These people are in great health, with no evidence of heart disease.

Another example of a population that eats a lot of coconut and remains in excellent health is the Kitavans.

Bottom Line: Plenty of populations around the world have thrived for multiple generations eating massive amounts of coconut fat.


June 4, 2017
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Coconut Oil Can Help You Lose Fat, Especially The Harmful Abdominal Fat


Given that coconut oil can reduce appetite and increase fat burning, it makes sense that it can also help you lose weight.

Coconut oil appears to be especially effective at reducing belly fat, which lodges in the abdominal cavity and around organs.

This is the most dangerous fat of all and is highly associated with many chronic diseases.

Waist circumference is easily measured and is a great marker for the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity.

In a study in 40 women with abdominal obesity, supplementing with 30 mL (2 tablespoons) of coconut oil per day led to a significant reduction in both BMI and waist circumference in a period of 12 weeks (17).

Another study in 20 obese males noted a reduction in waist circumference of 2.86 cm (1.1 inches) after 4 weeks of 30 mL (2 tablespoons) of coconut oil per day (30).

This number may not seem too impressive on the surface, but be aware that these people aren’t adding exercise or restricting calories. They’re losing significant amounts of belly fat simply by adding coconut oil to their diet.

You can read more about the weight loss effects of coconut oil in this article.

Not All Coconut Oil Is the Same

In order to enjoy the health benefits outlined in the article, then you must get organic, virgin coconut oil, not the refined stuff.


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