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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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There are days I wish for a food cop. I cannot control what other people bring into the house.

Use your Whole 30 for practice - how you're going to respond to food when it's over.  What's going to happen to you after all of the support slows down and you're alone. It will take true grit. Remember why and how you made it here in the first place.

At any particular time over the last 3 years, you would find almond and peanut m&m's, ice cream, donuts, cookies, fluffy white bread and rolls, anything  you'd normally find in a house where the sky is not the limit.

I've had to learn to surf even when my defenses are lagging. I keep you company as you are tooling along trying to change your relationship with food.

I recommend reading the old threads when your back is up against the wall and you're hard pressed on every side. That's what I do. I remind myself that all of that multi-crap made my life a living hail.

Find the greater purpose. Do you know why you are doing a Whole 30? Do you want the side effects of weight loss more than life itself.

Well. There's got to be more. You need to engage your brain along with your Whole 30.  The head reset is equally important as the food reset.  The head reset will take you much further down the road.

I can't be a Master Controller of what anyone else eats but me.

No one has to live in my body.



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They say we should be a role model for our families.

Just start living your healthy lifestyle and don't talk about it or push the issue. Hi-larious.

A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.

I've been at this awhile. The heart wants what the heart wants and so does the appetite control center which is located in the brain.

I could stand on my head and do Whole 30's in giant month hunks of time if I had control over what kind of food comes into the house. But only one compliant Whole 30 is needed for your Reintro Phase.

The reality of your situation may be like mine. It's going to make it more difficult, don't blow smoke.

Just give it time and your loved ones will follow. They may not ever follow you.

Don't be scared. Be prepared.  Prepared for whatever life and food throws at you. We can drag a mule to water but they will do what they have a mind to do.


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Ewwweee, that's the truth, Felicias. Take that one to heart. Never ever let an old flame burn you twice. You'll  kick yourself in the rearend for a long time.

That includes your old love for multi-crap food rewards and compensating by constant dieting.



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Food addiction has many layers. All addiction does. It's not only substances, it's behaviors.

They say many are born with a genetic predisposition to it. You still have to take full responsibility for it.

You have to identify the unhealthy cycles of pain and anxiety and all of the drivers that drive you to eat your feelings away.

Food addiction manifests itself in uncontrollable cravings for refined carbs and sugars of every kind.

All baked goods: Cakes, pies, cookies, donuts, sweet rolls... have 3 ingredients.

Sugar. Flour. Fat.   That's it.


A food addict's life is tormented, harangued, broadsided, affected by intense obsessive thinking about food.  It sux. For real.

Relationships with people can take a backseat to searching, hunting and eating all of the things. Addictive foods. Whopping boatloads of highly engineered to be craved multi-crap.

Food addicts are driven to thrill eating.  Secret eating is the marker of a food addict.

Eating all the things and then demonizing the food, too. The food addict demonizes food into categories. The Good, Bad and the Ugly. 

Got taco chips raining UP in there and potato chips are sweeping you off your feet. You planned on eating 12 of them, just a normal serving. 

But the abby normal relationship with food, that driving force caused you to eat the entire bag. Now those chips will be demonized.  Rightfully so, they are deliberately engineered and carefully crafted to drive ole Dixie down to the depths of full blown food addiction.

Food addicts demonize food and pass moral judgments upon them.  This behavior can translate over onto people. A total cluster.

Addiction doesn't only remain stuck with substances, you have to get down and pull every last root out or you will live to repeat the Root Rot experience. Over and over and over again.

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Food addicts demonize food. So you ate the entire bag of chips, swish swish your hands together and make a pledge to yourself that you will never touch them again.

You will never let an old flame burn you twice.

But the heart wants what it wants and the appetite control center is located in the brain.

You think those two are going to help you out...body and brain? Think again, Felicias.

Find the greater purpose.

Keep your WHY nearby.

When you're going through hail keep on going. 

That Winston was a man after my own heart. Winston, I wish I could've met you.  There are days I need someone really strong like Winston in my corner of the world. I lurve you, Winston.



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There's no such thing as the Finish Line.

There's no such thing as a perfect road to Recovery from anything. If someone tells you there is...they are blowing smoke.

I made it through yesterday by the skin of my teeth.

I pulled myself back from the brink.

Is there such a thing as being completely recovered once you've experienced food addiction or any addiction, I don't think so.

You can manage it but believing you can magically go back to the way you used to eat before you came here is imaginary thinking.

You've got to know that the very minute you fall right back into your old destructive habits that food addiction is right back on your doorstep with relapse and rebound weight gain.


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Constant restarts, every month...

Has that changed everything for you then?

I will not be starting over.

If dieting actually worked, constantly starting a new diet with the MONDAY MINDSET - it would only take one diet and one diet only to fix your relationship with food and your weight problems would all disappear. Forever.

It doesn't work that way.

One diet is never enough. Once you get on that merry-go-round you will never be able to get off for the rest of your life.

Do not step on that ride.  I wish I would've known then what I know now.  I wish alot of things.

I wish I could do everything over. Starting at about age 15, I would do everything differently.

That's the only Do Over I would really, really like. I would like to Start Over.  I would never walk down that road I've been down. It was hail.

But that's not happening. Starting over and over and over. Keep doing what you've always done and you will get what you've always gotten.

There's the kind of pain that hurt you. There's the kind of pain that will change you.  Pick your pain.

Don't apply bandaids and temporary fixes.

Your pathway to healing is going to require that you engage your brain along with the process. Ooooo, it's going to scream like a panther and the body is going to fight you tooth and toenail.

Those two don't really care if you ever do anything to pull yourself out of a tailspin.  They would sit back and allow you to eat and drink yourself to death. That's the way they operate in tandem.  You rub my back and I'll allow you to fly by the seat of your pants. ROFL.

They don't care about you. But the real you, your spirit cares. It really cares about what happens to you.

Engage it. Your innermost being cares about you so much.

Death from lack of cheetos, taco chips and gummy bears seems highly unlikely.  So get back UP on your feet today and fight for yourself. 

When all is said and done and it's never done, you are the only one who can do it for yourself. Our family members become worn out with our daily struggle. They're fighting their own battles.


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George. I lurve you, too. I'm taking it beyond the mind, it is your spirit that never grows tired.

The mind will lay down in the trail like a stubborn mule. It will walk off and leave you there, head for the barn and strand you.

It is the spirit that is ageless, timeless and never becomes worn out. 

I can't rely on the nitwits, George and Winston. I wish you were here to give me some pointers but you're not. I will get back in line and keep marching on.

I've won many battles but I have not won the war.



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Weight loss success is only one data point.

Has it changed everything for you then?

Weight loss with smaller measurements and progress belly selfies aren't a true measure of everything and will they last. That is the question.

So just file away those data points and keep tooling along.

A ran into an acquaintance at the grocery store. You should come back to the 'weight loss club'.


Because it's really helpful for staying on point.

I said. I'm not coming back. Now now, not ever. I kept it simple with the nutshell and not the whole bushel.

I'm blowing that popstand like TNT and I could blow them out of the water but that wouldn't be prudent.

I listened but I've been there before and I can tell you all about it. She said the accountability might do my heart some good.

I have conferred with other folkaronies and it's only human nature but the club members talk about food in really childish terms.  I was a really good girl today. I was naughty. Forgive me, diet club - I did slide back off the goose and landed in another pile of multi-crap. I'll start over again on Monday.






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Do you know what pulled me back from the brink. I'll tell you because we have no secrets but don't ask me for my GPS coordinates.

I tool along the backroads of this forum and I read the comments so I know where they are.

This one time, at band camp, someone asked a leader what they liked better. A well known cookie brand or the other one. 

The answer was and I cannot write it out, was eeefff that cookie brand. 

That. Pulled me through.  Straight to the point.

The next time you see white fluffy white bread looking all cute and adorable over there on your countertop. Look it directly in the eye and say eeefff offf, you lily livered yellow bellied sapsucker. 

It helped me. It really, really helped me to take the wind out of its sails and see it for what it really is and say it.  Speak it outloud.  Don't shove your emotions down with food rewards.


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Falling victim to the Pusher

That could be your grandmaw, maw, friend or foe

Eating something you didn't want to eat

during your Whole 30 or afterwards

Because you didn't want to hurt their feelings.

Don't let anyone take control of your nutritional decisions. Ever.



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