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September 8th, anyone?


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Morning!  This is a little long so apologies but maybe other people have felt like this?


This weekend was soo hard for me, I really almost quit.  Saturday was ok until the night  - I just lost it; I don't know what got into me.  I went out to eat for my anniversary (nothing crazy - we're putting that off) and I felt so constrained and bitter I just was miserable.  Then Sunday I felt horrible and spent half the afternoon in bed nauseous.  I was again ready to just be done and have some white rice to get rid of the nausea.   I also had to make nutella crepes for the kids this weekend and s'more cups for the open school night tomorrow and cookies for my husband and kids (torture).  Also this week will be a major challenge for me - I have to go out every night except the night I have to cook for 15 so I am totally stressed out and not sure how I will have time to prepare food for myself and 15 people and deal with restaurants (so basically I may have had a mini-whole30 breakdown) BUT I had marinaded some chicken in a satay marinade I cobbled together so I grilled it and had Well Fed's Sunshine sauce (I couldn't tolerate any veggies) and felt better (it was so good all the kids at the table (who were having my husband's tacos) asked me to make it for them later this week).  So after a rough start I am back on track (and the thought of failing really bothered me). 


So the lessons learned this weekend - Well Fed's sunshine sauce and turkey cranberry meatballs (not together) were winners (and both approved by my 8 year old daughter).  And persevering through the really hard days is worth it because I felt good this morning.


I also spent my anniversary Sat night in whole foods at 8:30 with my husband and my 5 year old son (very romantic).  I think I owe my husband a very fancy dinner next month.


Exercise - I have yoga today as I have been doing every Monday.  That's about my limit this week with the Jewish holidays - sorry.


Book club tonight and meeting my friends before at a wine bar...ouch.


Sorry for the diatribe but I really felt like a whole30 failure this weekend

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Kerbi - I am in awe of your ability to stay compliant in face of so many challenges. You are amazing.

Here I looked at what I have going on during the 30 (really 40 days with the reintro period) and made sure I did not have challenges similar to yours. You are doing a fantastic job. Keep it up.

I have been very fortunate that all the meals I have made for the first 2 weeks were tasty and went over well with the family. I finally had one recipe that I and my daughter did not like. It was a zucchini fritter recipe. Thought it sounded good to have with the chicken and apple sausage. Sausage good, fritter not great.

Later my daughter was telling me she did not like it too much and she was not feeling great from it. I told her "Didn't you see me tear up the recipe and throw it away?" Not doing that one again.

Attempting to make mayo. First batch looked good but the oil was not fresh and it tasted off. In the garbage with that one and trying with a new bottle of oil. Prior to this I hardly used oil and I have no idea how long it was in the cabinet. Clearly too long. Just waiting for the egg to get to room temp to try again.

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I tried making the mayo in a tall vessel with an immersion blender using this method:

Place all ingredients in a tall container (I use a 2 cup Pyrex measuring cup). Place an immersion blender at the bottom and turn on. Once the mixture starts to blend together and become thick, move the immersion blender towards the top, until it is well blended and thick. This should take less than a minute! So easy, so good!

and it worked out great.  Not necessarily because of anything I did, I think the immersion blender is magic.

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Happy Monday!  We are nearly halfway there.  I am so impressed and challenged by those of you facing legitimately difficult situations and staying compliant!  Well done, you guys!  You help me have a better attitude and more motivation to see it through.  My weekend was typical - grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning.  Since I went to the gym every workday last week, I left myself have a couple nights of marathon Parenthood watching!  I'm trying to catch up to current season so I can watch when it comes back!  Someone mentioned the Blacklist - I love that show as well!  I'm a TV-holic, but I limit myself and only allow myself TV time on days I work out or on the weekends when I've gotten at least 4 hours in at the gym that week.  I don't ever watch more hours of TV than I spend active on my feet either at the gym or walking/staying busy. :)  That's my compromise.


I made some more mayo this weekend, too and used Avocado Oil for one batch.  So rich!  It was so tasty but too decadent for every day, so I mixed with a batch made with olive oil and it's AMAZING.  Highly recommend.  I also use the immersion blender method and only had it fail once (and I'm 99% sure I had a bad/old egg!)


Made a couple of delicious meals this weekend - garlicky chicken thighs with cauliflower mash and grilled flank steak with fingerlings and chimichurri.  Husband loved both and a friend came over last night while we were eating and I fed her the chicken dish - for which she promptly requested the recipe!  Success!!


You guys are awesome!  Only half of it left, guys!

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Third time is a charm for the mayo - 2nd try was a complete fail, and the first time my oil was too old (it worked, but tasted horrible). 


3rd time worked great with the immersion blender.  Boy I love that toy.  One of the few things I kept after I closed out my Aunt's house when she passed 5 years ago. 


I mixed a little into a hard boiled egg to see really how it tastes and it is great!  So nice and light tasting.  Basically it is doing its job and doesn't impact the flavor of the food.  Now I can finally make some tuna salad and some salad dressings. 


My face is starting to break out a little more.  Don't know what is going on - it was doing so well.  Oh Well!

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I really, really wanted to be feeling a billionty by now....this is the halfway mark and the first 12-ish days had been plagued with headaches, digestive distress, exhaustion and crazy emotions.  But as of today....I just feel.....meh.  Not great.  Not awful.  Just....meh.


In this third week I'm working on dialling in my portions (especially my beloved mayo portion...it's gotten a little out of hand....and the comment from another thread that you can't overeat fat...well.....not so sure I believe that, LOL) and making sure that the amount I'm eating and the amount I'm moving about are complimentary of each other.


Keep on keeping on....and for me, this is actually a Whole100.....so I'm trying not to get discouraged at Day 15 (15% of the way) that it's not all sparkles and glitter just yet.


Happy Halfway to Thirty!

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Hey everybody! We are all doing SO AWESOME!!! We got this!!

I'm done thinking I can eat my breakfast at work. Whenever I get to work and haven't had breakfast, my doctor is ready to round in record time! Ugh! So only coffee with an extra hefty dose of coconut milk today. It held me over until noon but I was starving! Or at least I thought I was...

Lunch was chocolate chili over sautéed shaved Brussel sprouts and diced onions and an apple with almond butter. Deliciously filling!

Dinner was tuna salad made with albacore tuna, homemade mayo, apples, onions and cashews on a bed of Boston butter lettuce and a side of monkey salad.

I'm laughing at how many of us made homemade mayo over the weekend/today. We're getting adventurous!! Yay us!

Going walking tonight with a coworker friend and a friend of hers from her church. 4 miles. Yay for physical activity!

Has anyone decided to go over 30 days? What would it take for you to fall off the whole 30 wagon? What excuse or event would be worth it enough to stop doing what we've worked so hard to achieve in the last 2 weeks? Just some food for thought.

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JClayton ~ I am definitely going over 30 days, for me this has been a Whole100 from the get go.  100 days will bring me to 2 days before my birthday...and it will also get me through a wedding, a weekend away shopping trip, Thanksgiving, Halloween, a 10 day work trip, and most of the December "stuff" that I end up coating in chocolate and mowing through mindlessly.


What would it take to fall off?  I think...eventually....a glass of red wine in front of a roaring fire while I'm tucked up in my pajamas and slippers is going to be hella-hard to turn down. 

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Hey Everyone, 


Today I am feeling a little more than okay.  Didn't feel irritable at all today - felt very balanced - which is rare for me.  With 4 kids and me having sensory issues I'm usually over the edge by noon.  I'm also feeling pretty good with energy - not tiger blood, but not exhausted!!  


I wrote down all the meals we've made in the last 2 weeks, if anyone wants me to jot it down on here it may help someone to think of what to make next?  if anyone else wants to do that, I'd love to see your list!


Jclayton - I'm doing a whole 60.  That will take me up to a trip with our in laws and their families.  On that trip I plan to stay mostly on this eating style, while being slightly more flexible.  At this point, i believe I will still avoid dairy and grains but be a little more flexible with salad dressings and condiments for instance, and then when we get back I plan to do another whole 60.  Especially after watching Fed Up - I really want to get my body totally re-vamped for new living.  

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Definitely doing more than 30 days but it's one of my best friends 40ths just after this one so I'm making the decision to drink a few gins and maybe a glass of champers that night.

Then I will start whole30 eating again...

I found very little was worth returning to after last time (June). Chocolate and sweet things are bland, fast food is horrid, my old love diet coke makes me gag and pasta leaves me exhausted. Only dairy (not milk as it has always made me ill and so I loath it...so cheese, cream etc) and the occasional gin or fantastic fresh bread with honey is worth it really.

I'm hoping after one more I can maybe eat whole30 most of the time and the occasional fabulous non whole30 food when it is truly worth it. As a former almost lifelong eating disorder sufferer from a family where 2 generations before me, inc both my parents, had eating disorders that would be a true achievement ;)

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I watched Fed Up after it was mentioned, here. It really makes a lot of sense. Just from reading It Starts with Food and taking this challenge, I have learned a lot about myself and many of the issues I have been having.

At the end of 30 days, I will go through the reintroduction period. I want to see how I feel with some additional items. Mostly whole grains and dairy. Really want to see how my body handles that.

I can tell that there is so much that I am not going back to. I don't want to go back.

My plan is to aim for consistently staying whole 30 for 4-5 days each week. If I feel that is not enough, back to full Whole 30 I go.

The health changes thus far are noticeable after only 2 weeks. I am due for some blood work and I am trying to get that scheduled by the end of this 30 days. Hoping to see some good changes on the inside to go with what I am seeing on the outside!

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Hey everybody! We are all doing SO AWESOME!!! We got this!!

I'm done thinking I can eat my breakfast at work. Whenever I get to work and haven't had breakfast, my doctor is ready to round in record time! Ugh! So only coffee with an extra hefty dose of coconut milk today. It held me over until noon but I was starving! Or at least I thought I was...

Lunch was chocolate chili over sautéed shaved Brussel sprouts and diced onions and an apple with almond butter. Deliciously filling!

Dinner was tuna salad made with albacore tuna, homemade mayo, apples, onions and cashews on a bed of Boston butter lettuce and a side of monkey salad.

I'm laughing at how many of us made homemade mayo over the weekend/today. We're getting adventurous!! Yay us!

Going walking tonight with a coworker friend and a friend of hers from her church. 4 miles. Yay for physical activity!

Has anyone decided to go over 30 days? What would it take for you to fall off the whole 30 wagon? What excuse or event would be worth it enough to stop doing what we've worked so hard to achieve in the last 2 weeks? Just some food for thought.


I believe some here are doing 30 days+. I'm planning to do 60 days with the grace of god so I can recover from poisoning my body this past summer with alcohol and excessive take out food. It would take an extraordinary event for me to fall off the wagon at this point, and I really don't anticipate it happening. I'm even turning down a wine tour for this Whole30/60..Poor me.lol.. This is my 3rd Whole30 this years, so it feels like business as usual from my standpoint.

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Morning!  This is a little long so apologies but maybe other people have felt like this?


This weekend was soo hard for me, I really almost quit.  Saturday was ok until the night  - I just lost it; I don't know what got into me.  I went out to eat for my anniversary (nothing crazy - we're putting that off) and I felt so constrained and bitter I just was miserable.  Then Sunday I felt horrible and spent half the afternoon in bed nauseous.  I was again ready to just be done and have some white rice to get rid of the nausea.   I also had to make nutella crepes for the kids this weekend and s'more cups for the open school night tomorrow and cookies for my husband and kids (torture).  Also this week will be a major challenge for me - I have to go out every night except the night I have to cook for 15 so I am totally stressed out and not sure how I will have time to prepare food for myself and 15 people and deal with restaurants (so basically I may have had a mini-whole30 breakdown) BUT I had marinaded some chicken in a satay marinade I cobbled together so I grilled it and had Well Fed's Sunshine sauce (I couldn't tolerate any veggies) and felt better (it was so good all the kids at the table (who were having my husband's tacos) asked me to make it for them later this week).  So after a rough start I am back on track (and the thought of failing really bothered me). 


So the lessons learned this weekend - Well Fed's sunshine sauce and turkey cranberry meatballs (not together) were winners (and both approved by my 8 year old daughter).  And persevering through the really hard days is worth it because I felt good this morning.


I also spent my anniversary Sat night in whole foods at 8:30 with my husband and my 5 year old son (very romantic).  I think I owe my husband a very fancy dinner next month.


Exercise - I have yoga today as I have been doing every Monday.  That's about my limit this week with the Jewish holidays - sorry.


Book club tonight and meeting my friends before at a wine bar...ouch.


Sorry for the diatribe but I really felt like a whole30 failure this weekend

yep, you did it lady!   Getting thru the tough times only makes us feel better.  I'm so thankfull for everyone's honest sharing, it makes this authentic and that hits home for me.

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So many good posts, but i can't even finish reading them all.  I've been an emotional wreck today, it's been aweful.  I  might be in the "kill everyone" (oops, everything? ;) ) phase......top that with tears, that's what stress does to me, I get a good "ugly cry" going and it won't stop for hours...ugh.  Oh, and I'm at work.....it's an absolute sh*t storm today, so I wasn't the only stressed out one.

I'm staying compliant, that's not an issue, it's the bad mood, and extremely tired.  I took a cat-nap on my lunch break and that usually leaves me refreshed, nope, not today.  I have the next 3 days off, thank god!


On a happy note, i cooked up a storm this wknd, because THAT's when i had all my energy..... :huh:


dinner then day 15 is OVER!!

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I'm planning to do a Whole60, but during the 2nd round, incorporating my workouts back in the schedule. I wanted to take it easy the first round, and get fully adjusted to all the cooking. I seriously can't believe all the cooking I'm doing. Before doing Whole30, my husband took care of getting dinner ready, and breakfast and lunch were usually leftovers or restaurants by the office.

Also, I'm planning to give myself a non-food reward after day 30 (overdue haircut) and after day 60 (professional hair color). Before, my immediate rewards always had to do with food, like a cookie! This change in how I choose to treat and take care if myself is amazing.

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You are all so incredible! To think that we have all struggled at some point in this 2 week old journey and yet we are willing to go longer than just a whole 30... We're going whole 60 and up to whole 100! We are amazing! This has been, by far, one of the most supportive forum groups I have ever been a part of! I have no plans to stop either!! I'm all in!


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Hey guys! Again I've been gone for a couple of days and am so happy to see you are all here!

The weekend went pretty well. We also got a little adventurous with recipes and made a zucchini apple and kale salad, with fish. Delicious. This week is absolutely insane for work, 6am to 8pm everyday so yesterday I made tuna cakes and today roasted chicken to survive during the week. I figure I can just play around with veggies with each meal. I have also been taking a little container of almond butter to have with my apple, which makes my lunch delightful.

There is a cabinet absolutely filled to the top with candy at work. Each item costs 50 cents and people are coming in and out ALL DAY. I work in a hospital, and in an intensive care setting. Ironic. Previously it would have looked like heaven to me. Now it takes some will power to stay away but I am also sad that this is our standard snack!

Happy third week all!!

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