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Day 23...still moody

Kate C  Mayone

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I'm on my second W30 and it's day 23.  A lot of people are jumping around and glowing at this point.  While I do at some moments...for the most part...I'd say I'm not myself.  Last week was the kill.all.things phase which did settle once I got my period.  But I wouldn't say it went away completely.  I have no patience and just want to be left alone.  And even when I'm alone (usually my favorite way to be) my mood is just 'low'.  Not depressed but just blah and meh.  Uncomfortable I guess...like I just want each day to hurry up and be over.  I think hormones aside I'm having a hard time not relying on food for any comfort.  I am making sure to get plenty of sleep this time and taking my Natural Calm magnesium.  


I am exercising but taking it easier (3x/wk) from my usual schedule.  When I do workout I get bursts of strong energy and have that 'conquer all' feeling.  But I also notice I felt a lil 'over the top' and even had someone in a kickboxing class ask me if I was alright last week.  I had eaten plenty that day and didn't feel weak; just amp'd up.  Probably doesn't help I'm very fair skinned and have a serious 'working out' face.  I left the gym feeling like a freak and decided maybe I should take it a lil easier.


My digestion is still sorting itself out so I know I am going to extend the 30 days into 45/60.  I've been battling constipation so I really thought the magnesium and sweet potato route would help.  This week I've been eating delicata squash (instead of sweet potato) in my first meal but it's not helping.  I'm not sure what's driving this but I want to stay on track and just get past this 'phase'.  I have probably sat here for two hours just reading thru the forum to keep myself occupied.  On one side I feel like I don't have much to look forward to (i.e. my bad old habits) and on the other I'm happy with what I'm doing and just want to continue.  


I guess I just need some motivation from others.  I almost feel like I'm trapped in my head and I'm definitely sick of listening to myself.  I'm drinking plenty of lemon water and herbal tea to help me relax.  I even went outside today to eat my salad and get some sunlight which is huge for me.  Generally, I'm trapped behind a computer all day.  I've made an effort to avoid tv and my phone the hour before bed.  I sleep well aside from lots of dreaming.  I just feel all over the place and no where at the same time.  Probably going to come back and read this later and laugh at my ranting.  Still...just wanted to share.

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Today is day 23 for me & I'm miserable. First 2 weeks were great, loved the food, no problems transitioning besides missing my Chardonnay. Week 1 I also started P90X(which I've done before). All was going great. I am weighing myself, my choice. 1st week lost 3.4, 2nd 3.0, weighed yesterday only lost 2.0. I did notice last week how my weight loss was slowing down, figured it's because my period was coming. Yesterday & especially today I am SOOO bloated, stomach is rumbling around & I GAINED 2lbs on the scale from yesterday...no I did not eat anything crazy yesterday. I bought natural calm last Wednesday & I think it may be part of the culprit. Made me moody, think it actually irritated my stomach. I did not take it today & will not any longer. HELP I need & want this to go away & get back on my eating healthy & weight loss journey!

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Thanks AmyS.  Where is the best place to post your food journal?  I didn't really notice a log anywhere but I know people speak as if there is one.  I'm probably missing something but wasn't sure if should use the calendar feature to publicly post.  I will just list off what I've been eating below for now.  I think a lot of this is overcoming the mental challenge but maybe there are deficiencies in my diet that aren't helping.  The bloating and constipation aren't exactly a mood enhancer, lol.  I was taking the NOW Super Enzyme around day 10 but then found out it wasn't compliant.  I really thought those were helping me since I experience a lot of bloating after meals and often feel too full to finish...but I still do.  Anyways, if you know of a compliant digestive enzyme that would be great...was considering Digestive Gold but it's pretty expensive.  I am having kombucha (no sugar varieties) and sauerkraut as well as homemade bone broth to aid digestion.  I did go to my kickboxing class tonight and noticed that when I'm working out hard is when I feel the best.  But like I said I'm trying not to overdo it and exercise too much.  Let me know if you notice any indicators with my food log below.  I appreciate the help!  I know I'm lacking veggies but honestly those are the hardest for me to digest.  I spend all Sunday prepping food and roasting as much as I can for the week but it never seems like enough.


Day 21 (not my best day)

Meal 1 - 3 egg omelet in ghee and black coffee 

Meal 2 - leftover pot roast in juices, potato mashies, and cooked peppers/onions

Meal 3 - large leafy salad with scoop of egg salad on top


Day 22 

Meal 1 - roasted eggplant,mushroom, delicata squash with chicken sausage, black coffee

Meal 2 - large leafy salad with chicken, roasted green beans/potatoes, kalamata olives, and homemade lemon vinaigrette

Meal 3 - grilled steak with cauliflower mushroom 'risotto' and asparagus followed by fresh berries and coconut cream


Day 23

Meal 1 & 2 were the same except I added in a cup of bone broth in the morning and a hb egg to lunch

Meal 3 - leftover steak and cauliflower risotto and some raw carrots followed by fresh berries (no coconut)


An interesting note - I've been doing my best to avoid fruits all together.  But on Monday I did get some strawberries/blueberries/raspberries to celebrate my anniversary with my husband.  I also used this opportunity as a lil experiment.  Both nights I ate them immediately after my last meal but the second night I omitted the coconut cream.  Both nights my stomach blew up as soon as I ate them.  My stomach made its usually gurgling noises as if it couldn't digest what was going on.  I eat cauliflower enough to know my body doesn't respond to it that way.  And it was literally the second I started eating the fruit...I was fine until then.  I think something about fruit or sugar inflates my stomach.  I purposely left off the coconut cream tonight because I wanted to see it that's the culprit.  When I do use it in coffee it doesn't bother me so I figured that wasn't it anyways.  

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Today is day 23 for me & I'm miserable. First 2 weeks were great, loved the food, no problems transitioning besides missing my Chardonnay. Week 1 I also started P90X(which I've done before). All was going great. I am weighing myself, my choice. 1st week lost 3.4, 2nd 3.0, weighed yesterday only lost 2.0. I did notice last week how my weight loss was slowing down, figured it's because my period was coming. Yesterday & especially today I am SOOO bloated, stomach is rumbling around & I GAINED 2lbs on the scale from yesterday...no I did not eat anything crazy yesterday. I bought natural calm last Wednesday & I think it may be part of the culprit. Made me moody, think it actually irritated my stomach. I did not take it today & will not any longer. HELP I need & want this to go away & get back on my eating healthy & weight loss journey!


Last week before my period came I was experiencing worse symptoms as well.  I kept thinking it was going to come any day now but it took a few days before it finally did.  The bloating was bad.  Once my period came things did improve a bit.  But in my case I can't get rid of constipation issues so the Natural Calm hasn't been a problem.  I don't think it improved my mood though so you're not alone there.  If you're having food cravings I've seen a lot of recommendations to incorporate starchy vegs (sweet potatoes) into your diet.  Make sure you're getting enough sleep...that's just as important as exercise.  I know others will say to ditch your scale since that is probably your true source of discomfort.  But as you put it - my choice.  Don't get down on yourself...I'm on the same day as you and still ain't feeling this at all.  For me it's reason enough to commit for more time.  I think we all respond differently and I'm glad know I'm not the only one feeling this way.  Good luck on your journey  :)

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An interesting note - I've been doing my best to avoid fruits all together.  But on Monday I did get some strawberries/blueberries/raspberries to celebrate my anniversary with my husband.  I also used this opportunity as a lil experiment.  Both nights I ate them immediately after my last meal but the second night I omitted the coconut cream.  Both nights my stomach blew up as soon as I ate them.  My stomach made its usually gurgling noises as if it couldn't digest what was going on.  I eat cauliflower enough to know my body doesn't respond to it that way.  And it was literally the second I started eating the fruit...I was fine until then.  I think something about fruit or sugar inflates my stomach.  I purposely left off the coconut cream tonight because I wanted to see it that's the culprit.  When I do use it in coffee it doesn't bother me so I figured that wasn't it anyways.

Could it be fructose malabsorption? I don't know much about it, but might be worth googling?

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Could it be fructose malabsorption? I don't know much about it, but might be worth googling?


Berries are generally listed as low fructose, so that shouldn't be the issue.


You do sound like you're doing everything right, Kate - it may just take time for everything to come together. Do you have a hobby or anything that you can use to distract you from your down mood, and give you something to look forward to?

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Thanks ladies!  Today I woke feeling a lil more like myself.  I think yesterday's workout boosted my mood.  And I was finally able to go to the bathroom last night before bed.  I think that was more of mental victory than anything!  Something about being constipated makes me go mad especially since I'm trying do so much.  But I know stressing about it is no help so I think trying to ignore it and push thru the day was my coping mechanism.  I read in another post of someone who experiences a lot of bloating when eating fruit after a meal.  It's great to know I'm not alone on that one.  I definitely have some more tinkering to do but I finally started my official food journal in a Word doc today.  I really need to document all the details throughout my day to pinpoint what's going on.  Hopefully that will keep my focus.  Unfortunately my favorite hobby is baking.  So far this time I've just avoided it all together.  I think that's for the best because with my moods going up and down I don't wanna tempt myself.  I really enjoy working out especially high energy classes like kickboxing or spinning.  I was trying to lay low during my first couple weeks but honestly it's the one consistent thing that's made me feel better overall.  I know I can't overdo it so I'll commit to a walk or yoga on recovery days.  Fingers crossed today's better mood stays with me!

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A note on the berries reaction...you might try not using the strawberries and see if it is the same. I've found that my body doesn't really like strawberries anymore which is very sad for me. If I eat them late at night I have a gurgling tummy all night.


I should have mentioned but didn't know if anyone would pick up on it... On the second night I only had blueberries and raspberries.  I still have some strawberries left and I'm considering experimenting when I get home and having two or three.  I know it's not good to follow a workout with fructose so I think I might try this out pre-workout and see if my stomach balloons up.  Of course that might mean my workout will turn into a walk if it does.  

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I should have mentioned but didn't know if anyone would pick up on it... On the second night I only had blueberries and raspberries.  I still have some strawberries left and I'm considering experimenting when I get home and having two or three.  I know it's not good to follow a workout with fructose so I think I might try this out pre-workout and see if my stomach balloons up.  Of course that might mean my workout will turn into a walk if it does.  


You shouldn't eat them pre-workout either. I know berries are low sugar, but you don't want quick burning fuel sources in your system before you work out you want your body to use your fat stores. I would experiment at a time when it isn't super impactful if you have a reaction.

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I had four strawberries after my workout...I know, not the best time.  But it was quick workout and nothing too intense.  Interestingly enough, they didn't give me any discomfort or bloating.  I had a few minor gurgles at first and then nothing.  All was quiet and fine.  Going to have to log it away and do some more testing later.  

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You shouldn't eat them pre-workout either. I know berries are low sugar, but you don't want quick burning fuel sources in your system before you work out you want your body to use your fat stores. I would experiment at a time when it isn't super impactful if you have a reaction.


Is this still true re: not eating fruit/using fat stores if we need to avoid losing weight? I'm borderline too thin already.

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