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Whole30 Pre/Post Workout meals - What to do for energy and recovery


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If you Google pre workout Whole 30, you'll find stacks of threads around this. But the basic template is: protein and fat before, protein and carbs after. So you could have tuna in oil before and then chicken breast and sweet potato after and you'd be set.

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I have just absolutely NAILED this!!

Excuse my enthusiasm  :rolleyes:

Pre-workout- protein and fat

Favourite recipe (easily transportable and good cold) http://dandydishes.blogspot.co.nz/2011/06/baked-chicken-meatballs.html#.VCya2PmSwnl

Post-workout - protein and carbs

Favourite recipe (easily transportable and good cold) http://nomnompaleo.com/post/91332244628/spicy-tuna-cakes

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but I'm not trying to lose tons of bulk. 

I just wanted to reassure you that ~the absence of protein powder~ will not make you lose bulk.  Eat plenty of real, whole food, and enjoy looking in the mirror each day and seeing that your muscle is not wasting away without a highly-processed, packaged product that we have (somehow?) been made to believe that you can't build muscle without.


I am on Day 28 of my 2nd Whole 30 and I can confidently say that I have gained muscle each time.


My big bag of expensive, grass-fed whey protein is finally in the trash, by the way.  Forever.  It took me awhile... but I got to a point where I realized it really has no good place in my life, and we needed to break up.  ;)

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