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Anyone starting soon? January 20th or after.

Tina Beshears

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I will never buy another Lara bar again!  I totally used those things like they were candy bars!  While they weren't technically cheating, I don't like how I reacted to them and used them as a crutch.  I hate that!


I think I might have to avoid them as well. I had one and it tasted like sugar heaven. I hadn't done enough prepping and was scrambling for a quick lunch. I definitely need to keep up on meal prepping to avoid those moments. 


Tina, I will quit the Larabars with you!  :D

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Sounds good Lulah!  You should section off your fridge with a shelf for your food only and tell everyone else that if they touch it things are gonna get ugly.  Hang in there.  I'm not much of a planner either but I have put the effort in for W30 and it's worth it.  I'm kinda lucky that my daughter is off at college and my boyfriend is only here a few nights a week but he'll eat what I eat when he's here.  He's a meat and veggies kinda guy.  When I prepped to start W30 I did a complete clean out of my kitchen so there's nothing here to tempt me.  It helps a lot.  I can't imagine how tough it would be to have cookies and bread and other junk food in the house.  Those of you who do and still manage to stay compliant are my heros.


Today is day 11 for me!   :D   Y'all have a great Friday and be safe!

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Morning everyone!


Pants are fitting a bit better, that's a good thing, right???  Anyone else noticing any positive changes?


I have been sleeping really well, but last night sleep evaded me.  Up from 1-4, and then up again at 4:45 with my youngest who wanted to "Play Momma!".  LOL, little stinker.  This is the same child who steals my breakfast every morning.  Eggs look sooooooo much better when they are on Mommy's plate.


I am completely ill-prepped for today, but I should be okay.  Here's my plan:


1:  eggs, bacon, (and I had a banana & nuts but gave them to a homeless man on the way to work), coffee with coconut milk

2:  Leftovers of some sort, probably Paleo Pad Thai and maybe an apple?

3:  Poor man's lobster with lemon, probably a salad, and sweet potato "chips"


Enjoy the day all! 

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You can do this!  Don't think about what you can't have.  Tell yourself that it's not that you can't ever have it again, just say you're not going to eat it today.  Then do it again the next day.






Love this quote!  I'm going to keep this at my desk.  I am starting on Monday, the 2nd and just feeling a little overwhelmed that the day is approaching.  I have a lot of prep work to do before Monday and I don't usually cook.  :huh: We will get through it though! 

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Yes, you will!  It's so much easier than you're imagining.  Every day gets better and you get stronger.  Think of this - today is day 11 for me and I feel amazing!  I know right now day 11 seems like a long way off for you but it seems to me like I just started.  Keep your head in the game, focus on good food and you'll wake up on day 11 and get on here and tell me that you feel amazing too.


I feel so good that instead of W30 I'm going to do a Whole whatever the number of days are until our trip to Hilton Head on March 28th.  At the beach I'm going to stay compliant except for three meals.  One is going to be our trip to the sushi bar.  One will be our traditional homemade spaghetti night with GF noodles instead of wheat.  The third one is going to be dinner at the Haley's.  I plan to eat whatever they make because I'm not about to tell the Governor's father-in-law that he has to cater to my way of eating.  I'm sure I'll be feeling like crap for it but when I get back home I'll be right back on track.  I have a long way to go to get fit and healthy so I plan on being pretty strict for awhile.

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I managed to kill two food processors in two days. 




You had me literally laughing at work!!  I'm so worried this is going to happen to me when I prep this weekend.  I don't cook and I don't think I have ever used my food processor or the immersion blender my mom got for me 10 years ago.


Fingers crossed....

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Hi, Day 11, I think.


I have run out of food! Breakfast & lunch are covered, gotta figure something out for dinner tonight and hit Trader Joe's.  TJ's sells a small bag of butternut squash cut and ready to microwave, been eating a lot of that with meals, super easy.


Have a great day,


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Tonight I ate a restaurant! My friend allowed me to choose where we ate, so I chose a restaurant that serves "fresh market cuisine" made with local ingredients. I ordered the Organic, Local & Sustainable Fresh Market Vegetable Plate with skewered shrimp. Our server was kind enough to confirm that everything on the plate was cooked fresh without additives and was 100% vegan (aside from the shrimp I added). The only thing on my plate that I avoided were the lentils. The one other thing that threw me for a bit of a loop was the basket of fresh made bread and muffins brought to our table. They smelled delicious, but I knew they wouldn't taste as good as the victory of making it to day 30! (cheesy but true)


This felt like a pretty big test for me, especially since this was the same restaurant where in the past I have ordered the brown sugar brined pork roast, the lobster mac and cheese, etc. Positive changes! And it feels so good!


We survived another day!!!


Tomorrow calls for a Whole Foods haul. 



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Today is day 11 for me. I awoke at 0630 ish this am feeling alert and ready to tackle the day. The thinking going on in my mind was quite interesting. I read recently in another thread about losing weight, that we don't want to think like that. When we lose something, we have a good idea where we lost and and then we go looking for it... So, mind is wrestling with the concept... Kids know being a loser is not a good thing.. and being the biggest loser, well that'd be the worst...  :D  Whole30 is about winning! Winning good health, pure restful sleep, functional energy, mental clarity, emotional stability, beautiful skin, a healthy relationship with food and resulting in a new improved body, inside and out. It's about changing, choices, breaking negativity, empowering... So, I am NOT a loser and I don't want to be the Biggest Loser. Food is fuel, not a reward system. Our bodies are amazing machines, you wouldn't go putting diesel fuel in your Lamborghini or Hog. You wouldn't put straight gasoline in your snowmobile. You wouldn't put sugar in any of them...  :o  or saltwater, unless you own one of those super cool German electric cars that run on saltwater. So, why would you put garbage in the most amazing machine on earth! Nope, I am not a loser, I am most amazingly made, I am a winner. We are all winners!

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we had to put down our dog yesterday and after that I had a couple drinks. Failed my whole30 but did not make any bad food choices. Will extend my current whole30 from today.

Not a failure, you only fail if you fail to try... just a bump in the road. Sorry about the dog, sad day. Hang in there and whole30 on!

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So, why would you put garbage in the most amazing machine on earth! Nope, I am not a loser, I am most amazingly made, I am a winner. We are all winners!


Yes! Love this. We have one body, in which we have one life to live. I want to feel great in mine. I crave health. Fitness and health will give me more opportunities to do the things that I want do in life. So I'm done with excuses- because there's always an excuse when you need one. 

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we had to put down our dog yesterday and after that I had a couple drinks. Failed my whole30 but did not make any bad food choices. Will extend my current whole30 from today.

Aw, I am SO sorry! As a fellow slave-to-a-dog, I think I would do exactly what you did. No shame, no guilt.

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Shellieb, so sorry to hear about your loss.

Day something...11, I think. I had to help out watching kids at a school archery tournament yesterday. I was already ticked off that I had to spend my Saturday like this and sitting there for hours watching them eat junk food from the concession stand didn't help. I swear there was a Frito pie calling my name! Anyway, I held strong and sipped water all afternoon.

Went shopping yesterday which means today is prep day. Off to make some mayo and ghee!

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Hi all, Tha k you for the kind words and support. although it was sad time I am happy that I was able to make good food desicions. Food is normally a go to in any emotional time. Todays superbowl will include chili (no beans of course), guacamole, Pico de gallo, and plantain chips. Have a good day all!

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Today is day 11 for me. I awoke at 0630 ish this am feeling alert and ready to tackle the day. The thinking going on in my mind was quite interesting. I read recently in another thread about losing weight, that we don't want to think like that. When we lose something, we have a good idea where we lost and and then we go looking for it... So, mind is wrestling with the concept... Kids know being a loser is not a good thing.. and being the biggest loser, well that'd be the worst...  :D  Whole30 is about winning! Winning good health, pure restful sleep, functional energy, mental clarity, emotional stability, beautiful skin, a healthy relationship with food and resulting in a new improved body, inside and out. It's about changing, choices, breaking negativity, empowering... So, I am NOT a loser and I don't want to be the Biggest Loser. Food is fuel, not a reward system. Our bodies are amazing machines, you wouldn't go putting diesel fuel in your Lamborghini or Hog. You wouldn't put straight gasoline in your snowmobile. You wouldn't put sugar in any of them...  :o  or saltwater, unless you own one of those super cool German electric cars that run on saltwater. So, why would you put garbage in the most amazing machine on earth! Nope, I am not a loser, I am most amazingly made, I am a winner. We are all winners!


Love this!  Thank you so much for posting!  Such great positive thoughts!  Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So sorry for your loss Shellieb503. 


Today is Day 1 for me!! I did some prep yesterday but I am so slow at cooking.  I think everything took twice as long.  I didn't break any of my equipment but I did make a vinaigrette for my salad with the immersion blender with no lid.  Bad. Idea.  It went everywhere!  Of course this was my first task, so I was skeered to even try the mayo.  I have read on other posts that it doesn't turn out for them.  Well I was bound and determined and it actually turned out great!  I am not a fan of lemon but it added a nice tang to it.  I still have some more cooking to do tonight so wasn't the best prepared today but I do have the right food to keep me covered.


Here we go!

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Good morning everyone!  It's my anniversary today, so we are celebrating Paleo-style with melted ghee and CRAB LEGS!  So excited for supper tonight!


I woke up feeling clear as a bell this morning - Amen!  The last two weeks I've been pretty foggy, but this crystal clear feeling is AWESOME!  I actually nailed my workout this morning, which has been a struggle for the past two weeks. 


1:  scrambled eggs, avocado, banana and almond butter

2:  veggies and sunshine sauce, Spiesbratten (German style pork roast), cauli rice, raspberries

3:  crab legs, ghee, roasted parsnips, salad


How's everyone feeling??  Is anyone else working out through their W30?  If so, what's your workout of choice?

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Since I started over, today must be about day 9 for me.  Had a good weekend full of good food.  Lots of opportunities for healthy, no temptations.  I like weekends like that.  Got rotten sleep last night -- went to bed at 11:45 (for a good reason, but still late), then had to be awake at 4:30 am to check the weather.  Somewhere in between, DD climbed into bed with us, making me a Mama sandwich.  Love it, but still not as good a night's rest.  DH was awake at 5 am, so so was I, and then dozed until 6:05 when I got up.  So I'm behind on sleep, leaving my already stressed workday even more stressed,  



ThyPeace, but I'm having grilled chicken, raw veggies, nuts, and an apple for lunch.  So all is not lost.

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