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February 9th


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Made it to Day 8!!! Yesterday was not a huge challenge for me I ate great and had lots of energy but could also be because I have been cooped up in the house. Today I finally made it to the gym for the first time since starting the Whole 30. I went to a group class which was intense then ran on treadmill intervals for 20 minutes. I noticed that I am really lightheaded over the last few days today especially with activity maybe from not eating sugars.... so I went out and bought sweet potatoes and ate one for lunch hoping that helps with the lightheaded feeling. 


Any advice for lightheadedness during Whole 30 I don't usually feel this way on a daily basis.

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Made it to Day 8!!! Yesterday was not a huge challenge for me I ate great and had lots of energy but could also be because I have been cooped up in the house. Today I finally made it to the gym for the first time since starting the Whole 30. I went to a group class which was intense then ran on treadmill intervals for 20 minutes. I noticed that I am really lightheaded over the last few days today especially with activity maybe from not eating sugars.... so I went out and bought sweet potatoes and ate one for lunch hoping that helps with the lightheaded feeling. 


Any advice for lightheadedness during Whole 30 I don't usually feel this way on a daily basis.



Hi Marvar, can you list a few days worth of food including portion sizes/quantities as well as fluid, stress, sleep etc.  If you are starting to feel lightheaded when you've added activity in it can be a result of not eating enough to support that activity.


Also, if you are sweating during that activity and you have not been salting your food, it can cause light-headedness.


Post a bit and we can take a look and see if anything stands out.

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Thanks for your quick response.


Over the last few days I have had:

Breakfast is consistent with 3 eggs cooked in coconut oil, a handful of lettuce or spinach, 1/2 chicken sausage, and 1/4 avocado

Lunch is consistent with a large salad, lots of veggies, 1/4 avocado, and a palm sized portion of meat

Dinner is palm sized portion of meat with veggies, and avocado.


I change around the veggies and meat but pretty consistent to what I have listed.


Before my 7 am workout I ate some nuts and a piece of fruit at 6am, something light and quick.


I have been drinking about 2 liters of water per day maybe a little less. I add sea salt to my meals but not iodized salt.


Sleeping has been great, I am getting at least 8-9 hours a night.  


I have had a few days off from work so not feeling particularly stressed.


I had been feeling a little dizzy/lightheaded when standing up over the last few days (haven't worked out since starting the Whole 30) so I just tried to be more conscious and slow when standing but noticed it significantly when working out today (tried to make the work out a little less intense).

After the work out I had my typical egg breakfast and baked some sweet potato for lunch.

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You could stand to be eating more.  Your breakfast has no veggies and your lunch & dinner are probably a little low on protein. The template minimum is the absolute bare minimum....and you are active which means that you need more than the absolute bare minimum.


Pre workout should be protein and fat (not fruit/carbs) and you should give yourself a post workout meal of some lean protein and starchy veggie/carbs.


Try eating more...

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Day 9 - feeling fine :D .  Had such a good day yesterday despite being cooped up in the house with the kids all day.  Energy was consistent through the whole day - no post lunch desperate nap craving!  So amazing!  No hunger except for meals, no cravings at all.  I love feeling so even. 


marvar - I'm the same with the food template.  I have the same structure every day, but vary the ingredients.


Well, it did snow...sigh...and kids are off from school.  Plan is Ripped in 30 DVD followed by shovelling.  I actually don't mind shovelling.  Maybe sledding, but the little one isn't so keen on the arctic conditions.  It's such a comfort to know that my food will do nothing but sustain and support me through the day I've chosen for myself. 


I do wish I'd gotten out to the store yesterday for the fish sauce.  I've got everything for a red curry with shrimp and veg.  I think I'll just make it anyway. 

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Good morning Day-8ers! For some reason, yesterday was my Kill-All-Things day. I hadn't experienced any irritability until then and hopefully I won't any more. I'm still having trouble sleeping, but im pretty sure that it's entirely because of this kink in my neck. I should probably see a chiropractor. It's hard not to take ibuprofen. Acetaminophen does nothing for me.

It's funny how people are having dreams about eating forbidden food. It sounds a lot like cigarette dreams after quitting. There would be no lighting up, no conscious decision to smoke. I would just suddenly be smoking! And in my dream I would cry, "Nooooo! What have I done?!" I've never been a habit eater. I'm more like a reward eater. And drinker, I suppose. Cigarettes used to be a reward, so I replaced that reward with other rewards. I had seen a lot of people gain a ton of weight after quitting smoking and I was determined not to use food as a crutch, but I realize now that I did. Not in the habitual way that a lot of people do, but as a reward. A couple beers at the end of the day or nice, rich, guilt-free meal at the end of the week. I really noticed that last Friday when my family was having pizza.

I think the hardest thing for me is not having cheese. I'm a Wisconsinite. I grew up believing that cheese is good for me. I still think it is. A piece of string cheese or a serving of cottage cheese has always been a healthy alternative in my family. It's hard for my brain to make sense of why I can't have it.

Sorry for the autobiography. :) Have a great Day 8 everyone!

I like a little bio - :D.  I'm not so wild about cheese, but you should have seen my French DH's face when I suggested he join me in this cheese-less and (horror) chocolate-less food journey :o   Ahhhh well...he eats all the stuff I make and just adds his stuff to it.

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Hello day 9ers. Thanks Lisa Marie. I had strawberry water the other day. Was lovelier the longer I left the fruit in the water. Yummy. Ooh yes and I'm gonna try the cucumber & mint next. Kwaller, I've been looking and trying all the teas too. They look & taste great. We drink Pukka teas in UK. An excellent company and the tea is scrumptious. Oooo I made Chocolate Chilli from http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2009/02/22/my-favorite-chili-recipe/this was sooooooo good. I'd recommend it.

I've been having weird dreams too. In my dream I was tucking into some lovely boiled sweets. Not something I ever eat usually. Then I realised and was so upset. Even in my dream I was willing it to be a dream, please be a dream. Sooo relieved when I woke up.

We've made some ribs tonight for tomorrow and we enjoyed Steak & onions mushrooms and mashed carrot & swede. Loads left over for brekky and lunch. Beginning to get the hang of this prepping. Seriously spending loads of time in the kitchen. Never knew I had an inner chef in me.

Keep on trucking everyone. Your doing great xxxx

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I was having an easy time (other than my restart because of my tuna with soy). Today is day 9 or 4 from restart and I feel like I hit several of the bad days all at once today. I feel bloated and tired and want to "kill all things." I went to work out this evening and felt absolutely drained and shakey. I haven't had too many food cravings (do crazy good dreams count?) but today I spent a lot of time thinking about things I shouldn't be eating. The good news is that I did stay on track and completed the workout anyway. I am just pushing through. How is everyone else doing?

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I was having an easy time (other than my restart because of my tuna with soy). Today is day 9 or 4 from restart and I feel like I hit several of the bad days all at once today. I feel bloated and tired and want to "kill all things." I went to work out this evening and felt absolutely drained and shakey. I haven't had too many food cravings (do crazy good dreams count?) but today I spent a lot of time thinking about things I shouldn't be eating. The good news is that I did stay on track and completed the workout anyway. I am just pushing through. How is everyone else doing?

Good for you, Girl!  No surrender :)

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Day 10 - All good here!  Just did the shovelling yesterday -  1.25hrs and skipped the DVD.  Want to get back to my alternate days strength/cardio.  So DVD today.  No cravings - even when the house was full of the smell of DH baking.  Wow, he must really be desperate!  He shopped for the ingredients and everything.  Smell was good, but not triggering and have to say the sight of them really was NOT tempting :P


Stay strong, Everyone.

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Last night I was preparing my son, Oscar's dinner and after I put a little pat of real regular butter on his vegetables, I instinctively LICKED THE BUTTER FROM MY FINGERS! Fortunately I realized it immediately and grabbed a paper towel and wiped my tongue off. Lol! I did not swallow any of it. Now, that's the kind of nightmare I would have. Having to start over at day one because I licked my damn finger.

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You could stand to be eating more.  Your breakfast has no veggies and your lunch & dinner are probably a little low on protein. The template minimum is the absolute bare minimum....and you are active which means that you need more than the absolute bare minimum.


Pre workout should be protein and fat (not fruit/carbs) and you should give yourself a post workout meal of some lean protein and starchy veggie/carbs.


Try eating more...

I am having the same issue with being lightheaded when running, but I do not have the time to eat before I run in the morning. I have hypothyroidism and I have to take my medication as soon as I wake up and I can't eat for 1 hour after I take it. Furthermore, it's not a good idea to eat right before you run.

You might suggest working out at the end of the day, but that will not be possible either as I am part of a community theater that rehearses in the evenings.

Is it possible that with this extreme change of diet I haven't been eating enough of something and I am now feeling a deficiency? The feeling I get when exercising almost reminds me of anemia.

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Hi guys! Hope you all are well? I felt fantastic on day 7 so much so I couldn't sleep so much energy I had. But today I'm a bit sleepy and have some skin breakouts :( Maybe it's a good sign.

I find eating fruit by itself causes sugar spikes leaving me drained and even light headed. So eat with fats + protein helps with energy. Chat soon and hang in there!

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Tuesday 's attempt

Day 9 and feeling fine? I've had some ups and downs over the weekend but feel really good today. I almost forgot about lunch today! Not even hungry (that's unheard of for me)!

I baked cookies with my daughter & her friend this weekend and didn't even want to taste the batter. (Side note, it is disgusting to me during this process to realize how much I lick my fingers, knives, spoons, etc. when baking or cooking! Lol gross) I didn't want the cookies really either. Yay me! That being said, I had one "bored with Whole 30 food" day that I had to push through. I couldn't get to the store and didn't like any of my options. I need to spice things up!

I'm going to the gym for the first time since starting this tonight and then adjusting my plan to focus on portion size now that hunger issues are going away! Happy Tuesday everyone!

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Day 11 - boo hoo hoo :( .  Got into a real mopey mood yesterday (hormonal).  Could feel a vague internal battle between the new energy/positivity and the old hormonal crappola - happy happy lost.  Stayed up super late binge watching Netflix and got extremely hungry.  I have decades long no getting out of bed to eat policy that I have only broken a handful of times (preg excepted) and last night was one of them.  I grabbed some leftover roast turkey, a scant handful of cashews and half an apple, drank some water and felt better.  However, I decided that this plan was stupid and pointless and that I was going to quit today and just go back to my old comforting ways.  Was woken up extra early by DD this morning (so less than 5 hours sleep :angry: ).  While I was drinking my black coffee I decided to peruse the Whole30 timeline.  Days 10-11 are the days people are the most likely to quit the program.  HAHAHAHAHA!  I'm such a predictable cliche!  So funny and so comforting.  This is supposed to happen.  It happens all the time.  Oh - ok then - I'll just get on with my new routine, take a little time for non-food comforts, take an exercise break and ride it out.


Excuse me I have some boiled eggs that are calling my name!


Grit, Kids!  Time to put it in play ;)

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Jezza68 - I have also been feeling really hormonal the last two days. I am not sure what exactly is going on there. I can't tell if it is related to the program or it is me. Other than feeling hormonal and bloated, I am doing well. I had more energy yesterday. I didn't use that energy to get to the gym :( (which I had hoped). I just spent the entire evening cooking, preparing and planning meals. I feel like all I do and worry about is what we are eating the next 3 meals. But maybe that gets easier as time goes on and you settle into your favorites.


I have paleo pad-thai for lunch from theclothesmakethegirl.com. I am excited to try that meal. The sunshine sauce is delicious and I think it is going to make the meal. Some other favorites have been the pork carnitas and chocolate chili from the same site and cracklin chicken from nomnompaleo.com. Another favorite was a taco salad where I grilled peppers and onions then added some leftover ground beef to the skillet and dumped some water and homemade taco seasoning all over the ingredients. We almost didn't miss the chips, cheese and sour cream (almost ;)). 


What are some of your favorite recipes? How is everyone else doing?

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So I was reading about all of you who started on 2/9 as I did too - and was surprised the conversation ended that same day...  How's everyone holding up?  I am enjoying my energy and my good mood.  Also my pants are looser - hallaleuja!!!  I would love to find all of you and be part of this encouraging group.  Is there another forum that the 2/9ers have moved to?

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Talk about being spacey - I read page one and thought when I got to the bottom of it that the conversation ended!  So happy to see everyone is keeping in touch and sharing their experience!  I seem to get hungry every evening around 8 p.m.  How is it possible to just eat three meals?  I don't think my dinner could be big enough to get me through the night without hunger pangs.

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I seem to get hungry every evening around 8 p.m.  How is it possible to just eat three meals?  I don't think my dinner could be big enough to get me through the night without hunger pangs.

I find that eating dinner a little while later really helps. I seem to have moved all of my meals a little later. Or is it possible that you're not eating enough protein and fat throughout the day?

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Day 12 - I don't need a nap I just want to sleep all day.  If I can't sleep all day I will have to "kill all the things".  Also stressing that I'm getting fatter.  On the plus side (or is that *size* ? har) I have no hunger or cravings.  I'm barely hungry for meals.  Had pork chops and leftover pork chops the last 2 nights.  Decided pork chops are vile - jury is out on bacon.  Got some of the paleo bacon, DH is curious to see if it's any good.  A wonderful thing is that I can taste things again.  Specifically fresh raw vegetables and fruit (not eating much fruit though).  Cucumbers, peppers and grape tomatoes are so amazingly sweet and delicious :D


Shelley - I guess first you have to make sure that it's hunger and not just habit or cravings or stress or whatever.  Check the site for info on that.  Also, make sure you are eating adequate protein, fat and volumizing fiber filled veggies.  I have found on several occasions that adding an extra serving of green vegetables made all the difference in making it comforably to the next meal.  Supersize the veggies!

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Talk about being spacey - I read page one and thought when I got to the bottom of it that the conversation ended!  So happy to see everyone is keeping in touch and sharing their experience!  I seem to get hungry every evening around 8 p.m.  How is it possible to just eat three meals?  I don't think my dinner could be big enough to get me through the night without hunger pangs.

As your hormones balance out by eating within an hour of waking and sticking to three meals a day, your body will naturally get to the point where your dinner is the last meal of the evening and you can easily make it to breakfast. Be patient...and if you need to have a little something before bed, make sure it's protein and fat based, NOT sweet.

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Getting more energy and feel like I am getting the hang of all this cooking and prepping. Made a fabulous fish tonight - cod topped with ground macadamia nuts and coconut. That one will be repeated.

Today was the first day I felt lighter and a bit less bloated. How was everyone else's day?

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Day 12 - I don't need a nap I just want to sleep all day.  If I can't sleep all day I will have to "kill all the things".  Also stressing that I'm getting fatter.  On the plus side (or is that *size* ? har) I have no hunger or cravings.  I'm barely hungry for meals.  Had pork chops and leftover pork chops the last 2 nights.  Decided pork chops are vile - jury is out on bacon.  Got some of the paleo bacon, DH is curious to see if it's any good.  A wonderful thing is that I can taste things again.  Specifically fresh raw vegetables and fruit (not eating much fruit though).  Cucumbers, peppers and grape tomatoes are so amazingly sweet and delicious :D


Shelley - I guess first you have to make sure that it's hunger and not just habit or cravings or stress or whatever.  Check the site for info on that.  Also, make sure you are eating adequate protein, fat and volumizing fiber filled veggies.  I have found on several occasions that adding an extra serving of green vegetables made all the difference in making it comforably to the next meal.  Supersize the veggies!

I am definitely eating enough protein and vegies but wondering about the fat.  My day started with three eggs, about a cup of wilted spinach and a whole avocado.  For lunch, I had about a cup of venison stew (cabbage, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and venison) and a chicken breast, had a snack of Terra sweet potatoe chips (about 5) and an orange, then dinner was roast with green beans.  I can see that the fat starts my day but doesn't really end it...  Do you think that would make a difference?

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