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February 9th


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I have definitely been tempted to quit but am so glad that I didn't. I think that shaking up my food choices helps to eliminate boredom with the plan. And sometimes it helps to have a "normal" meal. I've come to like what my kids call "spaghetti salad", where I make compliant meat sauce or sauce with meatballs and eat it over fresh greens while my family has it over noodles. My other simple favorite is sautéed broccoli slaw with chicken strips, Avacado and seasonings. I have sweet potatoes with egg or meat and sometimes Kale most mornings.

Keep up the fight!

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Day 13!!!! Yay!!!!


Rkrzywda you can made zucchini 'spaghetti' I picked up a hand spiralizer at Bed, Bath, & Beyond for $8.99 it cuts the zucchini into perfect 'spaghetti' super fast. I have been using a few times a week and serve with meat sauce or anything I would normally eat with pasta. It's a great way to add another veggie to your meal and still feel like you are eating what everyone esle is.  


I have been feeling much better from the dizziness I had a few days ago. I increased my portion sizes, added more salt to my meals, increased my water intake, and started eating a sweet potato with lunch and dinner. I also read about the signs and symptoms of ketosis which include dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. I wonder if that is part of what is going on, fortunately I also read it only lasts a few days while your body is learning to use energy from different sources within your body.


Suzrand glad to hear you are sticking with the Whole 30 and having fun with recipies. I have been roasting a ton of veggies that I can eat with breakfast lunch or dinner. This is super helpful espcially after work.


Great job everyone!!! Keep up the good work.

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The dreams have begun!  I am so adventurous and without thoughts of food (I even went to bed hungry last night).  I only woke up twice last night (typically it's about 4 times).  I'm hoping that this new eating plan helps with my perimenopause and hot flashes (I think they are better but I still have them).   My whole body is losing the thickness that I have not been able to budge for the last few years.  Very happy so far!  Only day 13 and loving my energy!  

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Hello everyone. Sunday evening here and I am exhausted from shopping and cooking. At the present moment I am simmering Chocolate Chili and Pork Carnitas. Who knows how late I will be up with this stuff.

Things are going well. My energy is better by the day although I have more muscle soreness from workouts. I had been taking a lot of fish oil before I started and then didn't take it for a while because it contains soy. I ordered some compliant fish oil and have been taking it for a few days. Let's hope that starts kicking in to combat the soreness. I don't feel like I am working harder at the gym, I just think my body is going through so many changes.

I am really mad at myself for some not smart eating this evening. I took a nap and woke up with Lara Bars in my head. I have them in the house and I haven't even been tempted but I woke up and ate two followed by a bunch of dates. I don't know what came over me. I had eaten good meals prior and I just had to have them. I have been having an easy time and not a lot of cravings. I was starting to think that maybe food didn't have the hold over me that I thought. Obviously, I was right in the beginning and it reared it's ugly head tonught to make me realize that this really is an issue to work on.

How is everyone doing? Have a good weekend?

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Day 15!!!! Half way point!!!!

I had a good weekend. I had to work a bunch of long shifts Friday, Saturday, and Sunday but I woke up early had a large breakfast and packed a large lunch to keep me full until 8 pm. I had a smaller dinner since I would be going to bed soon afterward. No cravings this weekend and usually I justify eating poorly because I work the weekends, but not this weekend!!! I made it through without any hiccups. I think adding a sweet potato to my lunch has really kept me full until dinner time. I am really enjoying not being bloated and getting some good sleep. The only thing I am having trouble with is waking up with headaches... I am not so sure this is related to the food and body changes, maybe related to the cold, dry air, thinking of purchasing a humidifier for this dry winter.


Suzrand-I have Larabars for emergencies but have not succumb to eating them yet. I can see how they would be tempting to eat in a weak moment. But at least it was whole 30 compliant.


Shelley- I don't think you should be hungry at bedtime. I think your dinner should keep you from hunger until your morning breakfast. I am glad that you are enjoying your lifestyle changes. I am definitely noticing a difference after 15 days!!!!

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Hi Everyone! This is my first post on any forum ever & I'm excited to join this one. I've been on the whole30 since 2/8 and really need accountability friends.  

A little about me:
I live in Chicago.
I own two businesses and am in the car long hours. 
I started to whole30 as a challenge - to myself.
I miss coffee (with cream and sugar) very much. Oh, and the occasional drink. 
I eat out a lot which has proven tricky on whole30.
I travel a lot. Hobby. 
I'm addicted to luxe makeup. Hobby. 

I look forward to getting to know you.

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Hi to all,

We're halfway through! I am thinking of extending to a Whole 45 because I turn to have phychological issues with food I still need to tackle and that I was unaware of.

Like, yesterday I have overdone on fruit: I had a couple of really exhaustive workouts (freeletics and snowboarding) and needed some punch to keep me going. Wrong! Lesson learned: relax and don't overdo anything: neither sports nor "fuel".

Also, I am still feeling "deprived" sometimes, and I want to get rid of it and feel only freedom.

More to that, I want to boost my cooking skills, because I got a couple of new paleo cookbooks, and I really need to get my hands on them.

Lastly, I want to ace this eating out thing: still working on it. Hint: if you ever travel to Germany, you can say you're "allergic" to stuff in an establishment, and they'll take you very seriously.

Hope everyone is doing well, advancing through their Whole 30s and is in good health!

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Welcome Ldiaz. I would love to hear more about your eating out and traveling ventures in reference to how you do while on the Whole 30. The last week of my 35 days I will be traveling for work and am really nervous about it.


It is hard to believe we are halfway there. It has gone faster than I thought. I have much more energy than usual. Last night, after working a full day, I made dinner and lunches, cleaned up kitchen, worked out (cardio) and then cleaned my room. By 11 p.m. I was still awake and going strong. That is totally unlike me. I might get one of those tasks done and be wiped out. Could this be the start of "tiger blood?"


I am definitely extending to 35 days (because of the soy slip at 5 days). I then am planning to do the prescribed reintroductions and then go from there. I am really enjoying this way of eating and have absolutely no cravings. I would like to make the lifestyle change to do Whole 30 for the most part (maybe not with as strict vigilance) and have the occasional sweet or drink. Just mulling it all over. This is if I make it to 35 days, although I am feeling very resilient.


How is everyone else? 

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Welcome Ldiaz. I would love to hear more about your eating out and traveling ventures in reference to how you do while on the Whole 30. The last week of my 35 days I will be traveling for work and am really nervous about it.

Good morning everyone! Thank you Suzrand for the gracious welcome. :). Eating out is a challenge. I've been to Boston Market more times this past week than I have in the last year. What makes it difficult for me is that it's freezing outside and all I want is HOT food not a salad. End result is I've been bringing food from home. I'm up later prepping and cooking but I have food that's whole30 compliant while in the car. I also bring a HUGE thermos of tea to keep me going throughout the day without stopping at Starbucks. I've been going through paleo cookbooks trying to find variety but easy to make.

Has anyone else found that eating better is expensive? I just spent $200 in groceries. Some things I had to go to whole foods only cause I couldn't find anywhere else. Like coconut aminos and fish sauce.

Thank you. Have a great day!!!!

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Has anyone else found that eating better is expensive? I just spent $200 in groceries. Some things I had to go to whole foods only cause I couldn't find anywhere else. Like coconut aminos and fish sauce.


It can certainly be more expensive at the outset when you are stocking the cabinets with new ingredients like aminos and fish sauce...but those last awhile.  On the other hand, there is no requirement to buy these pricey speciality ingredients either so if it's not within your budget, just skip them.  For most recipes that call for coconut aminos, I just skip it and have never had an issue.  Fish sauce is a harder one to skip but I've added anchovy paste from time to time in place of it because the price of the Red Boat one is just too outrageous for me.

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It can certainly be more expensive at the outset when you are stocking the cabinets with new ingredients like aminos and fish sauce...but those last awhile.  On the other hand, there is no requirement to buy these pricey speciality ingredients either so if it's not within your budget, just skip them.  For most recipes that call for coconut aminos, I just skip it and have never had an issue.  Fish sauce is a harder one to skip but I've added anchovy paste from time to time in place of it because the price of the Red Boat one is just too outrageous for me.


Thank you ladyshanny!  Thankfully I'm not completely worried about price as much because I keep telling myself that I'm worth a healthy body so I need to feed it well.  For me, I'm also trying to cook different dishes so I have variety and not get bored.  I love how others recommended sparkling water with fruit - thank you for that!  :)  

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I agree... If you're not used to eating meat 3 meals per day, the meat alone can be pricey. I too hope to extend my 30 to a 45. I don't trust my ability to make good choice and have caught myself eating a coconut Larabar just because I wanted something sweet after a meal.

A bit of a breakthrough today. After the gym I knew that I had to make dinner and was dreading Whole 30 compliant food. And I realized that it wasn't because I was dreading that food. I wasn't craving anything else either. I just wasn't hungry. (Unheard of in my world) little celebration for me!

I'm Also craving hot food... It is too darn cold to enjoy too many salads! Have a great night everyone!

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I feel like I am spending a fortune on expensive meats and eggs but I am looking at it as an investment in my health. I am also saving a lot of money from going out for meals or drinks, so it probably balances out.


I am excited that I have on a pair of pants which didn't fit before I started the whole30. Something is working. I had crazy energy on Monday night but last night was not so much. With that said I did have a workout with a lot of weights and that could have contributed. I worked out 3 days last week and have set a goal for this week of 4 workouts. So far I am on target to reach my goal. Next week, I would like to add in at least one yoga class. I haven't done yoga in quite a while and I am so stiff, my body is telling me it is time.


I feel like I spend most of my free time in the kitchen and at times that seems to be getting old, but I am glad I am able to plan and have been having to run by the store a lot less this week. I had a paleo mayo flop this morning and I am a bit frustrated about that. Since I was running late for work I was unable to salvage it. Guess I will try again tonight as I want to make the Madras Chicken Salad from nomnompaleo. It is so yummy!!


Thinking about you all and hoping that things are chugging along for everyone. Have a great day 17!!

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Hi Everyone!!


Unfortunately, I haven't had breakfast or lunch yet and it's 2 pm here.  :(  I've been on the go all day. I REFUSE to eat something not compliant although tempting. I too have been happy with clothes feeling looser and having more energy.  Today is a crazy day for some of us but let's stay strong.  WE CAN DO THIS!!  


Suzrand - I had a chuckle at "I feel like most of my free time is in the kitchen..."  I totally agree.  ;)  I stayed up late making a pot roast so I have dinner tonight but the clean-up was no fun at all.  I just bought white wine vinegar to make mayo so please share any tricks on making it work. I'm going to make the chicken liver something out of the nom nom paleo cookbook later.  Has anyone tried it?


Hope you are all doing wonderful.  I'm gonna get something to eat now.  Stay warm!

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Day 17!!! I am feeling great!!! I am also starting to feel the energy surge.


Suzrand, what mayo recipie are you following? I use the recipie from Well Fed Usually the ingredients need to be at room temperature and if it doesn't turn out right you can refrigerate and it will thicken up in the refrigerator. I love my Whole30 compliant Mayo.... tuna salad, chicken salad, cole slaw, and fish are all so much more enjoyable with it.  


Ldiaz you should use some hard boiled eggs and chop some veggies to take in a cooler in your car with you. You shouldn't starve yourself!!!!

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The mayo recipe I am using is the one out of Well Fed. It has worked several times so I know what I need to do. Everything was room temperature so that wasn't the problem. In hindsight, I should have put it in the fridge to see if it thickened. I think I may never go back to "regular" mayo because it so good and usually so easy.


Ldiaz, you have quite the commitment to not eat and wait for compliant food. Not sure if I could make it. When I am traveling in a few weeks I will do lots of hard boiled eggs and veggies. I have noticed that most convenience stores and airports sell both things. I also just ordered some primal pacs. I might take a Larabar or two but I am not sure I trust myself with those. I also appreciate you staying up late to cook. I have had many late nights doing that. The clean up part really stinks later at night when tired. Hell, I don't even like the cleanup part when I am not tired ;).

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  I just bought white wine vinegar to make mayo so please share any tricks on making it work. 

I think the keys are: constant speed, smooth motions, steady hand and pouring oil in constantly in really small quantities. BTW I squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon instead of vinegar: I just don't like vinegar for some reason. 

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Thank you Lyolya!!  :)


Suzrand, lol!  I'm trying!!  :)  I totally forgot that the airport does have hard boiled eggs. Good thinking!  I've got to try the primal pacs.  Please let me know what you think of them.  I'm going to make the "Liar's Bar" recipe in the Nom Nom Paleo cookbook.  Hear it's similar to the Larabars.  

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When I am traveling in a few weeks I will do lots of hard boiled eggs and veggies. 


Hi Suzrand! You could also take a small bottle of your own salad dressing with you: it is always the easiest to get a plain salad in almost any establishment but a nice dressing brightens it up. 


My husband who is doing the program with me was traveling two weeks ago and he survived and thrived :-) on steaks, salads and bananas. I also gave him a couple of bars (we don't have Larabars in Germany, but there are alternatives) for the airport hours: worked fine. 


We are now on travel (holiday) and, although we have a kitchen here, it is totally not the same as at home. I miss my devices, my spiced and my spiralizer! Anyway, it is manageable (I have just tried a new food thing today which is violet carrots).


During my previous Whole 30 a year ago, I was traveling 3 times and I always had a small container in my bag filled with nuts, carrot sticks, almond butter, fruit... whatever worked. 


You can totally do it!

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 I just bought white wine vinegar to make mayo so please share any tricks on making it work. 

Put ALL ingredients in a jar, room temperature or not, doesn't matter.  Insert a stick blender right to the bottom. Press "GO" and slowly draw the blender up as the mayo emulsifies.  Should take about 10-15 seconds.  Give it a stir with a big spoon when done and you are done!


I have never made the mayo with white wine vinegar, I usually use either lemon or lime juice. I have done it with Apple Cider Vinegar before but didn't really like it.

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Mayo worked last night. :)  I have had three successes and one flop on the mayo. I am having the curried chicken salad today for lunch - yum!


I was really over the cooking thing last night. Was frustrated feeling all I do is empty dishwasher (thank god I have one), cook, clean up and repeat. I was just crabby in general. My hormones have been raging the whole time I have been on the Whole 30. Not sure what that is about. At least tonight's dinner is made for the most part - just minimal things to do and prepare tomorrow's lunches.


Had the burst of energy on Monday night and not so much the past two. But I don't really feel tired, just not tons of energy.


How is everyone else doing? 

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Hi everyone!  How are you today?  I wanted to share that not eating for two straight meals killed me yesterday.  By end of day I was ready to knock someone's head off, was insanely sluggish, and overall didn't want to be at work more than I had to.  All I had in mind this morning was making my breakfast (sweet potato, bacon, and eggs) and putting my lunch and snacks together to bring with me as to not repeat yesterdays craziness.  I have to say, I feel SO much better.  Omg, what a difference eating full meals make.  


I've also been drinking spritzers (sparkling water with a bit of freshly squeezed juice).  Great choice for not spending a lot of money at Starbucks.  Tastes amazing too.  


Hope you are having a wonderful day!!   :rolleyes:

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I have so much energy that I really cannot sleep (5-6 hours is all I get lately). But 6 up is theoretically ok for an adult so I don't bother.


What I'm experiencing is a massive emotional purge: old stuff gets over me, I kind of have to deal with it. 


Came back from a trip to the mountains and I must admit that my snowboarding skills have improved a lot. They had previously plateaued. I attribute this boost to how I eat lately. I kind of really work out too much lately, but I cannot help it: you wake up and your body is like 3-2-1-go!


And I had this weird dream about accidentally messing up my W30 in a fast-food place the other night! Buff I woke up happy this was just a dream. 

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