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toasted coconut chips


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I bought lightly salted toasted coconut chips by Dang. They are organic and contain only coconut and sea salt. I am not usually a fan of coconut but these were AWESOME! I have been sprinkling them on things for the flavor and the crunch, but they make,a great snack! Like replace the popcorn at the movies, who needs potato chips kind of snack. How bad are these considering coconut is very high in fat. I truly could eat half a bag at a time which is a serving and a half...at 17g of fat in a serving... but I LOVE them.


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The problem is not so much with the fat content, as we encourage you to eat healthy fat with meals. (Do be sure you only get the variety that doesn't have added sugar, since even their original flavor does have sugar.)


The problem here is the snacking and the "could eat half a bag at a time." These may be food without brakes for you. They would be for me, I'm sure. What that means is, even though the food itself may be compliant, if it causes you to eat it in a way that is unhealthy, it's really not good for you.  If you can have them around and only eat a handful with your meals occasionally, they're fine. If having them around causes you to grab a handful between meals, or take the bag and sit on the couch eating mindlessly while you watch tv, so that you suddenly realize that even though you really weren't hungry, you've just eaten the whole bag of them (it's not just me that's done that before with things like chips or nuts, right?) -- then they're a problem.


If you've hung out on the forum here for very long at all, you've probably realized we prefer that you don't snack. It's just better for your digestive system to have time to digest food and then rest a bit before having to digest more food (that's the really super simplified explanation -- see It Starts With Food for more detail). If you're eating enough at your meals, you should be able to go 4-5 hours without needing more food, so you really shouldn't need snacks.

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I bought lightly salted toasted coconut chips by Dang. They are organic and contain only coconut and sea salt. I am not usually a fan of coconut but these were AWESOME! I have been sprinkling them on things for the flavor and the crunch, but they make,a great snack! Like replace the popcorn at the movies, who needs potato chips kind of snack. How bad are these considering coconut is very high in fat. I truly could eat half a bag at a time which is a serving and a half...at 17g of fat in a serving... but I LOVE them.



I think this is where you need to focus your attention when you're reconsidering buying them - not on whether or not they are compliant, or healthy... You've clearly stated that they would replace a former snack. It'd be a no from me I'm afraid, unless they were stricly to be used on/with your meals. Just my opinion though, obviously!

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Thank you. I reread chapter 4 in ISWF. Food without breaks seems reserved for unhealthy foods...the,stuff we can't stop eating that is not good for you. I do understand your point though. I'll reconsider buying them.

The FWOB point in the book is much the opposite -- that if you can just keep eating a food like that, it's not giving you what you need.  If it were, you'd eat some and then you'd be satisfied.  That's "having brakes."  If eating a food makes you just keep wanting more of that food, that's an indication that it's not what you really need.  Healthy food should satisfy, not perpetuate over-consumption.  A food can be objectively healthy, but not what you actually need at the time.  Something that can be a FWOB isn't always bad, it's something you have to be careful of and make sure you're aware of how you're using it.  (Hint: Snacking in a movie theater is not mindful eating.)


OTOH, many things that can be FWOB can make awesome salad toppings. 

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  • 1 year later...

Glad I searched instead of starting a new topic. I planned to keep some on hand for parties, since a lot of what I get invited to does not provide healthy fats. Wanted to make sure they were not a SWYPO food. Plants and animal proteins are easy to find, just needed a portable fat. It would be a little weird to bring an avacado to a party...

My mom bought these two months ago (she never used them... I found the unopened package yesterday) and they aren't a FWOB for me (I feel satiated with a small amount, which is less than half of a recommended serving)


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