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Day 2 - My Tuna has Soy?!?!


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Hi Everyone!

I started the Whole30 yesterday and did very well. I usually cook most of my meals from scratch so it was easy to avoid the bad stuff. This morning for breakfast, I checked my canned tuna label, "Tuna, water, vegetable broth, salt" and thought "Green light." To my dismay, I discovered the words "Contains: Tuna, soy" on the label after I ate! Why is there soy in tuna fish?? :( Do I have to restart? I guess the month of September is a good time frame with exactly 30 days...



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It turns out that I am stricter than Melissa Hartwig. She advised someone in a recent post to view their accidental eating of soy as a learning experience and to go on. I would say view your accidental eating of soy as a learning experience and add one day to your Whole30.

When I read a label that says vegetable broth, I think of carrots, green beans, maybe some onions. Food manufacturers would call soy bean broth vegetable broth. There is probably some legislation that forces manufactures to disclose soy in the particular instance of tuna.

I check all the cans of tuna in stores occasionally and find that tuna packed with soy is more common than tuna packed without it. I can usually find only a few varieties that do not include soy.

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  • 2 years later...

I just ran into this myself with two days to go. ARGHHHHH! I decided to take it as a learning experience but I'm going to continue on with a Whole60 so the next 30 days I'll use the TJ's tuna or will check out Kirklands. Thankfully I had not had tuna until day 28. I checked my canned chicken while I was at it - Modified Food Starch! :( Gonna continue to cook my own chickens I guess.

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