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Timing meals and workout meals


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I want to make sure I'm eating at correct times when working out in order to make sure my hormones are balanced. I know I'm supposed to eat breakfast within an hour of waking. With that said, if I'm working out at 8:30 am on the weekends (waking at 7:30), what should be the order of meals before and after my workout (pre, post, and breakfast)? The other day I had my pre workout meal, I worked out, then post workout meal and then ate breakfast an hour and a half later. Is this correct?

Also, during the week I sometimes can't get a workout in until before bed. Is it okay to eat a post workout meal and then go to sleep right after. I know the book says to stop eating a few hours before. Guidance would be appreciated, thanks!

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I am also very confused about the workout and pre workout meals. What if one doesn't work out? And I do not eat within an hour of waking. My book should be arriving any day. Is this info in book? I wish I could see a day or two of three meals in menus. Hoping the book will offer me that.

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As a guide I only take a preWO meal (eg. a hard boiled egg) if I'd otherwise be training fasted (ie. v early morning session which for me means heavy weights), or if I'm already famished & ready for my next meal (ie. training in the evening after work, & before meal 3)

If it's an early morning session I *always* take a small postWO meal (eg. a small amount of roast chicken & some sweet potato), then shower, then have meal 1.

If it's an evening training session I judge by what time it is & how intense the work-out was. If it was intense and I have a while to go before bed then I'll have a small postWO meal, then shower & have meal 3. If it wasn't so intense (active recovery) or it's late and I'm planning to sleep fairly soon I skip the postWO & just have meal 3.

As kirkor asked it all depends on how intense your training is - but bear in mind that what's hard for you might be moderate/easy for me, or vice versa, so it's v personal, just like the size of your palm.... 

Were you previously taking pre/post WO supplements/shakes?


You really have to play around with it a bit and see what works best for you.

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I'm currently doing p90x so yes I do need the pre and post workout meals. For pre, im good with a serving of Brazil nuts. For post I usually do whatever protein I have in the fridge and a little sweet potato or butternut squash. I Was just concerned that I'm supposed to eat breakfast within an hour of waking and I'm not really getting the meal until a while after my pre and post meals. Hoping that doesn't mess up the hormone factor they talk about in the book. Wondering if the new book addresses different schedules.

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On days I don't workout, I don't have the pre and post workout meals. You don't need them. But that's really only once a week for me. Even the yoga in p90x leaves me dripped in sweat and sore the next day so include the extra meals here too. For cardio day sometimes I take spinning class instead of the workout provided and I also take the extra meals.

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I'm currently doing p90x so yes I do need the pre and post workout meals. For pre, im good with a serving of Brazil nuts. For post I usually do whatever protein I have in the fridge and a little sweet potato or butternut squash. I Was just concerned that I'm supposed to eat breakfast within an hour of waking and I'm not really getting the meal until a while after my pre and post meals. Hoping that doesn't mess up the hormone factor they talk about in the book. Wondering if the new book addresses different schedules.

But you're having your preWO within an hour of waking though aren't you....  I do the same - preWO, actual work-out, postWO, shower, meal 1.... I believe the point of it is to send a signal to your brain that nourishment is coming, and that should keep your hormones in check.


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No workout, then no Pre or Post work out meal required. Simple.


jmcbn,    Now you tell me.    Just kiddin'.   I'm going to keep up with all my meals.   Make sure you eat breakfast within 1 hour of waking even if you're not working out in the mornings.


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But you're having your preWO within an hour of waking though aren't you....  I do the same - preWO, actual work-out, postWO, shower, meal 1.... I believe the point of it is to send a signal to your brain that nourishment is coming, and that should keep your hormones in check.

Thanks so much! Just making sure I was doing it right!

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So then I'm confused.

What are my three meals?



Our recommendation for best results is to follow the meal planning template. All the answers you seek are there. We advice that the first meal (whether it be a meal 1 or a pre-workout meal) be within 1 hour of waking and a proper portion meal should last you 4-5 hours before you start feeling hungry again.

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Aim for 4-5 hours inbetween each meal.  No snacking inbetween since you're not working out.  Snacks are not forbidden but discouraged.   Snacking is not  to be confused with Pre/Post workout meals.    Pre/Post Workout Meals are for Gina and jmcbn.  You and I will eat Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner...waiting 4-5 hours inbetween each meal.


If you're  drawn to snacks, you're not eating the Whole 30 Template at  meals.   The proof is in the goofing...meaning wanting to snack all day long.  If you want the best results, no snacks. 



P.S.   The new book is coming out soon, that will really help you.

I exercise every day but I'm working on a blood sugar thang.   When I eat  3 meals aday without any snacks...going 4-5 hours inbetween each meal like the rules say,  I have the best possible results and I am kicking that blood sugar thang - T2 - to the curb.  It works for that purpose and it works for those who are not working out, too.

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Ahhhhh, that was schweeet.  


An inside secret between you and me, paulfan1...those who don't snack are rewarded.  Yes, they are. Around Day 19-22, Tiger Blood comes to those who are faithful.   They are dutifully and wonderfully rewarded with a burst of energy that will catapult you to Day 30.  The non-snackers know when it comes to their door.  There is laughing and rolling around on the floor and falling into fits of laughter. You're grinning from ear to ear, no one can wipe the smile off of your face.  It also comes to those who don't whine or throw babyfits during their 30 days.   They stay upbeat because they know that stinkin' thinkin' ruins everything.  So wait for it....wait for it and be faithful.  If you build each day towards it, it will come. I'll be here and would love to hear about it when it happens for you.  ;) 

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Can't wait for the book. I pre-ordered it! I think I've been doing pretty well because I am able to last 4-5 hours between each meal. How about if I'm working out right before bed? What's the recommedation? Because the first book says stop eating a few hrs before bed, if I eat my post meal then I'm not being compliant? During the week sometimes that's my only option.

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Can't wait for the book. I pre-ordered it! I think I've been doing pretty well because I am able to last 4-5 hours between each meal. How about if I'm working out right before bed? What's the recommedation? Because the first book says stop eating a few hrs before bed, if I eat my post meal then I'm not being compliant? During the week sometimes that's my only option.

Let's be clear on Whole30 compliance. Compliance only comes into place as to whether or not you're following the rules, listed here


On the pre and post workout fuel, and when to stop eating before bed, those are recommendations for best results. IMHO, I would say if you're hungry after your workout, and/or you had an intense workout, have the post WO fuel, and if not, go to bed.  :)

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This is very interesting. I am doing p90x too and I typically do it first thing in the morning. Is the pre wo snack necessary? or can I just get up, work out, and eat breakfast?  


As Chris noted in the post just before yours you CAN just get up, work out, and eat breakfast. We would RECOMMEND that you eat something with protein and fat before you workout (doesn't have to be a lot) for optimal results as research as shown most people have optimal hormone balance when they eat within an hour of waking.

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