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The Whole30: A Chat with Authors Melissa and Dallas Hartwig

Could you give up sugar, alcohol, grains, dairy, legumes and soy for an entire month? Find out why the authors of The Whole30 think that their elimination diet can change your relationship with food forever.
  • 1the-hartwigs-300x336.jpg

By Jennifer Davis-Flynn

Melissa and Dallas Hartwig spurred a diet revolution in 2009, when their New York Times bestselling book It Starts with Foodintroduced hundreds of thousands of people to a whole-food, paleo lifestyle. Their follow-up book The Whole30: The 30-Day Guide to Health and Food Freedom, just released in April, provides step-by-step instruction, recipes and answers to frequently asked questions about their strict 30-day elimination diet.

In a nutshell, The Whole30 requires you to give up all added sugar, alcohol, grains (even gluten-free grains), dairy, soy and legumes. After 30 days of removing these foods that may cause inflammation in the body, you take another 10 days to slowly reintroduce them in a controlled manner. In the process, you discover which foods, if any, cause you discomfort, illness or zap your energy.

The entire Clean Eating office is doing a group Whole30 this month and we’ll recap our experiences on this extreme clean diet in a later post.

Describe the Whole 30 program.

Melissa Hartwig: You can think of the Whole30 like pushing the reset button with your health, your habits and your relationship with food. For 30 days, you’ll eat nothing but whole, real, nutrient-dense food and at the end of the 30 days, you’ll reintroduce some of the foods you may have been missing and pay attention to how those foods impact how you look, how you feel, and your quality of life. So, it’s a way to really learn how food interacts with you and your own body and help you create the perfect diet for you.

What was your motivation for devising the program and eating this way?

Dallas Hartwig: The motivation was really just to make ourselves healthier. It was an experimentation process….Our experiences were so powerful that we really thought we should share this with anyone that was interested. It turns out a whole lotta people were interested.

Were you having particular health issues at the time?

DH: Nothing that we thought of as “health issues.” I was having chronic shoulder pain, but I played volleyball a lot so I thought I was just overdoing it. I think what we found through experimentation was these little nagging things were able to be improved and resolved with dietary change. But, also it brought some attention to our emotional relationship with food which we previously thought was really pretty good.

What do you find is the hardest aspect of the program for most people?

MH: People struggle with the foods that they’re leaving out: no added sugar, no alcohol is really hard for a lot of people. But, I think across the board people are surprised by having to eat and cook and prepare real food every single day…being forced to eat real food three meals a day means that there is a lot more focus on planning and preparation and cooking and that catches a lot of people off guard. That’s why we dedicate such a large portion of the new book to basic cooking skills and meal preparation techniques.

Whole30_cover-1-263x300.jpgWhy was this book a natural follow-up to your first book, It Starts with Food?

DH: We never planned on writing a second book about nutrition. But what happened was It Starts with Food was largely the “why” and people asked for more “how.” We wanted to help people physically prepare for the program, but we also know that there is an emotional and psychological preparation that people really need to consider to be successful. We wanted to put all of these tips all in one place. So, we laid the first half of the book out as a guide to getting started. Then, there’s a quick reference FAQ because people don’t always want to go back through paragraphs of text. The last half of the book is the meal planning and basic cooking techniques and the actual recipes you’ll use while you’re doing the program.

How much of a hand did you have in Recipe development?

MH: Most recipes came from chef Richard Bradford. But, along the way, it was a pretty collaborative process. We’d do some recipe testing and go back to him and say ‘This is just a little bit complicated; is there any way you can simplify?’ So, he was definitely the expert, but we did weigh in here and there to make sure that the recipes were exactly what our readership needed to get started with the program.

Why do you think you’ve been so successful in the over-saturated diet/nutrition sphere?

DH: I think there are a couple of components to that. I think that one is that it addresses the emotional relationship with food in a way that most diets don’t. I think that the other piece is that it is not intended to be something that you have to come back to or stay on indefinitely…It’s a very empowering message because it gives people a tool to learn about themselves. And, in doing so, they are much more successful long-term at making choices that work well for their bodies, because they’ve learned about themselves individually. That improves success rate and that begets a lot of sharing, particularly on social media.

What do you say to people who just don’t think they can do this? Eliminate all of this food at once for 30 days?

MH: There’s a line in the Whole30 program that’s been in the rules since absolute day one, and it’s probably the most famous line. “This is not hard. Birthing a baby is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black is not hard.” And that’s really meant to speak to the fact that everyone has done much harder things than this. It lets you empower people to take on a 30-day, short-term nutrition reset and do really well and succeed with it. There’s a little bit of “tough” but its really heavy on the “love” and very heavy on the support that we offer people.

What kind of support?

DH: There’s all kinds of support. There’s a free Whole30 forum that’s extensive and very, very active. We have an optional 30-day email support program for people who are interested in daily email support. And there’s all sorts of support networks on our social media, ourfacebook page, our instagram, our twitter, and lots of other people have opted to create their own local support communities for people they know they’re doing the Whole30 with. That social support is a huge component of success.

What would you say to someone about to start a Whole30?

MH: Planning and preparation are key…If you have a plan, the brain is far more relaxed. In the absence of a plan, you can revert back to what’s easy and what’s rewarding. So, think about some of things that are going to come up in the next 30 days. For example, if I get stuck late at the office, then I’ll munch on the beef jerky or nuts and seeds I have in my desk. Or, if I get invited to a business lunch, I’ll research the restaurant ahead of time and know what I’m going to order before I go in.

Could you share a favorite whole30-compliant meal in the book?

MH: Romesco Garlic Shrimp with Zucchini Noodles is a favorite. Pretty much everyone in my family has made this and loved it.


Romesco Garlic Shrimp with Zucchini Noodles

Serves: 2
Hands-on Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 55 minutes



  • 4 medium zucchini (about 4 cups of “noodles”)
  • 2 tablespoons cooking fat
  • 1/4 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley leaves


  • 2 tablespoons cooking fat
  • 1/2 cup almonds, chopped
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 2 tomatoes, seeded and chopped
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper



  1. Peel the zucchini with a regular peeler. Then, using a julienne peeler, make long slices along one side of each zucchini until you get down to the seeded core. Rotate the zucchini and continue to peel until you’ve done all four sides. (If you have a spiral slicer, you can use that instead of a julienne peeler.) Discard the core, and set the noodles aside.
  2. Add 2 cups of water to a large pot over medium-high heat and bring to a boil while you begin cooking the shrimp.
  3. Melt the cooking fat in a large skillet over medium heat, swirling to coat the bottom of the pan. When the fat is hot, add the onion and cook, stirring, until translucent, about 2 minutes.
  4. Stir in the garlic and cook for until aromatic, about 1 minute.
  5. Add the shrimp, toss to coat with the onion and garlic, and cook stirring, an additional 2 minutes.
  6. Add 1/4 cup water to the skillet and cover with a lid. Cook until the shrimp form the shape of a “C,” 4 to 6 minutes.
  7. Transfer to a serving bowl (draining any remaining water), and season everything with the salt and pepper.
  8. After you add the water and cover, place a colander or steamer inside the large pot of boiling water. Add the zucchini noodles, cover, and steam until the zucchini is al dente in texture, 2 to 3 minutes.
  9. Drain the “zoodles” and transfer to a serving dish or individual plates.
  10. Sprinkle the shrimp with the parsley, toss, and spoon over the zoodles. Spoon the Romesco Sauce over the shrimp and zucchini and serve.

TIP: Shrimp are actually quite easy to prepare, but unlike beef, shrimp actually get tougher the longer you cook them. Perfectly cooked shrimp will be pink in color, and shaped like a “C”—if they are curled up tightly into an “O” shape, they’re overcooked. If you’re using frozen shrimp, make sure they are completely thawed before you start cooking.


  1. Melt the cooking fat in a large skillet over medium-high heat. When the fat is hot, add the almonds and toast for 3 minutes, stirring often.
  2. Add the onion and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Add the garlic and cook until aromatic, about 1 minute. Add the chili powder and paprika and cook until the flavors open up, about 30 seconds.
  3. Finally, add the tomatoes, mix into the ingredients, and cook, stirring to bring up the tasty bits from the bottom of the pan, until the tomatoes are warmed through, about 2 minutes.
  4. Transfer the sauce mixture to a food processor. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend on low speed until the sauce is smooth, then pour into a serving dish or glass storage container.
  5. Allow to cool before refrigerating; the sauce will keep for up to 5 days.

TIP: Seeding a tomato can be messy if you try to dice it before removing the seeds. Try this method: place the tomato on a cutting board, stem facing up. Slice left-to-right across the middle of the tomato, creating two equal halves. Then, scrape out the seeds and white core with a small spoon. You’ll be left with nothing but firm tomato flesh, far easier to slice and dice.

MAKE-AHEAD: You can save yourself some prep time and make your Romesco sauce up to two days in advance. This dish is just as delicious served cold, substituting Pesto for the Romesco Sauce, and cold cucumber noodles instead of steamed zoodles. You can also cheat and buy cooked shrimp—just skip the 1/4 cup water and covered cooking at the end of the third step.


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Good night Shrimp goodnight zoodles I'll dream of you

Good night ravine too steep I'll pass out


I'll dream of climbing up and going down and all the leg work it'll take to get there

Holding on for dear life hoping the clock would rewind 20 years

Goodnight tomatoes

And funny pictures and beautiful nature

I'll see the rainy sunrise on Sunday morning

Thank you for a lively and lovely day

Goodnight Kelli my friend

Goodnight Meadow my friend


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OMG... I could not go down those steps even if we brought my recliner. I got vertigo just looking at the pictures.


The results are in..


Breakfast at 0900. BS before lunch - 97. Lunch - beef, red potatoes, carrots, avocado oil.


PP1 - 177

PP2 - 122

PP3 - 86. Fourty minutes later BS was 80 - took it because I felt cold and a little shaky.


Analysis: no red potatoes for me... this was the first time I had them on Whole Forever


Dinner: beef, one large zuchini, sweet potato, coconut oil


PP1 - 143

PP2 - 119

PP3 - 105


Analysis: much better with sweet potatoes vs red potatoes

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Good rainy morning to you

We need this steady rain I fed the annual plants

Yesterday while I was out there poking around

Kelli I slept really well almost 8 hours which is unusual feel so much better!

You seem to be doing better and getting that BS under control For me I stick with sweet potato

I had baked russet yesterday I was fine Yukons I'm ok eating a little but red fogettabowtet

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Mega, Good morning back at you. It looks clear here the morning. It did rain all day yesterday and for most of the days in June. Rain fall set records in Indiana.


Interesting.... so are you saying you can eat Yukon potatoes but never red? Tell me more about things that spike you BS so I can head in the right dirrection.


Woke up at 130 - BS 114.


FBS 110.


Waiting for breakfast. Tried making a sweet potato casserole for breakfast.

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Meadow that article by Flynn is it in a nutshell

Those Hartwigs make it so easy for people to succeed Isn't that what we all want? Yes I want to succeed

Feeling successful to me is comforting less stressful and puts me on another platform to better health It isn't another plateau I hit so many times and drugged through only to tread more water It was utterly frustrating ..

more cortisol

This has freed me of all stress When I sit in a chair I can actually feel my muscles I'm using

No more inflammation I'd never have figured

I think overall people on the forum who were used to the quick fix are the ones who never liked to prepare for anything anyway anytime

So in turn they're frustrated with cooking meal planning and shopping

To me it's time well spent if you keep it simple

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Kelli I've never actually tested it myself yet I feel what you described at times

If I have more than a 3" of banana alone it happens, too much cantaloupe, any juices other than tomato (pre w30) of course I'd get shaky

Even peanut butter jelly on white bread with milk

I had no idea and if I couldn't sleep that's what Id eat to get me to sleep before Nevermore! Lol

Yes and I've noticed now I'm getting too sleepy after breakfast now if I have sweet potato and mix tomatoes with my Protien and eggs If I add potato and greens I'm fine Weird

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Yes and I've noticed now I'm getting too sleepy after breakfast now if I have sweet potato and mix tomatoes with my Protien and eggs If I add potato and greens I'm fine Weird


That is interesting Mega. I am going to check my blood sugars post meal like I did yesterday. I had a smallish sweet potato with 3 eggs in a kind of casserole.


Watching an old movie on TCM... it is really kind of sad called: Dodsworth.

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Ladies, I'm back from my weekend, and whilst I wasn't here I was mixing with your fellow countrymen & women who were visiting the emerald isle, and as I checked into my Hotel room & turned on the electric the radio came on and what was playing, but Sugar....!!

I ate well and mostly to template, but *did* have some successful and enjoyable off-roading over the course of the two days. On Friday we went to a burger bar and then on for a dander around the city. Breakfast in the hotel was an all you can eat buffet so I had bacon, poached eggs, tomatoes & mushrooms then we headed out and took an open top bus tour of the city. We visited the oldest pub in Belfast (as well as a few others later in the evening), and browsed St George's market where I indulged in an afternoon coffee from the best barista in Belfast, with a slice of Paleo cake from one of my favourite Paleo cake makers. Next up was some retail therapy & then back to the Hotel to freshen up before heading out for the evening. I had the most delicious tiger prawns in coconut cream, with sauteed seasonal veg at an Indian restaurant last night and I'm feeling relaxed & ready for the week ahead.

Straight back to template today as of meal one at the Hotel and remaining strict whole30 for the next two weeks until I head off on holidays on 11th July...

It's good to be back!

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The cake was as good as I'd remembered - chocolate zucchini cake with a chocolate ganache - so moist.... and coupled with the smooth rich dark coffee it was just like manna from Heaven. And to sit at one of the little tables at the Market, listening to country music as we ate & drank & chatted - it was a great day. 

The bus tour was good too - the weather was kind so we sat up top and had a great view. Then a little tour of some of the better known drinking establishments in the city.... 

We did some amount of walking so I'll sleep well tonight!

The bad news is that the hydrocortisone injection inmy elbow doesn't seem to ahve worked. I had a little relief form the pain on Friday but I think that may well have been from the local anesthetic the Dr injected first. Looks like I'll just have to stick with the gels & see if I can rest it better thatn I've been doing so far...

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The cake was as good as I'd remembered - chocolate zucchini cake with a chocolate ganache - so moist.... and coupled with the smooth rich dark coffee it was just like manna from Heaven. And to sit at one of the little tables at the Market, listening to country music as we ate & drank & chatted - it was a great day. 

The bus tour was good too - the weather was kind so we sat up top and had a great view. Then a little tour of some of the better known drinking establishments in the city.... 

We did some amount of walking so I'll sleep well tonight!

The bad news is that the hydrocortisone injection inmy elbow doesn't seem to ahve worked. I had a little relief form the pain on Friday but I think that may well have been from the local anesthetic the Dr injected first. Looks like I'll just have to stick with the gels & see if I can rest it better thatn I've been doing so far...


Thanks for more images. Riding on the top of the bus... have not ever done that before.


What's up with your elbow?

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Reading this story (http://redandhoney.com/five-steps-to-success-on-whole-30/)  about Whole 30 success. Liked the quote: ‘it’s like Yoda says: there is no try, only do or do not.’


From the story


"So, what did I learn on Whole 30?

1) I learned that just because I’ve never succeeded in the past doesn’t mean I can’t succeed now. The great thing about Whole 30 (and the thing that puts people off of it) is that you are absolutely not allowed to cheat.

To me that was actually helpful because it took the guess work away. There was no calorie counting, no writing down what I ate and no points to budget – if it wasn’t approved I didn’t eat it. The great thing about discipline is that it’s like a muscle; the more you use it the bigger it gets! I promise you, if I could do it, truly anyone could!

2) I learned to like new foods. Before Whole 30 I didn’t even know what a spaghetti squash was. Now I absolutely love them and can’t believe I never knew they were out there.

3) I learned that cooking can really be fun. Homemade Mayo? I’m on it! It’s fun to cook things you love. Also, I loved knowing my husband and I were eating fresh veggies and meats that were acting like medicine on our bodies. It felt great to know that what we were doing was having a positive impact on us."

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I have an RSI (repetitive strain injury) in it. I felt the twinge the day it happened but it's gotten gradually worse as it's difficult to rest it and continue to train. The car crash exasperated it I believe, as I tensed on impact with my hands on the steering wheel so my elbow took the pressure.

There's very little I can do other than use anti-inflammatory gels & rest. I don't do rest.

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jmcbn... that sounds frustrating. Too bad that it did not go away with Whole 30.


This is what we gained on Whole 30.


1) The best part is seeing DH doing so much better with his health. I am invested in keeping him healthy. It seems like the better i eat the better he eats. DH is the one who suggested Whole 30 because a couple of guys at work were doing the plan. They considered it a cleansing diet - not understanding the elimination and reintroduction at all. Don't think either of them read ISWF and they resumed eating in their old patterns at the end of 30 days.


2) The benefit of discovering FODMAPs. Now that I read the list of high Fodmap foods I can see what has been causing me issues when I did not even know where to begin. Now I have a direction, This 4 weeks I am going to elimiate Fodmaps.


3) Remembering what I am fighting for... my long term health and quality of life. No diabetes or loss of limbs. You guys have scared the h.e.l.l. out of me. Food is so much a part of health and simple basic medicine. Hippocrates said:


“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

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