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Day 15 no weight loss and puffy stomach

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Im on day 15 and I failed I got on the scale I havent lost a pound, and my stomach is puffy or bloated IDK but its not flat thats for sure. I feel about the same as far as health wise but I felt good before whole 30. I know I am doing this for the overall health but I wont lie I would have loved to lose some weight I am 5'5 143 pounds I do have muscle naturally and I do crossfit but I would like to lean out and see some more of my muscle I have been working so hard for. Before whole 30 I probably ate 70 percent healthy and 30 perc cheat I almost daily had something sweet like chocolate but lots of meat and veggies for the most part. But the coffee creamer chocolate and my cheat days have all been removed. Typically for breakfast I have 3 eggs scrambled with chicken apple sausage (1/2) lunch is the protein salad in the whole 30 guide with the dressing homemade recipe from whole 30 and evenings some type of meat and a vegetable tonight made stuffed bell peppers with celery and ground beef, last night I had small red potato with ground beef, some times roast with veggies or chicken breast with veggies. I think I have followed the program really well but I havent noticed any changes in my body and now my stomach looks like im prego ( I for sure am not lol) 

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This is a Whole30, not a Whole15. For many people, the good stuff happens in the second half of the program, or even in the very last week.


Have you looked at the meal template? Every meal needs protein, fat, and veggies. Lots and lots of veggies. Don't be afraid to have starchy vegetables either -- at least one serving a day is good for most people, active people may need even more, and women often find they need more in the week leading up to their period and the week of. 

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yes I used the meal template the first week but I am on the go soo it was hard to have new meals every time. I probably lack vegetables in the morning but lunch I eat tons of spinach with my chicken some cut up fruit usually cut up celery and cilantro and dinner I always have veggies be it asparagus, broccoli, tonight I just had the bell pepper but I try and make sure I eat lots of veggies. But is the stomach bloating normal? This is not typical for me? and should I be seeing changes at day 15 or is that why its 30 lol I just feel like I should see something. 

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Staceyhart, I seriously JUST signed up for this forum to post the exact same thing and then when I got in, your post was at the top! I won't start a new thread now, just wanted say I feel you. I'm on Day 10. Feel like I have really been following the plan (will admit that *sometiemes- like 2-3 times total* I have maybe not been able to get as many vegetables on the plate for a meal, but other than that - truly sticking to templates and the plan. I'm 5'5 and 152. I was eating healthy-ish off and on before and drinking regularly with meals or in the evening as well. I'm at a doctors appointment right now which is the only reason I saw my weight but when I saw that it had not changed a *single* pound, I felt really disappointed.

I know this isn't a Whole10. I know I have to and will and want to(!) give it 30 days. But the feeling of bloat/fat around my belly (like you're having too) is making me feel emotionally awful.

Pressing on! Sorry to say I'm glad I'm not alone or crazy!

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Raw vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, and not drinking enough water can cause bloat. 

On the water, aim for at least 1/2 an ounce per pound of your current body weight daily.


Maximize cooked vegetables and non-cruciferous and see if that helps too.

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If the book, ISWF said,  " You will not experience any weight loss on a Whole 30 because this is not a diet."   Would you still do a Whole 30?  


If at the end of 6 weeks or 6 months, you were eating a healthy diet however you define that and were able to virtually stop all thrill eating and were able to maintain this lifestyle going forward...would you consider it a successful strategy?


If at the end of a year, you were able to edge down slowly from the SAD way of life and trade up for lean muscle mass....not experiencing any hunger...would you consider that permanent change a BIG WIN?


ISWF does not say there will be zero weight loss.  


ISWF does not tell us exactly how much weight loss could happen because that depends on the state of the body coming into a Whole 30.


If the Whole 30 gave every individual the opportunity  to quit being the Champion of the Binge...followed by make up for binging by stripping away meals which is really starving...AND adding in a bunch of super intense cardio followed by oops - yet another binge cycle - would you consider that WINNING?


Long term, many of us know that approach will get you nowhere good.   


The number one reason any particular diet fails is that it implemented so brutally strict right out of the gate that every part of the person's being rebels fairly quickly.


Those of us who've been at it awhile know that we have a better shot of getting there and staying there, without the pain of withdrawal by moving through this slowly.   There's less mental and emotional struggle and we have a better retention of how all of these healthy Whole 30 foods work with all of our new habits.


Think long term success.   Try this gentle change for the permanent WIN.

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Staceyhart and Beeskie, well me too! Day 13 and my belly is big n' rounded, I was constipated but now I seem to be headed in the opposite direction and I have just come through a few days of being so sleepy I nodded off during meditation several times in a single session.

My diet before I began this wasn't so far off, as it was basically paleo with a little dairy, and when I started I had a happy digestive system.

On the plus side I seem to have a little more energy though!

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Guest Andria

Since this way of eating can be quite a departure from what many people are coming from,  bloating and changes in digestions in the early stages of the program are very common.  Consider adding daily probiotics and digestive enzymes with every meal.  You can get probiotics from eating fermented veggies and drinking compliant kombucha.  Even though I take in some form of fermented food/drink on a daily basis, my bowels move most efficiently (which, in turn, leads to less gas and bloat)when I take a high potency, compliant probiotic capsule before bed.


This question has been asked a multitude of times, so you know you are not alone.  Please use Google to search the forum for topics, you will likely find many of your questions and concerns have been asked and addressed previously.  Type Whole30 + topic of interest in the Google search bar.

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Hey y'all. I'm doing the Whole30 right now and I did not start to feel decent until Day 16, and did not notice clothes getting looser until Day 20. So I can vouch for the part about some of the positive changes not taking place until the second half of the program. I felt pretty awful from Day 10 through Day 15. I was expecting faster changes, too, because my brother started having positive results right away. But everyone is different.


As for the bloat, that's something I've been dealing with on and off the whole time. (I'm on Day 22 now). I'm taking digestive enzymes and having a few probiotic foods like kombucha and sauerkraut. I doubled the dose of my digestive enzymes today and I think that helped. But I hope that the bloat and gas is something that resolves as I start to let more varied food back into my diet and get used to digesting so much protein and fiber.

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this is so good to hear. thanks for sharing, chezjulie! where would you recommend getting digestive enzymes? and is there a kind you would recommend? i love kombucha, but that is a bit pricey for every day! (i haven't learned how to make my own. i'm nervous. ;)

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Hi Beeskie, I picked up one called Ezymedica Digest Basic at Whole Foods because it doesn't contain sugar, soy, wheat or other non-compliant ingredients. It is also available from Amazon for $13.49 for a 90 count (30 day supply unless you need to up the dose) bottle.


I agree that kombucha is really expensive. I just got it a few times as a treat on the weekend.


I feel like the digestive enzymes are something that I would only want to take for the period during which I am making these initial change to my diet. I do not want to depend on a supplement to help me digest my food without gas and bloating over the long haul. 

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