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Bacon - seems like there isn't any without sugar

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Yesterday was day 1 and I went shopping to get stocked up (a harrowing experience), and I wanted to get bacon and ham. I must have looked at over 20 packages and even asked about the three kinds at the deli with no luck. I guess bacon is more of a myth than a reality.

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One thing to remember is that you can totally live without bacon or ham for 30 days. I did my first Whole30 without either, and it was fine. Prosciutto, which is a little easier to find a compliant version of, can be baked until it's crispy to give you the salty crispiness you might want to top a salad or mix with vegetables, if that's what you're looking for.


If you really, really can't live without bacon, you can order online from US Wellness Meats (that link is to strips of bacon -- I'm cheap and when I buy from them, I usually buy the bacon ends, since I'm more interested in adding it to other dishes than having strips of it, so that works well for me.) There are other brands too -- google Whole30 bacon to find past discussions, but always check your labels since recipes can change over time or even between different regions of the country.


You might also find the Bacon Manifesto interesting.

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I agree with both of you. I will live without bacon or ham, and I am fine with that. For 30 days, not a big problem. I was lookng forward to it since I usually restrict myself from bacon for its fat content. I am enjoying the avocados! Thanks!

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look for a local butcher chop.. Thats what I did.. I don't use the bacon much but its nice now and then…  The recipe  is salt, ground celery, and paprika for sugar/nitrate free bacon.. And one more thing.. don't set yourself up that doing a whole 30 is a harrowing experience.. :)

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I have a local butcher shop that sells compliant bacon but to be honest, I rarely use it.  I find the mess and smell too inconvenient and will usually leave it off a recipe or not use recipes where the main ingredient is bacon.  Compliant ham is a myth.

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I have been buying Pederson's sugar free bacon from Whole Foods and it's delicious.  Even if you're not a bacon eater normally, the extra punch a few pieces of diced up bacon on salads, and in scrambled eggs is so satisfying!

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