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Those people who claim to be doing whole30, but are not.....


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Not sure if this is appropriate to come here to vent but... OMG I need to quit all my facebook groups I am in for whole30 I think. I am getting really truly annoyed with those that are claiming to do the whole30 and not sure why they keep failing when all they are having for breakfast is a handful of almonds!!!!! GAHHHHHH!


WHEW just had to get this out somewhere people would understand. 

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Thank you, I am definitely learning that! There is one amazing woman I see that keeps correcting people over there and I found myself doing the same as I just couldn't let that go.....just because you are eating whole30 foods doesn't mean you are doing the plan properly! GRRR. I keep telling myself it is their journey not mine, if they fail then so be it...but jeesh almighty people don't claim to be doing it when it is so obvious that you are NOT. 

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All that stuff just makes me want to SPIT!!! They are running around claiming to be doing Paleo or Whole30 and when they fail--they tell everyone how it doesn't work and how they gained weight et al, and those who would benefit from doing a whole30 are swayed not to. Same with those who starve themselves claiming to be doing a whole 30. DON'T get me started!!!! 

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All that stuff just makes me want to SPIT!!! They are running around claiming to be doing Paleo or Whole30 and when they fail--they tell everyone how it doesn't work and how they gained weight et al, and those who would benefit from doing a whole30 are swayed not to. Same with those who starve themselves claiming to be doing a whole 30. DON'T get me started!!!! 


YES so much of this!!!! I know I sure as heck would be failing if Tom hadn't commented right away that I needed to increase my eggs with meal 1 and other helpful feedback to make certain I am eating the template so to speak! I am doing it as spot on as I possibly can so that way I have true feedback at the end of my 30 days! 

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100% agree. I'm a part of two FB groups because I'm currently still obsessed with being on a whole30 and like to see encouragement and recipes. But I cannot can not cannot stand when people encourage people to do non-compliant things because they have no idea. Like when I tried to help someone and I asked about their reintro and the answer was, whats that? Or someone mentioning that they only ate blueberries for breakfast and instead of someone giving suggestions the first post was, "you're doing sooo good!" what!? no... be helpful, none of us need enablers to have bad habits

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Oooo, my favorite catchphrase.   "We've got this!"   Ahhhh, Nooooo you don't. You've just eaten Paleo Pancakes for brekkie and Monkey Salad for lunch.  "We can do this!"  That remains to be seen, read the book, the rules and then report back.     Imaginary Whole 30's. 




Or the fave - the one with nut butter on top. 



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I had one day I ate 2 lara bars in one day and I still feel horrid about that day LMAO! Because I know from teh rules that was completely SWYPO for me! I have been kinder to myself about if I absolutely feel the need for a night time snack but again I am trying to keep those days at a bare minimum as I don't want that to be a bad habit whether it is good food or not.

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This thread is brilliant, making me laugh a lot! I have to say even having read all the rules and completed mine, it has still taken me till day 38 to work out that I wasn't eating enough. Now I've upped my breakfasts and lunches, I feel so much better! Loving the banana and cashew picture :-)

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You are hilarious ladies

I don't do social media (except Here) for the exact same reasons ...I'd be with the food police and no one likes or wants to be them

The world is still full of people who don't hide their crazies they just push the easy button and say it's ok

Then complain their on a "diet"

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I have a friend doing a whole 30... only with lots of cheats. She wasn't too happy when I told her last week that meant she was on day 1 again... I heard from her again today and she said that with a few cheats at some parties at with this week, she's been doing great. Ugh, faceplant!

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I totally ate a banana two nights in a row with coconut and almonds :/ It was more about me feeling I needed the banana though as I had gotten some crazy charlie horses going on in my leg that lasted all day and night long, after I had the bananas wham it went away! But those are not something i keep in my house daily because it is totally a treat or as needed food for me, otherwise I would eat all the bananas.


And just saw another person post about smoothies for breakfast. Sigh.

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All that stuff just makes me want to SPIT!!! They are running around claiming to be doing Paleo or Whole30 and when they fail--they tell everyone how it doesn't work and how they gained weight et al, and those who would benefit from doing a whole30 are swayed not to. Same with those who starve themselves claiming to be doing a whole 30. DON'T get me started!!!! 


My thoughts exactly, but I tend to use saltier language. :P  Don't get me started, either....


I have a recurring rant about The Letter of the Law vs. The Spirit of the Law that I invoke frequently while reading message boards and so-called Paleo blogs. I try to have a good laugh instead raising my blood pressure.

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To be fair, there's no mention of the meal template in the program rules (http://whole30.com/whole30-program-rules/), and it's not made super obvious unless you really dig in and research the Whole30 before starting it. I only stumbled on the meal planning template (http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf) about 10 days in (on Day 28 now), and that immediately changed how I structured my meals. Not to say that I was going crazy on the fruit and nuts, and I was definitely getting a lot of vegetables in, but I realized I'd been overdoing it on snacking, reaching for protein and fruit in the mid-morning and mid-afternoon rather than having larger, more satisfying and balanced meals. 


I think the meal template should be featured much more prominently on the main site, since that has such a huge effect on the success of the program. 

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I had one day I ate 2 lara bars in one day and I still feel horrid about that day LMAO! Because I know from teh rules that was completely SWYPO for me! I have been kinder to myself about if I absolutely feel the need for a night time snack but again I am trying to keep those days at a bare minimum as I don't want that to be a bad habit whether it is good food or not.

This one time,  at band camp..... :D  I ate Larabars smothered in nut butter.    Larabars are a goner now.  Yes, yes, yes...they're his-t o r  y eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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4 June, 2015

By Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig, co-creators of The Whole30 program

We’ve worked hard over the last six years to make the Whole30 logical in its framework, as effective as possible across the broadest range of people, and easy to follow. Achieving and balancing all three of these factors with the same set of rules has proven challenging, so we are always evaluating the program to determine what improvements we can make, staying true to our integrity and the spirit and intention of the program.

Sometimes, that involves bringing whole foods back into the program (hello,white potatoes), or determining whether a new “paleofied” concoction is Whole30-appropriate (no dice, date-paste-coconut-milk-coffee-creamer). Recently, that meant reevaluating our Whole30 Approved program, based on our observation of our community’s response to the products, our peers’ feedback, and our own moral compass.


We have made the difficult decision to remove RxBarsBeaver Bites, andYawp bars as official Whole30 Approved partners. But hear us clearly: this isn’t about the ingredients, the bars themselves, or the companies behind them. It’s about the way we have observed people (mis)using the bars during their Whole30 programs, and our desire to provide the best guidance possible for your program through our partnerships.

RxBars, Beaver Bites, and Yawp bars are still made with the highest quality real-food ingredients. They are still a healthy choice when used appropriately. Most important, they are still acceptable “emergency food” on the Whole30 program*.This change only affects our promotion of these companies as a Whole30 Approved partner or affiliate.

*All but the Peanut Butter RxBar, because peanuts.

A Critical Review

This isn’t a decision we took lightly. When we partnered with these companies, we looked at the short list of real-food ingredients and loved the idea of introducing our Whole30 participants to healthy and convenient “emergency food” options. We imagined all the ways you would use them; kept in an office drawer for the odd late night at the office, added to a backpack to fuel your long hike or bike ride, packed in a carry-on in case your flight is delayed, or carried in your purse for those unexpected traffic jams. We still stand behind these bars as a good choice—when used appropriately. Our mistake was assuming that people would see their value as healthy on-the-go convenience food and use them only as such.

But over the last few years, we’ve seen people on the Whole30 gravitating to these bars for less healthy reasons. They’re sweet, salty, and fatty. They’re as close to a sweet treat as you can get on the Whole30. And for many, the strong emotional ties to sweets and the temptation to use these products to satisfy those cravings proved too strong to resist. We found ourselves torn, prominently promoting the bars with a discount code while constantly remind people, “Don’t eat these like candy, don’t use them to feed your Sugar Dragon, include these in your Whole30 carefully.” 


The announcement of RxBar’s new Chocolate Sea Salt flavor, plus the other dried-fruit-and-nut bar companies who have recently approached us with partnership requests, brought this issue to a head. With so many new members of our community, and so many struggling to overcome cravings, food addictions, and reestablish a healthy relationship with food, we felt now was the time to revise the message we were sending through our promotional efforts, and provide clearer guidance for the Whole30 community.


Going forward, we will no longer promote any dried-fruit-and-nut bars under our official Whole30 Approved program. The only bars to which we will lend our name and our logo are those with meat as a base (like Primal Pacs,Chomps, and Epic Bars), as those will never be mistaken for candy.


Emergency Food, Please

This change to our marketing strategy comes as a desire to provide the best guidance we can during y9our Whole30, and help you make the healthiest choices for your long-term goals. RxBars, Larabars, and other dried-fruit-and-nut bars are still appropriate emergency food for your Whole30, as long as the ingredients are compliant. But as always, include these in your Whole30 cautiously, as there is serious potential to use these bars in a less healthy manner during your program. As on-the-go or emergency food? Yes. As a replacement for your mid-day sugar boost, daily late-night treat, or to satisfy your Day 3 raging Sugar Dragon? While it’s not an official Whole30 rule, we’d strongly suggest no.


Reminder: just because the ingredients are compliant doesn’t mean the product is the best choice for inclusion in your Whole30. For more on this topic, refer to the Treats, Food Fixations, and the Scale section of The Whole30(page 95). You can also view some of our free resources online, like our recommendations for business travel or emergency food situations.

As always, however, the ultimate responsibility for your Whole30 choices and results lies with you.


We’ve personally spoken with the RxBar, Beaver Bites, Yawp, and Larabar teams and advised them of this difficult decision. They have all responded gracefully and positively, and we are grateful for their continued support and friendship. We have already adjusted our Whole30 Approved page to reflect this change. All of the companies affected will be making changes to their websites and product labeling to reflect this new decision. The labeling change will take time, but we’ll do the best we can to continue to communicate this position clearly with our community. (You can also share this post to help us spread the word.)


We want to thank all of you for your continued readership and support. We hope this decision will better help you make the best choices you can for your Whole30 program, and reaffirm your faith that the Whole30 team places the efficacy of the program and your success ahead of everything else.


Best in health,

Melissa Hartwig & Dallas Hartwig
Co-founders, Whole30

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LMAO Meadowlily yup and I totally get why they got rid of them! Will have to look back at my meal logs but believe it was right before this notification came out that I had mine! (off to look for curiosity sake......)



WHEW last larabar encounter was May 29th (as you can see from my log below where I recognized they were a definite SWYPO for me!) and that release was June 4th LOL! They made the right decision ;)


Posted 29 May 2015 - 10:12 AM

Day 12  Friday


Feel freaking amazing, woke at 6am ready to go! I honestly cannot believe this energy I have TIGER BLOOD!!!!!! My mood is upbeat and I am ready to get things done, and may I mention it is my first day of my monthly cycle....I mean this happy energetic feeling on day one of that is unheard of! I am SOLD on Whole30 and cannot believe so many are so scared to try this (Ok I can get the fear but OMG it's soooo worth it! I feel like a new person!).


Meal 1: 3 eggs (put a little dill in them this morning yum!), Spinach cooked in ghee and garlic, cup of melon, 1/2 avocado


Meal 2: kalua pig, sweet potatoes, baby carrots, half avocado


Snack: apple pie lara bar


Meal 3: taco bowl, spinach, homemade taco meat, tomatoes, black olives, 100 cal guac cup


SNACK ATTACK: another lara bar  (def a SWYPO will not being keeping these in the house regularly) handful almonds (should have had a mini meal)

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I knew it...edgymama,  I think you are experiencing some Tiger Blood.  What is this,  Day 21 or 24 for you?


Yeah, I could hear it in your voice.  You're happy.  Oh, goodie.  It's so much fun when you can experience that.  That joy is contagious to everyone around you.  


Nice job laying off your Larabar Lollapalooza.  Have you by chance been rolling around on the carpet laughing your head off?   I sure hope so. 

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I knew it...edgymama,  I think you are experiencing some Tiger Blood.  What is this,  Day 21 or 24 for you?


Yeah, I could hear it in your voice.  You're happy.  Oh, goodie.  It's so much fun when you can experience that.  That joy is contagious to everyone around you.  


Nice job laying off your Larabar Lollapalooza.  Have you by chance been rolling around on the carpet laughing your head off?   I sure hope so. 



I am feeling flipping amazing! I honestly have felt pretty dang good all along (lucky I know!) I cannot believe how almost easy this has even been for me (coming from a previous cheese addict and snack-aholic) I truly know this has been life changing and I think that is what makes me so frustrated when I see these others that aren't trying to do the plan correctly, because they are going to miss out on this awesomeness you get of doing it right! 


And yup Day 25 today :)

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