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Fat loss and depression


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I'm not new to Whole30 as I've done several over the years. For me, the mental benefits are amazing and that is one of my two goals with this Whole30 I'm now halfway through. The other goal is fat loss, and that is something I have not achieved doing Whole30's in the past.


I'm learning through experimentation over the past year that I really don't do well without a good amount of starchy carbs in my diet. I even tried keto and it was an utter disaster of depression and anxiety for me. In fact, I'm not a 1/2 cup of sweet potato a day type of person - I probably need at least that much at EACH meal to keep my mood up. The problem is, I don't lose fat when I eat that way. And right now I actually very much want to lose some fat. I put on 50+ pounds in the last year, and it is affecting my joints and back in a negative way. Also, I'm predisposed to things like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, etc... and it would just be best to get the extra fat off. 


So what can I focus on (and I'm talking long term, not just 30 days here) to keep my happy starches on my plate and eat in a way that promotes gradual fat loss? Has anyone had success with having extra starchy veggies while losing fat?

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I lost 2 pounds per month while eating 2 large sweet potatoes per day, so I know you can lose weight while eating starchy veggies. If you post some pictures of your meals, we could offer some ideas about any changes that might be useful. Or a report of what you have been eating. 

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In addition to posting your food tell us about your sleep, stress, activity, and water intake. Sleep is a huge component of fat loss and I know that when I regularly don't get enough it stalls my fat loss no matter how much I exercise and how well I eat.

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Hi There Casey.  Happy to see you back!


I'm another person that struggles with depression.  My body will down right and utterly rebel under too low carb circumstances.  Not to mention the depression and moodiness that accompany.  


You have to figure out your bodies balance.  For me - I need to include starchies with at least two of my meals.  Usually it's morning and evening but it varies.  I usually do a combination of veggies - so sweet potato with spinach, broccoli and squash.  I'll aim for more greens than starchies but if I feel I need more that's what I'll eat.  Also if you are starting off your whole 30 (let's say the first 10 days) we tend to need a fair amount of starchies to keep energy levels up.


I am also not a small woman.  I am still not.  I am never going to be.  That is simply how I am built.  But I have been able to lose weight successfully and maintain a 35 lb weight loss for 3 years.  For me this is a giant success.

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I have always suffered from depression and anxiety and I find that some type of regular physical activity helps with that. I am not sure how severe yours is but it allowed me not to have to take any medication. I am not sure if you are able to do anything like that right now, but you might want to give it a try, it might help in combination with your Whole30. It could be anything, like a walk or a bike ride, something gentle to start. It starts with food but it doesn't end with food! ;)

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