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Stupid bacon!


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My husband and I bought a pound of bacon on about day 2. We're on day 9 now, and ate up the bacon here and there over the seven days. I would SWEAR I checked the ingredient label and everything was fine, but when we went to get more bacon, we could not find a single brand anywhere that didn't have sugar (not even at whole foods where we bought the first pack). That's making me wonder if we somehow missed seeing the sugar the first time around. Do we need to start over on suspicion of sugar?

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Bless you for saying that, Tom-I was sinking into despair at the thought. I found some sugar free bacon today (Gwaltney, I think) but it listed something else bad so I gave up.

Alliea, I totally get what you are going through. I so wanted to incorporate bacon, but even when I checked out Sunday Bacon (Applegate) that suposedly is sugar free...it isn't. I was going to order it from US Wellness, but both times I went to the site, they were out. I decided that was a sign and to just abolish bacon for my Whole30. Then Robin talked about raw pork belly. I still haven't found it, but I will. And if I don't, I'll live. :)

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You can use the pork belly to make your own bacon. :)


I have a piece in the fridge right now, should have the results in a couple more days. Pick and choose your own spices. :)


You can omit the sugars of course, it's not needed for curing. :)

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Sharon, I think I could save even more time by coming over to your house for bacon :-)

I was totally going to say the same thing. :) So what happens if you don't cure the pork belly? Does it just taste like a pork chop? The only pork belly I have had was at a restaurant in San Francisco...best food memory that I have. :) No clue if it was cured or not though.

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I would love to get a slab and cure it, but a) I'm impatient and 2) I'm not confident I could slice it properly.

LOL..yeah, I get that. I have the best knives in the world, but when I get that lucious fat, I want it that day and I am not nearly as good at slicing as my knives are. :)

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