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Getting my tonsils removed.....what can I possibly eat?

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Hello! I'm on day 3 of my first Whole30 (yaaaaaay) and I'm scheduled to have my tonsils removed in one week (day 10). The nurse told me to eat only cold, soft foods for the first few days and suggested ice creams, puddings, and other sugary soft foods... I REALLY want to stick to this plan and not stray, but I'm having a hard time coming up with various healthy foods that I can eat post surgery. I am a huge fan of applesauce (unsweetened) and scrambled eggs, so those are two things I plan on eating a bunch of, but I anticipate that'll get boring pretty quickly. Anyone have any suggestions/tips on what to eat that's soft and cold? Thanks! :)

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Cold sweet potatoes? Cold mashed potatoes? Cold blended soups?


The thing with these "recovery" plans is that they expect you to basically be eating all day long per normal "grazing" habits of most people.  You really only need to eat 3 times a day so you don't really need 3 dozen options.  Cold soup for breakfast with some shredded canned tuna mixed in should be fairly easy to swallow, top with sesame or olive oil for added fat.  Cold sweet potato with egg salad made with homemade mayo for lunch.  Mashed cauliflower with spinach-scrambled-eggs & avocado for dinner.  Might be boring for a few days but totally doable.


http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Chilled-Cucumber-Soup-with-Smoked-Salmon-and-Dill-108433<--sub the dairy for coconut milk

http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Chilled-Zucchini-Soup-232301<-- sub the dairy out for coconut milk

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I had a lot of Silky Gingered Zucchini soup following dental surgery and it was great (warm and cold).


You can get some really great baby food now which is perfect for this situation (look for ones with meat and potato, not just fruit ones).


Although they often suggest frozen things, sometimes those are too cold too.

I had frozen blueberries (as part of a template meal) and also some coconut water popsicles at the beginning of recovery when I couldn't even bear soup or baby food.


I didn't eat any of the rubbish they were going to serve me at the hospital and a few nurses joked my food was much better for me :)

They may want to see you eat before you go home, so make sure you pack some food. I found the baby food in pouches was great for the hospital, no mess and no fridge required. Bone broth was also great in recovery (I used it in my soups).

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