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Quick and easy breakfast

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Good breakfast in five minutes so I don't get bored with baccon and eggs every day:

I am always in a CRAZY hurry in the morning, and while I TRY to have lunch ready the night before I have about a 50% success rate at this, so half the time I am trying to make lunch too. I end up running out the door with my daughter under one arm brushing my hair with the other and hopping on one foot trying to get my shoe on.

So I need some good breakfast ideas I can make in about 5 minutes.

Normal whole 30 appropriate breakfasts I have had:

Eggs with bacon and sliced tomato and fruit (good, quick, filling- but I don't want the same thing every day for a month - also that's a lot of baccon)

Eggs over a bed of greens and chopped raw veggies (not too satisfying, hungry and not too delicious)

Omelette with pan fried mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, garlic, and some raw avacado and tomato:

Delishious and very satisfying but took too long to cook for a weekday (for a weekend it would be perfect)

Eggs over hash browns with sauteed veggies (like mushrooms and onion) (delicious and satisfying but took too long to cook)

Fruit with coconut whipped cream and topped with shredded coconut (delicious but doesn't last all morning)

Peice of chicken breast with an avacado:

(Made me sick to my stomach)

What do I eat when NOT whole 30:

Baccon and eggs with tomato and fruit

Eggs and toast with tomato and/or fruit

Toast and peanut butter with fruit (doesn't keep me full all morning)

Toast with avacado (doesn't keep me full all morning)

Oatmeal made with milk fruit and nuts

Baccon and/or egg and/or cheese sandwich

This is the sort of food I have time to make.


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It doesn't have to be eggs, but it does need to be a template meal. I've been known to grab leftover burger patties and roasted veggies and some guacamole and munch on that for breakfast. I eat it cold but it could be heated up if you wanted.

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Egg muffins are good, just add veggies and sausage or bacon to the eggs. I also make a big batch of breakfast hash using ground beef, broccoli slaw, mushrooms & diced sweet potato and I may eat less and add a couple of eggs with it, if I have time. Make sure you add fat, so that could be ghee melted on top, mayo or avocado. These are both meals I will make ahead at the beginning of the week and re-heat in the microwave so it only takes a couple minutes in the morning to heat up. Hope that helps.

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If you only have 5 min, you need to start doing pre-cooking or get up earlier... 5 min isn't a lot of time... you can do some google searches for quick breakfasts... whole30 + quick breakfast (or similar) into google as this has been discussed at length.


Please remember the meal template, some of the things you're eating (fruit with whipped coconut??) is not a template breakfast and you can see it is not getting you through to lunch.


You can eat leftovers, premake a frittata and heat it in the microwave, etc... perhaps shifting things to give yourself more than five minutes to make breakfast would be good?

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The egg muffins sound good, and like. Something that can be made in a cup in the microwave. the berry quiche sounds good (I don't like blueberries but I love raspberries and strawberries)

If you make this for your protein, make sure you're adding additional veggies (1-3 cups, 3 being optimal) and added fat to get a template meal.

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I make breakfast meatloaf in the slow cooker, slice in then freeze the slices. I defrost a couple of slices overnight then fry them for a couple of mins each side in the morning, and have them with whatever is in the fridge.

Can we have the recipe for this? I'm so sick of breakfast frittata but I think I could get on board with breakfast meatloaf... and I'm in love with my crockpot so it's a match made in heaven!

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I've been doing Whole30 for over 4 months now and have eaten 2 breakfasts for almost the entire time without getting bored:

1) Egg salad (3 eggs, mayo, mustard, s+p), cherry tomatoes, bowl of soup

2) Very thin omelet made with 3 eggs, spread with mashed avocado and rolled up. This has been getting me to lunch just fine and I'm not really hungry for more, but some easy veggies to add would be: bowl of soup, tomato/cucumber salad made the night before, raw veggies and dip.

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I am in a similar boat (I am always rushing out the door with minimal time to cook). A few of my go to breakfasts:

1. The egg muffins/frittatas as others have said. You can change the meat and vegetables to keep it varied.

2.  I also like to keep boiled eggs on hand, then when I'm running late I can make a few lettuce wraps with lettuce leafs, boiled eggs (either 2 with another protein source or 4 if I'm not adding bacon/smoked salmon/sausage), bell pepper slices, green onions, and a handful of cherry tomatoes and avocado or mayo for fat. I prep the vegetables in advance so that I can throw the wraps together quickly. They are also super portable, so you can toss them in a plastic baggie and eat them at work if needed.

3. Leftovers from dinner. One of my favorites is leftover red curry. It is a single bowl meal loaded with vegetables and protein with fat from coconut cream, so it is a full template meal in a bowl. To take it on the go, it can be heated and added to a thermos.

4. Bubble and squeak - made with leftover cabbage stew and compliant sausage with avocado or oil drizzle for fat. Heat in the microwave or eat cold.

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This is the meatloaf. I was in such a rush the other day I left out the onions because I just needed to get it done. I've had it with eggs, avocado, sweet potato, tomatoes, spinach...just whatever is in the fridge! This morning it'll be with sweet potato mash and some kale and tomatoes I think.

It's threads like these that make my day!


Thank you!

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