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Coffee and Tea


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Whole30 doesn't dictate your caffeine consumption altho you may want to note how you sleep on days you do drink it after about noon and days you don't. It's technically compliant and you're welcome to it.

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25 September 2013 - 10:59 AM

You can drink coffee after lunch without impairing your Whole30. The question is whether it will impair your sleep. The half-life of caffeine varies among individuals according to a variety of circumstances, but 5-6 hours is a reasonable number to start with. That means if you drink one cup of coffee at 8 AM, you have half the caffeine left in your system at 1-2 PM. If you drink another cup of coffee at 2 PM, you have half of that second cup's caffeine at 7-8 PM. On a two cup day, you would have nearly 3/4 of a cup of coffee's caffeine in you as you approach bed time. Factors that slow the elimination of caffeine from your body includes taking oral contraceptives, being pregnant, or having any kind of liver disorder. The key to good sleep begins many hours before bed time

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Thank you all for further details on coffee/tea! The support is fantastic here! Wish my work colleagues were as helpful :)

NoMoreCrunchyCravings - I indeed had a decaf last night and I was up later! Furthermore, I see now why people who drink coffee black hate decaf; it kinda tasted like dirt.

kirkor - awesome resource on caffeine levels! Thx.

MeadowLily - fascinating insight on caffeine levels... I wonder if I burn caffeine off quicker as I burn through drugs too. I am extremely inflamed from an autoimmune disease. Curious.

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I lurve tea parties but note how you feel drinking black tea after dinner.  As I tooled along, I had to quit drinking black coffee and black tea. coffee-bath-smiley.gif?1292867572 I could feel the acidic reverb.  I can drink green tea in the mornings but that's about it.   Herbal teas with chicory and all of those other ingredients...no can do. Found out I was highly allergic to chicory in any form.  It's a weed and they use it for its sweetening power. 


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For me, the coffee drinking needs to end at 3 p.m. I haven't noticed any difference in my sleep patterns since I started Whole30 (on Day 9). 


If I couldn't have coffee, this diet would be MUCH harder. I'm enjoying the increased water consumption, but if that was all I could drink (I hate tea), life would be a lot rougher right now.

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