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Timing of meals for morning workouts and swimming


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I am getting ready to start an exercise regiment and I needed some advice in meal planning etc.  I am actually currently not doing a Whole30, I finished up my first one back in July and to be honest, I am enjoying having some ice cream every once in a while :) Nevertheless, I would like to move back into a more Whole30 mindset, which is why I am still shooting for the solid 3 meals a day. 

When I did my first Whole30, I was not exercising, so I did not have any experience with Pre-WO and Post-WO meals.  My goals are to start swimming 3 times a week before work. On the days I won't be swimming, I'll be lifting weights and doing a yoga class.  Essentially, I'll be at the gym every morning. My dilemma is meal timing.  I work at 8am and I was planning on starting exercising no later than 6:30am (so I can get in roughly 45 minutes plus a shower.)   So I guess my question is, can I omit my Pre-WO and just eat my meal 1? I was thinking about eating meal 1 within an hour of working out. I am struggling with how to fit in both a meal 1 and a Pre-WO meal before I exercise so early. I'm also worried that if I eat my meal 1 only within and hour of working out, I may be too sluggish/full/gross-feeling? All the internets suggests to eat a meal 2-3 hours before exercising.  Suggestions?

And on a side note, I have read in numerous places (thnx internets) that swimmers are often ravenous after a workout because of the cooler body temperature. I plan on utilizing the hot tub and/or sauna afterwards to help alleviate this, but I was wondering if there were any other swimmers who have experience with this and if I should do anything different for a Post-WO meal?


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If you combine a post-workout meal and meal 1, you will be under-eating by one meal. The reason to eat a post-workout meal is because you need extra food. 

It is okay to skip your pre-workout food first thing in the morning, but you need to eat a post-workout meal within 15-30 minutes of finishing your workout. I eat immediately after completing my workout. I also find that I can eat again 30-45 minutes later because post-workout food digests fast and you need a meal with fat in it to keep you satisfied very long. See the meal planning guide for some guidance about what to eat - http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf

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Okay, so if I understand you correctly...I can eat my Meal 1 (minus any carbs), then exercise, then immediately eat Post-WO?

One of the issues I will have is I am going immediately to work after exercising, so I won't have time to run home and cook up a full meal. This is why I am wanting to cook my Meal 1 before I go and exercise. I would definitely make sure I had my Post-WO snack right after working-out, I just wasn't sure what to do about the Pre-WO meal. If I can just have my full Meal 1 upon waking up and skip my Pre-WO, then I should be good. Right?

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5 minutes ago, Caitibird said:

Okay, so if I understand you correctly...I can eat my Meal 1 (minus any carbs), then exercise, then immediately eat Post-WO?

One of the issues I will have is I am going immediately to work after exercising, so I won't have time to run home and cook up a full meal. This is why I am wanting to cook my Meal 1 before I go and exercise. I would definitely make sure I had my Post-WO snack right after working-out, I just wasn't sure what to do about the Pre-WO meal. If I can just have my full Meal 1 upon waking up and skip my Pre-WO, then I should be good. Right?

If you're saying have "meal one minus carbs" then you're really only having protein and fat which is essentially a pre-workout meal.  You're actually skipping your Meal 1.  So you're having pre and post but no actual meal.

My suggestion: Pre workout: boneless skinless chicken thigh with a bit of guac or mayo. Go to gym, workout. Post workout: cubed up chicken breast and some sweet potato immediately after....like Right After. Change/shower/drive. Eat Meal 1.  Carry on from there.

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17 hours ago, ladyshanny said:

If you're saying have "meal one minus carbs" then you're really only having protein and fat which is essentially a pre-workout meal.  You're actually skipping your Meal 1.  So you're having pre and post but no actual meal.

My suggestion: Pre workout: boneless skinless chicken thigh with a bit of guac or mayo. Go to gym, workout. Post workout: cubed up chicken breast and some sweet potato immediately after....like Right After. Change/shower/drive. Eat Meal 1.  Carry on from there.

I guess what I meant when I said "minus carbs", was having Meal 1 without any sort of starchy carb, like sweet potato.  Would having 3 eggs with sauteed veggies  before a workout not be a good meal? From what I've read on the forums, many people have said that the Pre-WO meal was not necessary, which is why I figured I could just eat my Meal 1, exercise, eat my Post-WO, and go on with my day.  A part of me doesn't like the idea of nuking my Meal 1 at work.  And while I could eat something cold, I'm never satisfied as much.  I may just need to experiment and see how things work out.  Thanks for the suggestions!

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How soon after eating meal one are you planning to work out? 

ETA: Sorry, just read back through the thread for timings.

If I were you I'd skip the preWO (or grab a coffee with coconut oil), train/swim, eat the postWO immediately upon finishing, and then have something portable that can be eaten at room temperature for meal one - I usually bring a salad with me on these sorts of days.


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I was thinking about exercising about an hour or earlier after eating Meal 1. Another concern is that it might be too much food on my stomach for a successful workout? I'm warming up to the idea of bringing my Meal 1 and eating it when I get to work, but a part of me is sad to say goodbye to my runny eggs in the morning! Guess I can always have those for dinner :) It's hard getting out of that mindset that breakfast foods are for breakfast only.

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A  full meal one less than an hour prior to a weights session or a swim would make me feel ill. I have to think about what I'm having for lunch when I'm training in the evenings so it doesn't make a reappearance on the gym floor....!!

No. If the first food you eat is going to be more than an hr after wakening I'd encourage you to eat a small reWO meal - just to let your body know that food will be forthcoming & it shouldn't hold back on fuel. This need only be a few bites, and in the morning I personally tend to stick to fat. Follow up your session immediately with a post WO meal of a lean protein & optional starchy carb. Shower, change, go to work & eat meal one.

It's entirely do-able. You just need to get your head round the change.

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