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So I've been having a twitchy left eye ever since the 2nd day of the program (now on my 6th). Never had this happen to me before. Could this be due to some sort of deficiency/change in my diet or just a weird coincidence  that it's happening on the Whole30? Anyone else had this happen to them?

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I get this as a symptom of a headache. It shouldn't last that long. A moderator will probably ask you to list your food, water intake, exercise, sleep, stress levels, etc. so they can confirm you are on the right track.

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Sorry, @Beth2124 - no one here is a doctor or can do diagnoses. Eating protein, vegetables and good fats should have no bearing on eye twitching. If you're concerned, please see a doctor. Could be an allergy or something else altogether.

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5 hours ago, Beth2124 said:

So I've been having a twitchy left eye ever since the 2nd day of the program (now on my 6th). Never had this happen to me before. Could this be due to some sort of deficiency/change in my diet or just a weird coincidence  that it's happening on the Whole30? Anyone else had this happen to them?

I get eye twitches from too much smart-phone screen time. Also, if I read a lot. That only started after I turned 40. I needed reading glasses. If I wear them no twitches unless I go on a major candy crush soda saga bender. Optometrist told me that twitching comes from eyes getting dry from not blinking enough when looking at screens. 

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There are a number of things you can try to see if it helps and it certainly won't hurt you.

Make sure you are getting enough sleep.

Drink the recommended amount of water. 1/2 oz per pound of body weight.

Double check that you are eating enough, review the meal template and eat a little more if you can.

Check your stress levels and try to get in some down time.

Make sure your salt level is enough. When on Whole30 we sometimes don't get enough.

I also agree about watching your screen time, that could include TV and check to see how long its been since your eyes were checked.

Hope that helps!

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For me, eye twitching always comes on when I'm stressed out. I noticed with my first Whole30 I was getting eye twitches all the time. It made me realize how much de-stressing I had been doing with a couple glasses of wine and my favorite comfort foods in the evenings. Increasing your water intake and finding non-food related ways to de-stress might help you, too. But I agree that if it persists, you should see a doctor.

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