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I weighed myself for 1st time since I started & lost 8lbs over whole30, that's 2 lbs a week. I did catch accidental glimpses of my mid-section tire deflating over the month. I'm not craving anything to reintroduce, but I thought I'd try corn on the cob. I'm not going back to sugar or artificial sweeteners. I've never eaten so many vegetables & fruit, and I'd like to keep that up. I had no trouble adhering to the plan on the road or in restaurants. I appreciate whole30 for teaching me how to eat sanely. I am a medical doctor, but untrained in nutrition. Thank you.

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33 minutes ago, Marc FH said:

 Even quit coffee 'cause it depleted my energy on the rebound. 

 Can you talk more about this? I'm intrigued on how you figured that out and what sort of differences you noticed.

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I'm a doctor and very sensitive to the effect of coffee. I have drunk it through days & nights of being on-call. It is a brief stimulant with a steep drop off, so a lousy way of staying alert. Even my morning cup turned on me. Now I have sparkling water and lime with my breakfast. (I never before used eggs as a vehicle for spinach, peppers, tomatoes and onions like I do many mornings.)

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11 minutes ago, Marc FH said:

I'm a doctor and very sensitive to the effect of coffee. I have drunk it through days & nights of being on-call. It is a brief stimulant with a steep drop off, so a lousy way of staying alert. Even my morning cup turned on me. Now I have sparkling water and lime with my breakfast. (I never before used eggs as a vehicle for spinach, peppers, tomatoes and onions like I do many mornings.)

This is so interesting for me. In the last month or so I've been really scaling back my coffee consumption because I've just had this sneaking suspicion that it isn't doing anything to help and might even be impacting some energy issues I have related to an auto-immune condition. As stupid as it sounds, I haven't been ready to actually take The Big Leap and give up coffee for a while and see if it helps. 

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Today is day 31 for me as well. I'm really in no hurry to start reintroduction, so I'll probably do more of the slow plan. I've never weighed myself a lot, but I did before I started. I think I've lost 2-3 lbs, but I feel slimmer. I was probably about 75% compliant before I started the Whole 30. I'm not sure if that is why, but I never really got the tiger blood. I do feel pretty good though. I've also been weening myself from caffeine just to see if it has a positive effect on my energy, but it has only been a few days since I have been totally caffeine free. This morning was the first morning I wasn't really missing it, so hopefully I'll see more improvements.

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