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Thinking of quitting

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Hi all, I am on Day 12 and I know you say its normal but I need some reassurance. I was feeling a little better a few days ago. But not now! After Day 4 all my usual aches and pains disappeared but they are back! I am constipated for the first time in my life despite drinking 2 litres of water daily and having fruit. I feel bloated and sluggish. I am yawning all day and hungry between meals despite eating big meals. Everything aches and I am beginning to think this is just how it is for me. Just feeling sorry for myself and getting fed up of dragging myself around!! And I REALLY want a chocolate biscuit!

PS it is also Day 12 of no cigarettes though I do have a nicotine patch on.

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heat up 1 Tbs of coconut oil in a frying pan and when it's nice and hot throw a big heaping handful of grated sweet potato into the pan and make yourself some tasty sweet potato hashbrowns with your next meal. It will likely do wonders for your hunger levels, bowel movements, and mood. I find that my body responds in a very different way to the carbs from sweet potatoes than the carbs from fruit. Eat up! and hang in there... if you stick with it, the really really good moments when you see and feel your body and mind change will make this crappy moment well worth it.

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You are going through a huge upheaval in quitting smoking as well as food toxins all at once. Welcome to withdrawal, it's miserable, isn't it? Savor this, feel it, remember it, document it, whatever you have to do,because you NEVER want to go through this again. And you won't have to if you push through this.

On the other side, your healthy body waits patiently. You will get there, and it will feel like such relief when you do.

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You can do this!!! I know exactly how you feel and I am here to tell you, you do NOT want to quit! Pull up your big girl panties and say good bye to the old way of living and old lies. you are making amazing changes in your life for the better, don't stop. Sweet victory is right around the corner, I promise.



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Go, go, go! Hang in there! It sounds like carb flu to me. Your body is most likely having some sort of carb withdrawal in addition to quiting smoking. Actually, the smoking part is the hardest. I know it since I quit 5 years ago.

Just go one day at the time. Take really good care of yourself. Sleep well. Go for walks at lunch. Eat lots of veggies including sweet potatoes. I swear, it helps.

Let us know how you are doing okay! And... don't be too hard on yourself.

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Hi TheresaMary,

I cannot speak to you out of smoking perspective - but I can commend you on a very difficult thing. Doing the whole 30 and quiting smoking at the same time! Good for you!

The ladies above have the best solutions, and your best interest at heart. We all want to see that post at the end of your 30 days saying you did it!

So take a big sigh. Relax. I almost quit at day 9, and at day 16, and really wanted to throw in the towel at day 21 just to have some cheesecake. We have all been there. Really. And I landed making it to 40 days of clean eating. Trust me I was one of those who didn't feel the magic until day 22, or 23. I am struggling on the early days of my second whole 30 (Day 5) - tired, no energy, insane cravings for peanut butter (I know, it's just peanut butter!!!) but it so worth for me. Because it means I will not suffer from a 3 day in-bed-migraine this month. The little bit of discomfort I feel while I do the whole 30, is worth the 3 days of pain I will have to indure if I eat non-compliant.

So keep your focus in your mind. The reason why this is worth it to you. Do not lose focus of it because of one momentary indulgence.

We all want you to do and feel better. You CAN do this!

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Hi again all, on Day 20 and still no magic. My anxiety is bad, I'm craving cigarettes and chocolate, I can't wake up in the morning and I have to say I feel LESS energy than before I started. I am keeping on with eating clean but it's getting really tedious and I'm beginning to think it just isn't going to work for me. I'm going to bed at 8.30 cos I'm so tired and sleeping through my alarm. Really fed up and I know you will all just say hang in there it will work but are there any people it just really doesn't work for????

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You're taking two very difficult things on at the same time. 30 days may not be enough to flip the switch.

Eat way more starchy carbs, sleep as much as you need to, and i HOPE you aren't working out on top of all the stress yuo're already putting your body through.

If you are. STOP IT!

10 more days!

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You can do this! So the cravings are bad. Of course they are. But you don't give in to a child having a tantrum or a dog begging at the dinner table if you want them to stop. I'm rooting for you! Stay strong. You're right on the cusp of major change. There's an article here somewhere about that last ditch effort your body/mind gives before it gives up--no, I rememer, Robin Strathdee linked to it once. Anyone remember it?

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It's probably safe to say there are many people it doesn't work for after only 20 days, hence the 30 day program. Those last 10 days are critical, maybe even moreso than the first 10? And it's precisely because of this struggle after the novelty has worn off that it is so difficult. This is the "rubber meets the road" part where you just have to grind it out. But you're a doctor and I have to believe you know how to do that. Hang in. Sending you good thoughts of support.

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Whenever I consider quitting, I have to ask myself...and do what?? Eat processed foods? Eat grains that I know do nothing positive for my body? Poison myself with alcohol? I know those things make me feel good in the moment I am doing them, but how could anything be better for my body than eating foods close to their source? It reminds me that the way I'm eating is the healthiest possible way to eat, it's just the years of abuse to my body that is making me anxious/tired/crabby, etc. All quitting does is prolong the agony. You WILL feel better and be healthier in the long run. For some it takes months and months. Think about the logic - do you really think you will be better off by smoking/drinking/eating processed foods/etc? Trust logic, not the games your head is playing with you as you reprogram you body.

I don't remember that article, but I'd love to read it!

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