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Robin's Bandwagon Whole30

Robin Strathdee

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Well, some of my favorite friends at the gym are going W30 from 11/25 - 12/24 - some first timers, some repeat attempters, some successful W30 grads - and the hubs and I decided to hop on the bandwagon.

I'm really hoping that some of you seasoned vets will help me toe the line as far as posting and fulfilling my goals (I always forget to keep track of stuff!).


3 meals a day MINIMUM (I have a tendency to under eat), fat, veggie, protein model

Veggies at breakfast (yikes!)

Pre and Post WOD Nutrition

64 oz of water (kombucha and tea count, coffee does not) per day

3 WODs per week

2 pm tomorrow (got a family thing) is go time!

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This is the Hubbs (of Robin). I'm ready to do this as well. I personally hate not eating everything I want but I remind myself of the Dave Ramsey quote, "Life today like no one else so tomorrow, you can live like no one else."

I look forward to being able to grate coconut on my rock hard abs after 30 days of clean eating.

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Oh, if only it sounded strange to me...

You can imagine, from seeing all 900-and-something posts of mine, that some strange things are said in my house. For example, this happened in the car Friday, after a day spent building various catapulting weaponry out of K'nex, eating popcorn and watching Star Wars:

Sophia (my 4 year old): Knock knock!

James: Who's there?

S: Luke!

J: Luke who?

S: Luke Skywanker!

J: Stunned silence.

It was an honest mis-speak, but hard as heck not to laugh at.

Okay, enough crazy stories. On to the good stuff!

Well, first a picture of my breakfast. All W30 ingredients, but NOT a W30 meal (that came later) because of the pancakes.

Now, on to dinner (didn't take a picture of lunch, but W30 started at dinnertime).

Smoked pork shoulder (the rest of the fam had AF hot dogs, but I don't like hot dogs), green beans sauteed in olive oil, and a kiwi!

I'm up to 55 oz of water so far, with a little time left before bed.

I've eaten three meals today.

I had salad with breakfast!!

No workout today, but I plan to do some strength work tomorrow so I'll get in some protein before and after.

The Empire Strikes Back, Trebuchets and Jammies. Best Day Ever.

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This is the Hubbs (of Robin). I'm ready to do this as well. I personally hate not eating everything I want but I remind myself of the Dave Ramsey quote, "Life today like no one else so tomorrow, you can live like no one else."

OMG..I love Dave Ramsey and I have the cash envelopes and spreadsheets to prove it! :)

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Coming to the end of day one for me and I have eaten 6 carrots, 3 apples, ~0.5lb beef brisket, 4 eggs, 1 avocado & 5 espresso shots (yeah I ate them, like a child choping on pool water). Robin has done a far better job in eating actual food today and will probably post something fabulous to this log tomorrow so I won't spoil it...she ate food, Whole30 approved food.


I joke about the chisled abs because I get a lot of comments at work from people about looking trim and strong and that it must be solely due to the fact that I am younger than 40 and workout more than 2 times a week....but they refuse to think it has anything to do with my diet and they don't think they could eat the way I do even if my lack of girth and medical issues was related to not eating gluten/dairy/sugar/chairs/whateverelse.

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Yeah, but the sad thing is they can't see how they could change their diet as their body is addicted to the crap... My base diet was always "healthy" but I loved confectionery and desserts so always had these in moderation but always felt the cravings for them and the constant battle to restrict. I could never understand how people with clean diets could be so strict. But after 20 days of whole30 the thought of eating that food now makes me feel ill! I hope that lasts!

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Good morning all!

Yesterday was such a Monday that all I could do when I got home last night was pass out in the middle of an episode of Cupcake Wars (I freaking love that show. With an irrational kind of love.) But now I'm awake - woke up at 6 to my body's special alarm clock (a ridiculous hot flash that makes me feel like I'm cooking from the inside out immediately upon even thinking about waking up), I've got my coffee with heaping gobs of coconut milk, and Jason Aldean telling the world how he doesn't do lonely well (and maybe my tone-deaf background vocals to reinforce the point). Let's talk about yesterday.

My morning started out like this:

What you see in this picture is my giant 24ish oz mug of coffeee spilled all over the floor of my hooptie. That mug has never even come close to tipping on me before. I may have said curse words in front of my children. The good news is that I think the lingering smell of coffee may have just increased the value of my truck.

I had breakfast with my MIL and SIL (we try to do it every Mon), and this is how I fared:

Scrambled eggs with spinach and peppers, bacon (compliant, I'm pretty darn sure) from SIL's bought-half-a-pig bounty, roasted pumpkin with cinnamon and walnuts, and my lame attempt at a potato torte thing.

*Confession: I eat white potatoes. Gasp! I know. But, I've removed and reintroed them 3 times now and I know they dont cause me problems. Plus, we pay for a weekly box of organic veg and this time of year there's always taters. I can't afford to waste that money. But I know this is not strict.

Lunch was uneventful, so no photos. Leftover pork, whole tiny roasted pumpkin, some tea with oodles of CM.

Pre-wod I had some pecans, and post some yummy baby food with more pecans:

Dinner was kind of haphazard. We're fixing up our (now empty) old house to sell, so it was smoked brisket and broccoli picnic-style. We considered gagnam style, but that would have been too complicated.

Bedtime snack was more brisket and and apple slices.


Got in all three meals

Veggies with Bfast!

Water, check!

Pre and post wod nutrition were lazy, but did the trick

Workout: fan-freakin-tastic! Popped in to CF and knocked out a PR on both my front squat (130) and my hang power clean (105). Skipped the conditioning part because I don't love to do strength and conditioning on the same day. I think my body loves more carbies :o)

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Yesterday people at work offered 1/2 a pepperoni pizza and breadsticks to me (it was all for me o.O ). I politely refused and told them I still had food in the fridge (cabbage, onions, garlic and ground beef all slathered in mustard) and then proceeded to have a wonderful lunch outside (I have been banned from eating cabbage inside by my coworkers because they say it smells).

Today has been pretty good other than I am like a starving jackaleope right now. Back to the rest of me cabbage concoction!

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You two are a hoot!

Good morning all!

I've got my coffee with heaping gobs of coconut milk, and Jason Aldean telling the world how he doesn't do lonely well (and maybe my tone-deaf background vocals to reinforce the point). Let's talk about yesterday.

What you see in this picture is my giant 24ish oz mug of coffeee spilled all over the floor of my hooptie. That mug has never even come close to tipping on me before. I may have said curse words in front of my children. The good news is that I think the lingering smell of coffee may have just increased the value of my truck.

Today has been pretty good other than I am like a starving jackaleope right now. Back to the rest of me cabbage concoction!

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Tuesday and Wednesday in a nutshell: meh. Nothing super exciting happened, nothing devastating happened. I ate some food, probably not enough, but I didn't die.

Tuesday breakfast:

It's a blueberry souffle, horribly over cooked and not especially yummy. I thought I had dates left to sweeten it just a bit, but alas. No dice. I ate it anyway, though. One kid loved it, the other one ate half before she decided it was gross. I call that a win.

By lunchtime I was STARVING and I knew I needed energy for the 14 jars of mayonnaise I needed to make for friends at the box, so this is what I came up with.

Don't be jealous. Okay...go ahead.

Pre and post workout food were the same as Monday, but the workout was much uglier. I tried out an interesting (compliant) electrolyte supplements. When you let the water around the rim of the bottle dry a little, it tasted like sweat. Other than that, couldn't really taste much.

Dinner was clean-out-the-fridge meatballs (a bunch of random veg that needed to be used) with a spinach salad and a banana. Again, it was picnic-style, so no fancy pics.

Had some decaf coffee and shared an apple with the hubs as a bedtime snack (by shared, I mean I ate the apple and he ate the core).

Wednesday breakfast consisted of exactly 3 bites of egg and one piece of bacon. A skinny piece, that really doesn't even count. I made bacon, eggs and orange slices for breakfast - enough for myself and the girls (James is always gone by breakfast). That's 4 eggs, 1 lb of bacon and 2 oranges. When breakfast was done cooking, I was still bustling around (forgot to pack lunches, etc), so I just let my eggs hang out on my plate. Evie kept asking for more eggs, and I gave them to her without thinking. From my plate. By the time I got to eat, I had three bites of egg left and about 1.3 minutes to eat them before we HAD to leave for school. Sigh. I brought an apple with me.

Lunch was grab and go - a handful of deli meat (turkey) a few...okay 5...slices of counter bacon (bacon that was just hanging out on the counter. Far enough back that the dog wouldn't snoop.), and a big sweet potato. That reminds me! Another reason I eat white taters sometimes: SP give me gas. 'Nuff said.

Pre workout I had some more electrolyte stuff. This time I used the non-flavored stuff. Unlike the citrus stuff, this one was not so enjoyable. Wanna know why? Okay, I'll tell you. There's this stuff, that GI docs LOVE to prescribe to all haven't-eaten-in-4-days, weird Crohn's symptoms, need a CT Scan patients - GoLytely. It's like Drano, plus electolytes! That way you don't shrivel up and die from dehydration before you starve. Well... I can say that this stuff (while it probably has no connection for normal folks) tasted like watered down GoLytely to me. Kinda made me nauseous. But I drank it. Go me.

Post workout... woops.

Dinner looked like this:

Gorgeous isn't it?! A little more than 1/3 lb burger, some mixed tater fries (cooked in DUCK FAT!), and a spinach, orange and olive oil salad. Then I stole a green grape from each of my kids and called it "taxes". Better preparation for adulthood, if you ask me.

This evening, after dinner, we were discussing what you get when you eat 3 eggs for breakfast. The answer: Tickets to the Gun Show.

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Forgot about goals!


3 meals, check.

Water: Yes! 32 oz of it was enriched with lightly citrusy electrolytes!

Veggies at breakfast? No. Blargh.

Pre and Post WOD nutrition, yarp!

Workout: 21-15-9 Wallballs (10 lb to 10 ft target) and Ring Dips (band assisted)/ Row 1000 M (4:50)


3 meals - sadly, no. Breakfast didn't count and boy do I know it.

Water - yep. Choked down the electrolytes plus another 32 oz.

Veggies at bfast...see above.

Pre/post wod food? Nonexistent. I'm having a cracker jack day, huh?

Workout: 5-3-3-1-1-1 Snatch (80 lb 1RM)/ 300 M Row intervals x3 (Row 200 M, sprint 100 M, rest 1 min). 1:16/1:19/1:17

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