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100 Days of Awesome "Whole 100" Group Log


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Happy Day 90! I have to admit that went I went to Costco yesterday I bought organic honey and organic maple syrup. I am eyeing my Paleo Pancake and other breakfasts Pinterst Board. I am looking forward to trying some of those. Also to adding a bit of wine to my brisket recipe. It's curious that those are the 2 things I will definitely add back--not pizza, not sushi. I may also eventually eat an ice cream cone sometime somewhere at the appropriate occasion and perhaps a glass of wine. But probably not on day 100.

I made Melissa's cauli fried rice with red onion and snow peas and roasted sweet potatoes with pecans and dried cherries( I bought some sweetened with apple juice).

When I was in Costco yesterday I saw a huge bag of dried young coconut chunks and I was so excited-- but they have sugar in them as do most of the dried fruits at Costco. I am wondering about those dried mangos--where do you find them without sugar? Special store?

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Hedgehog-- it's been quite the journey. We started with 40 snd I think we have 6 left. If you read through you will see that we all had different issues, different challenges. The overriding theme toward the end was our commitment t to the process and our commitment to each other. 100 days is a great challenge for me but also a great learning experience about the discipline and intention it takes to carry on Post 100. I feel so much better--good sleep, clear-headed, and a great ability to handle extraordinary stress. Weight loss did occur and my body feels like it "should" so I know this is the proper lifestyle for me. I didn't think I could achieve this result --having done other "diets" snd lifestyle that may work for others but didn't work for me. Calorie counting and weighing every day or week just didn't work for me and I feel liberated from that.

The most difficult part for me was having to eat out, going to required social events With food, celebrating holidays at others homes. I had to learn that it's ok to ask for what I need without apologizing but also without being perceived as a pain in the b-tt. It's still difficult for me so I know that I won't be asking for every ingredient in food when I go out after we are done. A little butter, wine or canola oil will have to be ok. It was a great lesson however.

Truthfully I am still struggling with the issue if alcohol and how I will approach drinking after the W100. I am clearly not addicted to drinking and so I have to decide for myself what will be healthiest for me.

this is the first online community I have ever been involved with and I feel deeply grateful for the support and commited to others success. I also so appreciated the support of the moderators-/ Robin,Tom snd Kirsteen are just everywhere ans so committed to the community

I still have many things to accomplish to meet a Whole 9 lifestyle and I am looking forward to a Post-100 recommitment to the lifestyle if not every rule.

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morning all. I didn't make my zoodles yesterday. Do they hold up in the fridge or do you have to eat them ASAP? We are going out of town today for two nights, I would make and take if possible.

I survived the baptism and the dinner. Actually the dinner was AMAZING - I got some grilled salmon and steamed veggies, I tale my own tarter sauce concoction, and it was heavenly. I think out of our whole group I liked my food e best! The worst part? They started mass at EIGHT PM! I am not catholic and had no idea that Easter vigil is three fricking hours. And the baptismal part was closer to the end. So with a baby and an eight year old I sat there. I am so tired today I am seeing cross eyed, but it's over! :)

hedgehog8 - welcome! As was said, you are more than welcome on here, but I think we are all done in 10 days. I think the whole group found that the first 1/2 of the second 30 days was the hardest. We all had lots of cravings, doubts, frustration, etc. if you can find those posts it might be interesting to read through and prepare for. Personally I think if you are going to do 100 days you need to find someone to do it with. As you can see this group started out with something like 40 people and we now have 6 or 7. It's just really tough and the support is the way the rest of us got through. The other day we were reflecting and someone commented they wouldn't recommend it, I think it depends on your reason and what you want out of it. For me, I had never done a whole anything, I started this journey from eating a SAD but worse (I'm a major sugar addict) and I knew those 30 days wouldn't touch me. I was thinking about quitting today (90 days) because I am going on vacation, but realized this is one final test for me. A way to prove to myself that no matter what I can change the way I eat and my relationship with food.

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Jess, I don't know how zoodles hold up. The most I've done is make enough for 2 meals, cook them up, then reheat the leftovers. I guess if youcooked them up with a little garlic and olive oil, you could bring them along. I think they'd get funky raw, with so much exposed surface. Great job on the baptism.

Hi, hedgehog! Sorry you're joining up as we're winding down. Day 90 for me.

I can't wait to weigh tomorrow. I think I've lost a few more pounds, but not near as much as the first two months. That's okay, dropping 7-10 lbs is more a crash diet than a sustainable way to find my natural weight. I do worry about reintro and weight loss though. For example, if I add cream to my coffee and parmesan cheese to my zoodles, that's still extra calories that weren't in the equation before. I'm afraid too much reintro will add too many calories, as I'm more interested in adding additional condiments than I am in bringing back any real food items. (I still love Hellman's mayo)

Susan, you're stuttering! LOL

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I lost 10 lbs the first month and 7 lbs the second month. If I had to guess, I'm thinking maybe 3 pounds this month, but I'll take it. 20 lbs is 20 lbs, and I did it while eating until I was satisfied, eating food I thoroughly enjoyed, and not counting calories, grams, carbs, points, or any other darn thing.

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I keep forgetting to post for those who have asked about my friend Elaine. She has had 3 sessions of chemo so far, and Thursday she got the results of her latest blood work. Her oncologist (same one she had 12 years ago) said he was very pleased with her results. She remarked something about him being in a better mood than when she saw him initially, three weeks ago. Teased him about being Mr. Gloom and Doom, telling her if she hadn't come in, she might have only had a few weeks left.

He looked at her very seriously and said, "A cancer patient's strongest medicine is a positive outlook. I didn't say this three weeks ago, but I honestly doubted whether we would even have this appointment today. Today your bilirubin count is 8.4, three weeks ago it was 17.2. 18 or above is coma and death. You have no idea how close you came. I didn't want to scare you, or make you feel the liver issue along with the metastasized cancer were insurmountable. I needed you to focus on a goal that was achievable, but in all honesty I never expected results this good."

So, even though a normal bilirubin count is 1, she brought it down an immense amount in a short time. She isn't doing Whole30, but has taken knowledge from the book and several other holistic books, which she says all have a great deal of overlap in their approach, and is selectively doing the things that have the most impact on the liver.

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Hi Maryann, wow your friend was so close to the coma stage. Eeck! But, importantly she's making good headway. Did she read the book you gave her?

Day 90 for husband and I. He's lost 25 lbs! Me? I've lost 10-12 but feel great. Husband would like to stay on the whole/whatever lifestyle indefinetly but I feel we need to bring more food into our life so its not so restrictive. Doing this whole100 was such an eyeopener and I'm so glad we did it. But, by day 100 I will be ready to go primal or paleo. Not sure which at this point.

Happy Easter everyone!


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I feel so much better--good sleep, clear-headed, and a great ability to handle extraordinary stress. My body feels like it "should" so I know this is the proper lifestyle for me. I didn't think I could achieve this result --having done other "diets" snd lifestyle that may work for others but didn't work for me. Calorie counting and weighing every day or week just didn't work for me and I feel liberated from that.

Shelley, I love this, and so exactly how I feel too!

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Truthfully I am still struggling with the issue of alcohol and how I will approach drinking after the W100. I am clearly not addicted to drinking and so I have to decide for myself what will be healthiest for me.

Shelley, I also wonder/wondered about this. Hopefully it will be easier than you think!

After my glass of wine with dinner last night (post whole100 for those reading that dont know), this morning I struggled to get out of bed after 8 1/2 hours sleep and felt so tired and lethargic and flat .... My body said you need a coffee to pick you up but my mind knew that would just compound the toxic effect and the best thing to do was just eat real food until I got my energy back again.

So I cant see my self wanting alcohol for at least another week. I was so happy to see I had learnt also that coffee was a backwards step in this case and the fastest fix was to remain healthy!

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I can't wait to weigh tomorrow. I think I've lost a few more pounds, but not near as much as the first two months. That's okay, dropping 7-10 lbs is more a crash diet than a sustainable way to find my natural weight. I do worry about reintro and weight loss though. For example, if I add cream to my coffee and parmesan cheese to my zoodles, that's still extra calories that weren't in the equation before. I'm afraid too much reintro will add too many calories, as I'm more interested in adding additional condiments than I am in bringing back any real food items. (I still love Hellman's mayo)

Susan, you're stuttering! LOL

Maryann, in theory you have now learnt a lot more about how much food your body needs to meet its energy requirements and therefore hopefully you will naturally compensate via eating a bit less or less often or less snacks when you add in some higher calorie foods you werent having before....

Stuttering, ha!

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Happy Day 91! I did my monthly weigh-in this morning, and I've lost another 5 pounds! Just for fun I logged into my Fat Secret account so I could see how I'm stacking up against my Atkins days. Wow! Back then, 2 years ago, I was absolutely compliant but struggled to lose half a pound on a good week. Fat Secret was promoted by many of the people on their forums as a place to log all your foods and keep track of your weight. It was a horrible, stressful way to live and took all the joy out of eating. And if you weren't getting the results you wanted, you could make your diary public so other members could go read it and pick apart what you were doing wrong.

It took me 6 months to lose 22 pounds. Six months of logging every bite, weighing weekly, measuring the amount of vegetables I could have with my protein, and never feeling 'satisfied', even when I felt full. I now know the reason was most likely not enough real nutrition from the foods I was eating, combined with the inflammation from so much dairy and artificial sweeteners. Six months of weighing every week and emailing my results to the head of my 'accountability group'. Six months of feeling like a failure. Six months of being subjected to vague 'pep talks' from the leader of the group about cheating, not trying, fooling ourselves, why honesty is important, etc. None of these missives was directed at me specifically, but I always knew I was one of the "you know who you are"s. Other people were losing 2, 3, 5 pounds a week, and my scale was barely moving. We had 'contests' and saluted the person who lost the highest percentage of weight for the week, a la Biggest Loser. I stuck that out for almost 2 years in an effort to lose weight, and finally bailed about a year ago when I found this program. Even with all that effort and bullying, when I quit I was only 3 pounds lighter than I am right now. Of course, I immediately went off the deep end and gained it all back.

So I started this program only 6 pounds lighter than when I started Atkins. And I'm now within 3 pounds of where I struggled to get after almost 2 years of doing it their way. And I count nothing, I love my food options, and have no desire to go back to my old ways. I am eternally grateful that I found this program, and for all of you.

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Wow Maryann, that is just so fantastic! I lost 10kgs with weightwatchers in 12 weeks but I had diarrhea every single day due to all the artificial sweeteners and gluten and low calorie junk. When I switched back to real food I lost another 5kgs but I counted and weighed and journalled everything and exercised 2 hours a day. Then I tried to keep this up for another few years ... but I would always overeat before and after Xmas and put on 5-8kgs then spent the rest of the year trying to lose these kgs again. Like you I was always miserable. Now I am at a healthy sustainable weight. Sometimes I exercise lots and sometimes I dont exercise at all. Sometimes I overeat (nuts Im looking at you) but mostly I dont and I have learnt what my triggers are so its getting easier to find a consistent balance. Not surprisingly I have found it pretty impossible to put on more than a few kilos when you eat whole30 style anyway. I would like to be around a kilo or two lighter (guessing here as I havent weighed) so I fit into my lowest weight clothes but if that doesnt happen by itself over the next few months I will put away my skinny clothes and buy a few new items that I look good in to match the way I feel! And I should never have to diet again, only just tweak the balance every so often.

Three cheers for us!

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Juzbo, I still need to lose about another 20 lbs, but I am convinced that if I just eat the way my body was meant to, I will naturally find the set point I'm meant to be at. And all of it without obsessing over every bite! I did WW many years ago. I lost weight, but I was hungry the entire time. I was making sandwiches that were too big to fit my mouth around, with only 1 oz of protein, several slices of tomato and half a head of lettuce just to try to make myself feel full. When I think back to that period of my life, my memories are all about wanting food--feeling hungry after a meal and being unable to concentrate on anything but when I could eat again.

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It was good to read everyone's posts and catch up from being absent! Sorry about your dog and ribs Shelley! Happy about your friend Maryann! Congrats on finishing the 100 Juzbo.

Welcome Hedgehog! I hope more new 100s join you! This 100 has been life changing for me in really understanding and taking control of life-long food-related issues on my journey to better health! I'm not done...

The Paleo conference was amazing. Quite overwhelming actually. So much information from so many experts. I have 30 pages of notes from 3 days and more speakers and panels than I can count. I got to meet nearly all or them and got pictures with Robb Wolf and Sarah Fragoso! Battling autoimmune disease, my focus and takeaway were different than many but, at the end of the day, good health was everyone's goal.

Obviously, It Starts With Food - everything stemmed from this basic premise. As we already know, there are differing opinions on what is Paleo and, much of this has to do with where you are starting from individually and where you want to go (weight loss, food addictions, other addictions, health issues, chronic and acute illnesses, etc.). Beyond the food - incorporating exercise, finding a paleo or functional medicine doc to guide you - someone who can run tests/labs and prescribe meds/supplements that can help on this journey. Things to think about like environmental toxins, whether from your personal products to genetically modified foods. How different kinds of light affects your hormones and can help or hurt your circadian rhythm. How to deal with jacked-up hormones. Etc.

It was a relief to see that none of the "experts" thought that working out more than 3x a week was probably a good idea AND overtraining would ultimately hurt athletes. They recommended sunshine and fresh air. They also didn't think people should stress about being "perfect" and recommended listening to your body first and last. And, throughout, they often disagreed with each other- which demonstrates that it's really not "one size fits all" - and that's just fine!

I saw this article today and it really hit home and made clear what I need to work on now and for the foreseeable future: http://whole9life.co...t-work-for-you/ (from last October). Stress is keeping ME from a home run with the bases loaded here. BUT, also from this article, I am reminded to celebrate the successes I have achieved!!! For me, this 100 has been invaluable and I would recommend it to anyone - everyone who is searching for wellness and good health - if not to combat disease... I'm gonna keep working on this and try not to stress about it as stress is my downfall. I think I am kind of obsessing about it and perpetuating it because I wasn't where I'd hoped to be at this point. I am going to catch my breath a little and read a fiction book and try to take in sunshine and fresh air - while I ease up on the endless research.


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Lisa, it's hard but I know you will do it, you have such dedication. I too keep reminding myself to not focus on or think about what I didn't achieve based on the hopes I had 100 days but to focus on what I did achieve. And that it doesn't stop here, life and our journey is on going and going in the right direction!

PS I decided to create a personal post whole30 (100) log as I find it useful to journal daily ... Have added a link into my signature in case any of you want to pop in and say hi occasionally.

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Good morning!! Don't know what's up with this but I have swelling in my fingers ( on and off for about a week) and I can feel,pulsing in my face which must mean that my blood pressure is up. NOW! When all has been going so well. My BP went from 150/110 to 115/75 back in December. I now have started taking my BP water pill just to be safe. What's up with this?!!!!!

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MaryAnn-- WOW! So happy for your success.

Lisa-- thanks for sharing. Sounds like you learned alot.

I went back and I am re-reading our log. I'm on page 9. I will post my insights. Jtandi-- you were as awesome then as you are now. MaryAnn-- you were as authentic then as you are now.

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Juzbo, I still need to lose about another 20 lbs, but I am convinced that if I just eat the way my body was meant to, I will naturally find the set point I'm meant to be at. And all of it without obsessing over every bite! I did WW many years ago. I lost weight, but I was hungry the entire time. I was making sandwiches that were too big to fit my mouth around, with only 1 oz of protein, several slices of tomato and half a head of lettuce just to try to make myself feel full. When I think back to that period of my life, my memories are all about wanting food--feeling hungry after a meal and being unable to concentrate on anything but when I could eat again.

MaryAnn-- my sentiments exactly!!!!

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Happy Day 92!

One week to go and we're at this Whole100 finish line. Wow, I'm so proud of all of us who have participated on this page and have walked part or all of this journey together. It's a big deal my friends...a really big deal.

I tried to post from my smartphone last night but gave up when it kept jumping lines and auto-correcting me. ugh.

Lisa, thanks for the report from the convention. Sounds like an amazing time. I bet it was a little overwhelming! I would love to hear more of your insights as you settle back in and catch up with yourself.

Funny, but I was so focused on completing the 100 days that I forgot that I completed my 3rd 30 days with this group!

I don't think much has happened, so I'm choosing to postpone weighing and measuring until next week.

I have been reading everyone's thoughts as we wind this down to a close and I am struck with how different we are all speaking to each other.

At first it was about the weight and inches that we wanted to drop and not much else, then we moved into focusing on how our bodies were feeling and how we could become healthy & fit. We shared recipes, goals and life challenges both physical and personal and we went deeper every day.

Now here we are in the home stretch and our language is so different!

What do I want for myself and my health going forward because starvation and deprivation are no longer option?. How do I feel and look today and how has the last 92 days contributed to my shift in perception?

In my mind the first place I go to, because I've always gone there, is that I would like to drop another 10-15 lbs. In truth I would like to drop another 1-2 sizes and allow my body to find a place where it is comfortable.

So many people talked about the crap that they suffered through before finding the Paleo lifestyle.

For me it was weight watchers, cleanses (anyone try that hideous Master Cleanse) and any other quick fix I could find to drop weight fast and be SKINNY.

Here is the truth of the matter for me. I am not and never have been a skinny girl. It is not a healthy or attainable goal. It's not attractive either!

I still have moments where I am eating all this wonderful, preservative free food and I stop and freak a little bit "Oh no, I'm gonna get fat!" I'm not, I haven't been and if I continue this lifestyle I won't ever be again.

This makes me cry.

I was pissed when i got here (to Paleo) I didn't choose this, my body finally said "NO MORE!!" and rebelled.

I could not be more grateful. At 53 years old, I am finally creating the woman I have always wanted to be inside and out and I couldn't have done it, made this huge mental and physical shift without all of you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Have an outstanding day!



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