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thai food


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@karens56 - no one has a comprehensive list of all possible restaurants and what they might serve. 

You have to do your due diligence and ask questions. No different than grocery shopping and buying ingredients, every portion of the dish has to be compliant. The only way to do that at a restaurant is to start asking questions. Find an item on teh menu that looks the most promising and then start figuring it out.

You can google "Whole30 dining out guide" for some other tips and suggestions of questions to ask. Good luck, I love Thai food!

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Generally the thai curries could be a compliant option, if you do not get it with rice.  You would have to inquire to be sure it's not made with any added sugars or disallowed cooking oils.  Substitute the rice out and get an extra order of steamed veggies that you can eat the curry over.  But as the commenter above mentioned, be sure to check with the restaurant to be sure the ingredients in the curry are compliant.  

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