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Whole 30 Down Under


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Awesome idea..now what part of the forum does that go in? Just in the journal bit?

So Day7!!! I can't believe it is a week,down..woohoo!

Good day, happy, even temper, reasonably energetic (until I hit the gym...gotta look at timing of pre-work out snacks for 7pm workouts) and even took the kids shopping without killing either of them.

B:7.30 am left over rump steak, 1 egg, sweet potato and zuchini hash cooked in coconut oil,,sautéed green something's (might have been gai-lam or spinach)

Neve thought I would,be cool with eating steak,for breaky but look at,that!

L: 1pm. Pork and veal mince mixed with 1/2 a tomato, spring onions on top,of,a,big bowl of salad greens with 1/2 an avo on top

PwoS: 5.15ish. 1 curried egg made with homemade mayo, chicken thigh fillet, coffee

D: 8.15 one pot chicken , sweet potato. Banana, apricot with almonds and walnuts and coconut cream

So I have made it to 1 week and I am feeling pretty good. Celebrated this milestone by purchasing some yummy tea and heading to the gym to lift heavy things...life is,good.

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Ok we can wait until that happens then I guess.

If it is going to be at Palate I think for me a meet would need to be a weekend, dinner or lunch, or brunch. I live out at Diamond Creek and would never make it down that far in time for dinner on a weeknight.

Only being in my first week I have not been brave enough to consider eating out.

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Day 8 - woken early by snotty, teething toddler. Long day. Energy levels not at peak shall we say : )

B: 7.30mince, tomato, mushroom, spring onion hash with 2 eggs on sweet potato mashed with a little gee

S: 11.00 coffee with coconut cream. More because I needed coffee today.

L: leftover one pot chicken with sweet potato and broccoli sautéed in ghee and tossed in tahini and crushed almonds

S: 5pm not really a snack but I made almond butter for the kids and had to taste it for texture and salt.

D: 7pm beef stew with cauliflower mash

No workout today

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I can do saturday lunch if its 1pm approx (kids have aths in the mornings). I managed a lunch out today. I brought eggs and sunbutter to work to eat first, then just ordered a side of steamed veges with no anything although it came with salt and fresh parsley which was fine (thank goodness they did leave the butter off... and the salt may be cause they store them uncooked in brine). And mineral water for the drink. Said no to the coffee chocolates too of course. And I didnt feel like I was missing out either.

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Day 9

B:7.00 3 scrambled eggs with coconut milk and basil, leftover mince, spinach sweet potato coconut oil

S black coffee

L: 1.00ish leftover stew and mince on salad with cucumber tomato and mayo

S:2.00 apricot, almond butter, peach ( hungry and stupidly looking for sweet), should have had more lunch

PwoS: 6pm hard oiled egg, mayo

D: 8.45 Bolognese sauce, sweet potato coconut water

Had a really good workout...egg and mayo turns out to be good fuel for lifting.

ETA: supportive hubby is watching nigella cook pasta...sigh.

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Day 10, had a really good nights sleep last night, only up once to one kid..winning!

B: 7.30sweet potato apple and zuchini hash with 2 eggs

L: 12.30leftover bolognase sauce on spinach leaves with beets and 1/2 an avo

S:2.00 nectarine, blueberries coconut milk (this is becoming a bad habit, need to add more to lunch/find a non fruit snack..so hard with all the yummy summer fruit at the moment)

S: 3.30 coconut water icy-pole (40 degrees here today)

D: 7.30 salmon with basil and walnut pesto, beetroot, salad of lettuce fennel and cucumber, vinegrette.

It is a perfect summers night here and the urge to sit outside and doing beer is.....there. ..must.not.give.in.

I can't believe it is day 10 already. 1/3 of the way there...must remember that rather than think about beer...I really don't want to have to do that 1st 10 days over.

Chiro appointment today, she adjusted myself and my kids and commented that my kids bowels were upset due to "all the Christmas junk" but commented that mine were really good "even with the Christmas junk"

I mentioned I had been eating very clean/well since New Years but didn't mention whole30.

I am now on a mission to clean my kids diet up as much as I can, they do eat very clean but today I gave them what I was eating for lunch and dinner. Breakfast is a bigger challenge as hubby gets them breakfast which is cereal and toast.

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your thread is a great read! It is nice to see another Aussie on here helping make this more relevant. Despite the party temptations of summer and lazy afternoons on the porch with a beer, I think having all the beautiful fresh produce we have available to us during this time makes for a great whole 30! I cant imagine what it would be like to be starting this through the winter months yikes! I would be all over the comfort foods like you would not believe!

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I have read in other posts its not inappropriate to eat extra fruits in summer since that is the season for fruits... as long as it doesnt trigger cravings or a dessert pattern..... I have been struggling with the peaches and nectarines and apples... been buying them for the kids at local markets and eating them but getting belly pain as they are high in the fodmaps I am sensitive to, oh well. Havent had any beer cravings though but thinking a lot about a glass of red.

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Thanks dancer...I actually think winter would,be easier as you can fill up on yummy soups and stews.

Juzbo- that makes sense about the seasonal thing. I struggle,with the different between fruit as dessert and as "part of the meal" today I had a nectarine after eating my tuna salad. Is that dessert, or part of the meal? And no I don't want nectarine in my salad. Lol

Day 11

B: 7am. Sliver beet, spring onion, zuchinni hash sautéed in coconut oil, 3 eggs

9am work out (hard work..not enough carbs for breaky)

PwoS: 10.30 2 hard boiled eggs, sweet potato and spinach...ah that's better : ). Coffee

L: 1pm tuna mixed with mayo and pesto on lettuce cucumber and tomato, nectarine

D:7pm roast chicken cooked with ghee rosemary and thyme stuffed under the skin, roast sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower and green beans, strawberries and blueberries

Discovered organic jarred garlic which is compliant, awesomeness!! I hate chopping garlic. The brand is Jensons..will post in sourcing food thread when I remember : )

Also go big bunch of beets for $3. Roasted them up when we cooked the chook...mmm beets...my new favourite carb source.

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I reckon you need to eat something like fruit after fish LOL. When/if I am feeling worried about planning extra fruit with meals, I have it first - problem solved (in my books). I do have fruit with coconut milk on occasion after smaller meals. This is not technically compliant perhaps but as long as it is random not a habit it works for my whole30+ goals. I dont want to lead you astray of course... But we do have to own our own whole30 so it works for us. At the end of the day no one else will care as much as ourselves how we did with the program and whether we got the best we could out of it short or long term IMHO

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NO! and the family are having bacon and eggs for breakfast again tomorrow :( i'll be having eggs and eggs...... You can fry up proscuito but I dont want it that bad to pay the price.... yet.... although after two months bacon free you never know. There was a post about Bertocchi Porchetta making a good bacon sub but not many details (theres a new section for aussies in the food source topic)

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I haven't found bacon but I haven't looked..I can live without bacon.

Day 12

I had a good nights sleep, about 61/2 hours, stupidly woke up at 5.30 again otherwise it would have been more. Must get to bed at 9 if I am going to wake so early.

B:7.30. Strawberries, leftover cauliflower, broc and silverbeet hash ghee, chopped chicken, 2 eggs fried in coconut oil

(I can't believe this wasn't enough food...either that or,the strawbs messed up my blood sugar as as tired/hungry/short tempered etc all morning. This is a first on this program...the narky must have fondness, won't be doing fruit first at breaky again)

S: 11 black coffee

L: 12.30. Sweet potato the size of my head ( ok slight exaggeration ) leftover tuna, mayo/pesto mix, bowl of salad veg with chicken breast 1/4 avocado

PrewoS: 2.30 1 hard boiled egg, mayo

Workout: cardio circuit, 2 rounds 5min running, 1minute each lunges, mountain climbers, lunges mountain climbers, sumo squats, squat jumps, sumo squats, tri push ups, reg push ups, planks, finished with sprints

POWs: 4.45 1/2 handful shredded chicken, 2 chunks of beetroot

D: 6.15 roast pork, crackling, apple sauce, roast pumpkin, orange and purple carrots, broccoli and zuchini

That is a whole lot,of,food!! Still a bit shocked at the blood sugar drop crankys from this morning. But I now know fruit is off the menu for breaky.

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I too find the dessert vs fruit thing difficult, but I find my blood sugar is better with fruit in my meals (I don't always have it at the end, but I don't mix it in anything, tastes too weird). I never realised before that I always ate fruit as a snack, on it's own, which is kind of stupid for keeping blood sugar stable :o I think having it with the fat serves makes a difference. I recently had more of a spike from leeks than I did cherries :)

Are any of the berries low in fodmaps? (any good links on fodmaps? I know very little about them)

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...They go out for a drink with friends and pass up the wine, chips, soda,flavored nuts and happily sip on sparkling water and munch on macadamia nuts from their handbag.

...They give up their weekly treat of a hot chocolate with work colleagues,and instead have a herbal tea

...after spreading peanut butter on toast for their son, they don't even lick their fingers

...they have a spring in their step and can't wait to go out and do some exercise

Day 13.

B: 7.30 chicken, pork, pumkin, silverbeet sautéed in coconut oil with basil and walnut pesto mixed in

PreWOS: 9.00 hard boiled egg, mayonnaise.

9.30 Work out: last work out of Stage 5 NewRules, also played with deadlift progress..can now deadlift my body weight!! WOOT!

PostwoS: 11.15 boiled egg sweet potato

L: 1.30 roast pork, lettuce, cucumber, beetroot, tomato, apple sauce olive oil and vinegar

S:5.45 1/4 cucumber with chicken and mayo ( kids leftovers)

D:7.30 chicken breast cooked in ghee, onion tomato and zuchini sauce, grated carrot and beet salad, green salad with radish and avocado and some walnuts, banana with almond butter and coconut cream

Again that is a whole lot of food

Felt good today, maybe we are on the upswing of this program. Loving the way eating this food is helping my lifting...not doing so much with the cardio but I am lifting more confidently this week.

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Day 14 ( 2 weeks hey!)

B: 7.30leftover chicken with tomato zuch sauce, sweet potato carrot and beetroot hash, silverbeet and pesto

S 10.30 black coffee

L: 1.30 roast pork with apple sauce, salad with cucumber tomato, mayo, avocado, roasted beetroot

D:5.30 (early but going out at 7 so ate with kids) lamb chops sweet potato salad

Well here is TMI. My period arrived today and for the first time in living memory no PMS...: 0

Lots of energy, finally got around to doing the pantry clean out task I was supposed to do at the start but didn't have the energy to do it : )

Slowly catching up.

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